Leonie ter Braak fiercely on table guest who lashes out at politics and media

It became a somewhat fierce discussion about current politics at the table_HLF8_. Table guest John van Zweden did not mince words that he thinks it is amess in The Hague and that the Dutch are being silenced. Partly because ofpolitics and the media. But when presenter Leonie ter Braak hears him saythat, she corrects him.

Former State Secretary Mona Keijzer, who was fired in the House ofRepresentatives for her criticism of corona policy, talks about the newpandemic law at the table. The polls are also discussed, based on the figuresof One today. Parties like D66 and VVD lose a lot of seats and parties likeBBB, Ja21 and PVV are doing a lot better.

Pieter Omtzigt high in polls Maurice de Hond

Opinion pollster Maurice de Hond concluded that if Pieter Omtzigt participatedin the poll (which he did not), he would end up with thirty seats in theHouse. Mona Keijzer tells at the table HLF8 that confidence in the media andpolitics has plummeted in recent times.

Football director John van Zweden is involved in the discussion. He emphasizesthat Maurice de Hond’s poll receives little attention, even in this case.“They don’t want to have new people in it,” he says. Van Zweden finds itstrange that Pieter Omtzigt scores thirty seats in one poll and does notparticipate in another poll. “What do I mean by that? You are just trying tosilence the Dutch people. Throw in that poll by Maurice de Hond and everyonebecomes a bit optimistic again.”

Leonie ter Braak corrects table guest John van Zweden

Presenter Leonie ter Braak joins in and declares that Pieter Omtzigt is notparticipating in the poll One today because he was not yet in the previouselections. Something that Van Zweden describes as “not correct”, because it isnot the current polls.

Ter Braak says at the table that it is now De Hond who does and that “everyonehas also paid attention to it”. After which she emphasizes that the mediadoes. “I’m calling it now anyway.” Where Van Zweden adds that Ter Braak now”lists it very briefly”. Ter Braak sticks to the fact that she HLF8 and alsoin other media attention was paid to the high polls of Omtzigt. “You cannotsay that the media denies that news,” said Ter Braak.

Mona Keijzer explains polls

Van Zweden: “Well let me put it this way, it is not really thrown forward.” Heis convinced that someone like Pieter Omtzigt can put the Netherlands back onthe map. “Because everyone agrees that the country is going downhill in allsorts of ways.” Van Zweden thinks it is hopeful that ‘an Omtzigt’ currentlyscores high.

Keijzer later emphasized once again that parties such as PVV, BBB and JA21 arecurrently in demand. “Be aware that outside the big cities and the Randstadthere is a very large Netherlands that does not feel heard,” said the formerState Secretary.

New presenters HLF8

Incidentally, it was announced today who the new presenters of HLF8 turninto. Subway s previously wrote about the sounds that sounded about this andthey turn out to be partly correct. Heart of the Netherlands reporter SamHagens and Hélène Hendriks are going to get the job done together. Hendrikspreviously acted as a ‘substitute’ presenter, but will therefore keep herpresenting chair. Ter Braak will leave the talk show and switch to RTL. Thenew presentation duo can be seen on television from 2 January. Hendriks andHagens alternately present the talk show.

You look back at HLF8 via KIJK.