Linde Schöne makes Dutch Christmas album: ‘It was the best shit ever’ | Music

Of all the Christmas songs that you are thrown to death with every year, is_Flappy_ actually the only Dutch-language classic. Linde Schöne is trying tochange that this year with a full Christmas album. “As an artist, DutchChristmas music is a gold mine, because little has been done before,” shetells

You don ‘t have to play Scrabble with my family. It’s all fine with me, butI don’t want to be alone this Christmas_Schöne sings on the song _You Don ‘tHave To Come To My Parents from the album Christmas Baby.

The song sounds like a familiar Christmas hit, complete with bells, blowersand a reference to the mistletoe (the well-known mistletoe from the English-language Christmas classics). With a nod to some typical Dutch Christmascustoms in the lyrics, the singer manages to capture ‘our’ Christmas spirit.

Schöne, who describes herself as a real Christmas lover, has been walkingaround for years with the idea of ​​a complete Christmas album. In recentyears, she has been writing several songs for the holidays in December.

Last December she decides to make a record of it. When the entertainmentindustry is still completely at a standstill due to the corona pandemic,Schöne crosses the country from studio to studio to record the songs withcolleagues such as Blanks, Jan Dulles and Alain Clark.

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‘From rapping to Christmas in Volendam’

“It was the best shit ever. Two years in a row, Christmas was pretty muchcanceled, so I had to express my love for it somewhere.” The singer, whoalways sings in Dutch, never thought about switching to English for herChristmas record.

“Precisely because there is relatively little Christmas music in Dutch,everything was still open. Of course you want to add something that has notbeen made before, so I could go in all directions. From traditional Christmassongs to rapping and Christmas in Volendam with Jan van de 3JS. “

According to Schöne, every artist is advised to make a Christmas carol. If itbecomes a hit, you can reap the financial benefits every year. But for thesinger this is not the reason to make the album. “I saw it more as a nicheproject than as an opportunity to score commercially, although a hit iswelcome, of course.”

An edit of Distant Christmas , the Christmas number of the infamous Tokkiefamily, just missed the record. “I wanted to make a version of that in thesultry style of Santa Baby. But in the end I didn’t think it was coolenough.” Schöne herself turns Mariah Carey’s Christmas album completely grayagain. All I Want for Christmas Is You It just feels like getting up andseeing snow everywhere.”