The 7 best movies of 2022 and where to stream them

We can draw up the final balance. 2022 was a good film year in which somemajor titles (finally) appeared. These are the seven best popular movies of2022 according to IMDb. You will also see where you can stream this top movie.

IMDb often gives a good impression of whether a film is worth watching orwhether you should start vacuuming. So, if you’re unsure about a movie, checkout the ratings on IMDb. Although it is sometimes nice to step into somethingblank. And well, watching a movie every now and then also offers perspective.

The best movies of 2022 according to IMDb

With dot on one an action film that we have already written extensively about.Yep, the Hollywood blockbuster Top Gun: Maverick.

1. Top Gun: Maverick (8.4 on IMDb)

Streamable via: Amazon Prime Video (for a fee)

This year it was finally there and appeared Top Gun: Maverick finally on thesilver screen. After a somewhat strange opening scene, in which Tom Cruiseapologizes extensively for the delayed release, the film lives up to all thehigh expectations. This action stunner grabs you by the throat from start tofinish.

2. Everything Everywhere All at Once (8.1 on IMDb)

Streamable via: Pathé Thuis and Amazon Prime (for a fee)

With a modest budget of about 25 million dollars grew Everything EverywhereAll at Once looking forward to the surprise of 2022. This absurdist comedy-drama tells about a Chinese immigrant who is thoroughly vetted by the Americantax authorities. And at the same time she discovers that she can make contactwith parallel universes. If those are not ingredients for an absolute topfilm.

3. The Batman (7.9 on IMDb)

Streamable via: HBO Max

Batman is back, and how! This time, British actor Robert Pattinson puts on thebat suit to fight evil. Would he become as much of a legend as his predecessorChristian Bale? If anything, the first of a series of new Batman movies wasfairly well received. A not entirely unimportant detail: Zoë Kravitz playsCatwoman.

4. Im Westen nichts Neues (7.8 on IMDb)

Streamable via: Netflix

The First World War once viewed from the perspective of the Germans. In ImWesten nichts Neues three young Germans report to fight for the fatherland.The romantic picture that is painted quickly turns into a pitch-blacknightmare when they are introduced to the gruesome reality of the trenches.The English title is All Quiet on the Western Front , but this film is bestviewed in the original language. Read more about the remake of the war movieof war movies here.

5. Thirteen Lives (7.8 on IMDb)

Streamable via: Amazon Prime Video

Halfway through the list of best movies of 2022 according to IMDb, we find apowerful survival story. Everyone still remembers the young group of footballplayers and their coach who got stuck in a Thai cave. Thirteen Lives is afilm adaptation of these events. A very impressive story in which actor ColinFarrell plays the heroic diver.

6. Bullet Train (7.3 on IMDb)

Streamable via: Netflix

A cast with superstars usually guarantees a reasonable success. That alsoproves Bullet Train with big names like Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock andMichael Shannon. In the film, five hitmen – on the way in a bullet train -discover that they have something in common.

7. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (7.0 on IMDb)

Streamable via: Amazon Prime Video

We close the list of best films of 2022 according to IMDb with none other thancult hero Nicolas Cage. His very extensive oeuvre gets extra shine with hisrole in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. He plays himself in the film.The film scored a rare 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes shortly after release.The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is highly recommended for filmlovers who are looking for some easily digestible viewing food. Read our