Pedro Elias hosts ‘Before the Bomb Drops’, a huge ratings hit in Australia for years

A quiz about the past year with fragments? It is involuntarily reminiscentViewer of the year once a regular spot at the VRT. But rest assured; Beforethe bomb falls contains a different concept. At that time it was only aboutfragments from TV programs, now the candidates are presented with questionsfrom all the small and big news that made it to the TV screen. Guaranteedsuccess? We list why this quiz might catch on.

Australia’s ratings gun

This formula was not invented in Flanders. The quiz is an adaptation of Haveyou been paying attention, a format that saw the light in Down Under in 2013.After a hesitant start, the quiz became a major viewing hit that also receivedrave reviews. 264 episodes have already been broadcast in Australia. So itcan’t be the basic concept.

The right time

While in the original format everything revolves around the news facts of thepast week, the Flemish makers take it a bit more broadly. In a period thatoverwhelms us with end-of-year lists and overviews, all questions and videoshere also have to do with the past year. The Christmas period is always theideal time to look back. Divided over several rounds, the highs, lows,interesting, remarkable, funny and sad events of 2022 pass in review.

The presenter

You can’t ignore him this week, but at the same time you never get tired ofPedro Elias. The man with the high cuddliness factor, predisposition tohypochondria, compulsive neuroses and Catalan blood has Control Pedro, TheIdiots and The container cup already enough kilometers on the counter not tofall through the basket as a host and at the same time not to derail the quiz.Which can sometimes happen if you get opposition from Maaike Cafmeyer and AlexAgnew, among others.


A common complaint in BV games is that you always see the same faces, but noteveryone is in the right place in a quiz. Just think of Paul D’Hoore or actorBert Haelvoet recently Equally good friends. Also Before the bomb falls wantsto come out original. Athlete Jean-Marc Mwema, once a candidate in Thesmartest person, is cohost tonight. Next week it will be actress Isabelle VanHecke, aka the pinnacle Carine in the success series Uncles. But althoughannounced as a cohost, their share in the program is very small.

Well-known people participate

Often an advantage: if well-known Flemish people participate in quizzes, theviewing figures are usually a lot higher. Just think about Switch or Thesmartest person. A conscious choice has been made for familiar faces who knowhow to add panache to a game. In the first episode Pedro gets the help ofcomedian Alex Agnew, actor Rik Verheye, comedienne Amelie Albrecht, the onlycop who ever won Humo’s Comedy Cup Vincent Voeten and director Erik Van Looy.

Our prognosis?

Happy sitting Before the bomb falls not on VTM, because their track record hasbeen with recently The upside down world, Just as good friends, The positivosand Pop quiz quite negative. Still, the Flemish love (good) quizzes. Manycompatriots hit The smartest person apparently never tired of it, and lastmonth was the quiz in response to 25 years Canvas another gem in the quizgenre. Before the bomb falls is well put together, the difficulty level is nottoo high (and compared to Blocks also not too low). This may sometimes work.