A touch of glamour, strong fiction and a royal documentary: these are the 10 VRT programs to look forward to in 2023

For the first time since 2016, the year Laura Tesoro was chosen to representus in Stockholm with what’s the pressure, the public broadcaster organizespreselections for the Eurovision Song Contest. Peter Van de Veire, misterEurosong himselfwill present it.

Last week, the seven candidates – Ameerah, Chérine, Gala Dragot, Gustaph,Hunter Falls, Loredana and The Starlings – released the first fragments fromtheir songs. The preselections will be broadcast from Monday 9 January toFriday 13 January, followed by the grand finale on Saturday 14 January. Duringa live show, the viewers decide who will represent us in Liverpool next year.

The greatest dancer of Flanders (One)

Niels Destadsbader is allowed to coach new dance talent in 'The greatestdancer of Flanders'.

Niels Destadsbader is allowed to coach new dance talent in ‘The greatestdancer of Flanders’.

Niels Destadsbader can show up in his first shiny floor show on a. Not as apresenter, but as a coach. In The greatest dancer of Flanders he, togetherwith the Belgian-Colombian Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and choreographer and dancerLaurien Decibel, goes in search of…well, the best dancer in Flanders.

Siska Schoeters and Aster Nzeyimana present the competition, which will beshown every Saturday on One from 4 February.

Days Without Brother (One)

Jeroen Meus creates a personal program with 'Days without a brother'.

Jeroen Meus creates a personal program with ‘Days without a brother’. — © ©VRT

Last year, Jeroen Meus had to say goodbye to Wim, his brother and soulmate. Hecarefully kept all the letters and cards of sympathy he received. Now he islooking for the people who helped him through a difficult year, to talk tothem about his and their own experiences. Days without brother promises to bea warm and beautiful program. Fundenes Fressen for production house TheChinese, that too Radio Gaga and The Kemping has on his resume.

A Year at Sea (One)

In 'A year at sea' Wim Lybaert exchanges his bus for a boat.

In ‘A year at sea’ Wim Lybaert exchanges his bus for a boat. — © © VRT

Like he did last week The House told, Wim Lybaert exchanges his (Colum) busfor a boat. In his new program he goes in search of the soul of our fishermenfrom Zeebrugge, Ostend and Nieuwpoort. He embarks to taste the fishing life, alife he already dreamed of when he spent his summers on the beach of Zeebruggeas a child.

Among Us (Canvas)

In 'OnderOns' Thomas Vanderveken draws the line of 'Only Elvis continues toexist'.

In ‘OnderOns’ Thomas Vanderveken draws the line of ‘Only Elvis continues toexist’.

In Only Elvis survives if he received Stephen Fry last year, for his new talkshow Among us – do you have it? – Thomas Vanderveken expands thatinternational guest list a bit. Gastronomy author Yotam Ottolenghi, singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega and photographer Anton Corbijn, among others, sit downwith him to talk about everything that concerns them. From Saturday 7 Januaryon Canvas.

Our house/new house (One)

In 2023 you will not be able to escape real estate programs on the VRTeither.

In 2023 you will not be able to escape real estate programs on the VRT either.

Even in 2023 you cannot escape real estate programs. VTM has Home madePlay4has Blind boughtOne has soon Our house/new house. Interior architect Ken andreal estate agent Kristien compete against each other and visit eight Flemishcouples who do not live in the house of their dreams.

Ken tries to convince them by renovating the houses with his contractor team,Kristien starts looking for new houses according to their couples’requirements. East stays west, home is best? Or will the couples opt for newhorizons? Later this spring on One.

Arcadia (One)

'Arcadia' promises to be a great fiction series.

‘Arcadia’ promises to be a great fiction series. — © © VRT

The VRT has confidence in it Arcadia, that much is clear. With a budget ofmore than a million euros per episode, it is one of the most expensive Flemishseries ever. The concept already sounds promising. You will recognize Lynn VanRoyen, Gene Bervoets and Natali Broods, among others, in a dystopian Belgiumthat is governed by a points system. Later this spring on One.

Our nature, the series (Canvas)

After the successful cinema release, 'Our nature' will be on television nextyear.

After the successful cinema release, ‘Our nature’ will be on television nextyear.

Our nature is currently a success in cinemas, but from Wednesday 18 January anextended version of the documentary will be shown on Canvas. In sevenepisodes, Belgian nature is shown on the basis of six elements: water, earth,air, fire, wood and stone. In the seven episodes, scientists and filmmakersshed light on the role we as humans can play in nature.

A downside for fans of Matteo Simoni: the actor, who voices the film, isreplaced in the series by Wim Opbrouck.

1985 (One)

'1985', which premiered earlier this year at the Canneséries festival, willbe the new One fiction series on Sunday evenings next year.

‘1985’, which premiered earlier this year at the Canneséries festival, will bethe new One fiction series on Sunday evenings next year. — © © VRT – ThomasNolf

Another fiction series to look forward to, and one that has long been honkedabout. 1985 tells the story of three young people who move to Brussels tostudy and become gendarmes. But then they unwittingly become involved in thecase of the Gang of Nijvel, which held our country under the spell in theturbulent 1980s.

The cast consists of a mix of young talent – ​​Tijmen Govaerts, Aimé Claeysand Mona Mina Leon play the leading roles – and old hands – Peter Van denBegin, Barbara Sarafian, Josse De Pauw… The series is a collaboration betweenVRT and RTBF and can be seen every Sunday evening on One from 22 January.

Laurent of Belgium (Canvas)

After King Filip, Prince Laurent is now also getting his own documentary.

After King Filip, Prince Laurent is now also getting his own documentary.

After the documentary about King Philippe, it is now his brother’s turn. Laterthis spring, Canvas will release a four-part documentary with the promisingworking title Laurent of Belgium: the calimero of the Coburgs. Prince Laurenthas always been the maverick of the royal family. This series exploressimilarities between him and other members of the Coburg family and dynasty.In a respectful way, but without mincing words.