You really shouldn’t have missed these films this year | Movies & Series

From packed cinema halls to snow-covered gems: hundreds of films appearedagain in 2022. What were the biggest hypes? Which titles received the mostimportant awards? And which films have received too little attention? NU.nllists six titles.

Biggest hypes: Top Gun and Avatar 2

Tom Cruise should have returned in June 2020 as Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, thejet fighter pilot with nerves of steel from Top Gun (1986). The release waspostponed five times, until the action film could finally premiere lastsummer.

A romantic storyline can still be found in Top Gun: Maverick , but blood-curdling action clearly predominates. Director John Krasinski (known as Jim in_The Office US_ ) worked with a camera system of six imax cameras peraircraft, which allowed aerial antics and chases to be filmed from differentangles. This ultimately resulted in worldwide revenue of 1.4 billion dollars(1.32 billion euros).

Avatar: The Way of Water set even higher. Director James Cameron threw inmoney for his sequel, a three-hour spectacle that uses the latest filmtechniques. The cinema halls are now filling up, but the question is stillwhether that will be enough. Other great films, such as the sequels to DoctorStrange and Black Panther at least had a better opening weekend.

The sequel to avatar was so expensive to make that the question is whetherCameron will make any money at all. In his own words, his fantasy film mustbecome one of the highest-earning films ever to cover the costs.

Drie andere filmhypes:

  • The Batman * The Tinder Swindler * Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

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Top prizes: Triangle of Sadness and CODA

For many filmmakers, the Palme d’Or is the highest achievable. It is rare fora director to win that prize a second time, but Ruben Östlund did. The Swedepreviously received the statuette for The Square this year before Triangleof Sadness. The film is set on a luxury cruise. Differences between rich andpoor are not only exaggerated, but also turned upside down by a series ofabsurd plot twists. Triangle of Sadness recently won four European FilmAwards and is currently in theaters.

Major awards were also handed out in Hollywood. The coming-of-age drama CODA- _about a singing talent who wants to free herself from her deaf parents andlittle brother – became the first streaming title ever to win an Oscar forbest picture. Director Sian Heder based himself on the French film _The Belierfamily. The main difference being that she cast deaf actors. Troy Kotsur alsowon an Oscar and gave his reception speech in sign language. CODA can beseen on Apple TV+.

Drie andere prijswinnaars:

  • The Power of the Dog (Golden Globe, BAFTA) * Knor (Gouden Kalf) * Close (Grand Prix in Cannes)

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Under the radar: Water Gate Bridge and Flee

The ten highest-earning films of 2022 all built on previous success. But oneof them you probably won’t recognize very quickly. The Chinese war film WaterGate Bridge The sequel to The Battle at Lake Changjin , appeared almostexclusively in Asian countries. Still, the proceeds were more than $ 600million, and that is more than the sequels Fantastic Beasts and Sonic theHedgehog.

For the Danish Flee hardly any visitors could be found, while the animationdocumentary was showered with awards worldwide. Filmmaker Jonas PoherRasmussen interviewed a childhood friend who fled from Afghanistan to Denmarkat a young age. This resulted in a therapeutic conversation, full ofunprocessed memories, with which the anonymous Amin took the step towards anew life. Flee was nominated for three Oscars and awarded the European FilmAward for best documentary and best animated film.

Andere topfilms die je misschien gemist hebt:

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once * The Worst Person in the World * Im Westen nichts Neues

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