when two girlfriends want to cheat and cover for each other…

Ah, how hopeless can it be. Two friends who want to cheat and arrange aweekend away in such a way that they will cover for each other. In the movie_Faithfully Yours_ with Bracha van Doesburgh and Elise Schaap, we will seethat in the cinema from tomorrow. Subway looked on, shaking his head (alsoin admiration).

Handy, keeping each other out of the wind if you want to put the van-buttflowers outside? Well, if you really want that as friends separately from eachother and organize it down to the last detail. Not if the cheating goes likethis Faithfully Yours. Because we are dealing here with another genuineDutch thriller, is Faithfully Yours Subway ‘s Movie Review of the Week.

Beautiful cast Faithfully Yours

Actually, with this exciting film, it is already a feast in advance, if youread the four protagonists. Bracha van Doesburgh, Elise Schaap (who also madea name for herself last month in Stromboli ), Nsardin Dchar and Gijs Naber:what could possibly go wrong? The story, of course… In addition to the four,we also see Hannah Hoekstra as the somewhat blunt and vague sister of VanDoesburgh’s character and the Belgian Matteo Simoni as a somewhat slipperyprofessor who gives lectures about lying.

Lying, that’s true Faithfully Yours actually about. And (no) trust. Bodil(Van Doesburgh) and Isabel (Schaap) occasionally take an escape from theirbusy daily lives by going away together for a weekend to the Belgian coast.During these weekends, the girlfriends are each other’s alibis, because thatrelaxing weekend is mainly about cheating. Purely for the voltage and thedischarge. They carefully work out all the details so that their husbandsnever find out. For example, Bodil has both smartphones to keep an eye on,since Isabel’s husband and writer Luuk can use that thing to keep an eye onwhere his sweetheart is hanging out. Dchar plays Milan, a doctor and husbandof Bodil. He seems thoughtful and concerned, but oh woe…

Cheating creates a web of lies

The end point of the train journey, Ostend station, is also the last pointwhere the best friends see each other that weekend. They can loose and cheatall they want. When Isabel suddenly goes missing and there is a lot of bloodinvolved, everything seems to point to a crime. That blood is still in Bodil’sweekend shelter, too. As the police launch an investigation and the husbandscome to Belgium, Bodil becomes increasingly entangled in the web of lies thathas been carefully constructed by her and Isabel.

Faithfully-Yours EliseSheepElise Schaap as Isabel in a place no one isallowed to know. Photo: Studio ISA

Faithfully Yours begins with a statement by the British-Irish writer GeorgeBernard Shaw (1856-1950): ‘The punishment of the liar is not that he is notbelieved, but that he cannot believe anyone else.’ Apparently Shaw knew that acentury later people in the Netherlands would come up with a thriller thatdoes his invention quite justice. It just became a she instead of a he.


Not even a book

If a thriller is ever made into a film in the Netherlands, then they usuallycome from the hand of those talented writers in our country. Esther Verhoef,Saskia Noort, Suzanne Vermeer, Simone van der Vlugt, names like that.Faithfully Yours however, is a totally new story. Paul Jan Nelissen,Elisabeth Lodeizen and André van Duren (also director) wrote the scriptespecially to make a film.

Cheating, lying: what a cool story

We can handle a lot of words Faithfully Yours ‘to get dirty’, but we areundoubtedly giving away too much. If thrillers are your thing, then we promise– in the opinion of the Subway reporter then – a very cool story. It’s alldamn well put together. There is constant tension, which is just as oftenremoved, only to get something even worse before your eyes. Yes folks,cheating and thinking you’ve got it all right, it’s not always a good idea.Bee Faithfully Yours in any case you fall from one surprise to another.

Faithfully-Yours Bracha van Doesburgh NasrdinDcharNasrdin Dchar and Bracha van Doesburgh.Photo: Studio ISA

And besides that statement by George Bernard Shaw, there are still a fewsentences left to think about. ‘There is far too much pressure on alwayshaving to be honest’, is one of them. But perhaps even more strongly, when itcomes to thinking about it: “We lie because sometimes reality is sounbearable.” And: ‘The truth lies.’

Rating out 5: 4

Subways you can read the film review of the week every Wednesday around 6p.m. New titles always appear in Dutch cinemas on Thursdays, such as_Faithfully Yours_ (sometimes also on Wednesdays). Reporter Erik Jonk choosesone every week. Next week the last of 2022, the British drama Living.