Maxi Jazz, singer of dance formation Faithless, passed away at the age of 65 | show

Maxwell Fraser, known by his stage name Maxi Jazz as the singer of the Britishband Faithless, has died at the age of 65. The group reports this on socialmedia.

The artist has been struggling with health problems for some time. He diedpeacefully in his sleep at home in London, according to the group,internationally known for hits such as God is a dj and We come 1.

He was a man who changed our lives in so many ways. “He gave a real meaningand message to our music. He was also a sweet person with time for everyoneand wisdom that was both profound and accessible. It was an honor and ofcourse very nice to work with him.’

The band praises Maxwell as a ‘great lyricist’. “And a DJ, Buddhist, a greatstage presence, car lover, endless talker, beautiful person, a moral compassand a genius. Rest in peace, dearest Max. Like he always said: take care ofeach other, you hear?’

Fraser had to cancel performances last March because of his health problems.It was not clear what was wrong with him, but he reported that the problemsmade it impossible to go on stage. In recent months, he still shared videos inwhich he made music on Instagram, in which he looked very fragile.

As singer of Faithless, Fraser scored several world hits, with God is a dj_from 1998 as the most famous. The song came in the Netherlands at 1 in the Top40 and this year is at 383 in the Top 2000. He also made music apart fromFaithless; in 2002 he scored a modest hit with _My culture a collaborationwith Robbie Williams, among others.

In 1999, Faithless visited the Netherlands for a performance at Pinkpop. Thisedition of the festival went down in the books because of the small earthquakethat visitors caused by the music of the group. In February 2023, Maxi Jazzhad another performance planned at Poppodium 013 in Tilburg.

The singer was a big fan of London football club Crystal Palace. In 2012, hebecame the club’s deputy director. In response to his death, Crystal Palaceannounced that the team will take the field to the music of Faithless duringthe Boxing Day game against Fulham.

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