Bridget Maasland criticizes relationship with younger Hazes: ‘Mega sexist’ | show

Bridget Maasland feels that her now broken relationship with André Hazes wastreated in ‘English tabloid-like ways’ at the time. She said this tonight in acandid conversation with Beau van Erven Dorens Island of Beau. “Someone fromevery corner had something to say about it. Everyone knew about it, whetheryou were a lawyer or worked in healthcare.”

The 48-year-old Maasland traveled to Sardinia in Italy to spend a few dayswith presenter Beau van Erven Dorens and artist Joseph Klibansky. The triodiscussed everything with each other, but Van Erven Dorens also escaped withhis guests for some one-on-one time. For example, he got into a conversationwith Maasland about the now broken relationship with André Hazes.

Van Erven Dorens confessed that a year ago he had the feeling that Maaslandwas depressed and would constantly sit at home alone. “So I never did that,”responded the presenter, who is now a lot more comfortable in her skin. “Inany case, there were a lot of scandals, which were much bigger. But I think wewere kind of the first to be treated in almost English tabloid-like ways. Thatis why it stood out”, Maasland looked back on her relationship with the28-year-old Hazes descendant. “Someone from every corner had something to sayabout it. Everyone knew about it, whether you were a lawyer or worked inhealthcare.”

Quote >>> Not even that relationship. I really liked that>> Bridget Maasland

She denounces the fact that Maasland was condemned by many people becauseHazes was twenty years younger. “Very sexist. But that’s because I’m a woman.It was about a relationship with a younger man. I have never heard of Tiëstomarrying a woman 28 years younger. That that was a big relationshipdifference, that that was actually not possible.”

Hard time

Although Maasland has known several ‘dark periods’ in her life, two momentsstand out, she told Van Erven Dorens. The divorce of Pepijn Padberg and theperiod after the break with Hazes. Not even that relationship. I really likedthat,” said Maasland. ,,But what came over me after that… there is also a verynice learning moment. It also helped me a lot.”

Would the blonde want to go back in time or is she happy with where she isnow? “Then I wouldn’t want to trade. Then I want to stay here. Certainly interms of uncertainty and knowing who you are and where you stand”, sheconcludes with satisfaction.

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