Strong promos in telecomland: give yourself a cheaper internet subscription for Christmas | MyGuide

MytelcoThe Christmas holidays are coming. That means not only that you andyour offspring will be at home more, but also that you will be on the interneta lot more: for gaming and streaming Christmas movies, for example. How do youguarantee enough internet for your whole family? And what should you payattention to when taking out a subscription? checked it out.

By Felix Ferret, in collaboration with Mijntelco 20-12-22, 09:01


Not only is the Christmas period a time in which we all use more internet thanusual, it is also a period in which there are quite a few promos to be foundat telecom providers.

Apart from the prices – the lower, the better of course – there are 2parameters that you should pay close attention to when evaluating a (new)internet subscription: on the one hand your internet usage and on the otherhand your internet speed.

Is your offspring a big fan of social media? These apps cause highinternet usage.

Parameter 1: internet usage

To find out how much you use on an average month, check your monthly bill orcheck your provider’s online service. If you notice that on average you arealready close to the limit of your subscription, then an upgrade of yoursubscription before the Christmas holidays is definitely recommended.

Naturally, the required data volume for your internet subscription depends onyour usage. Those who download a lot of films, series or games need more data.For example, someone with a subscription with 50 GB or 100 GB can quickly runinto problems during the holidays. A formula with a limit of up to 150 GB oreven unlimited internet is then recommended.

Parameter 2: internet speed

If you want to watch films and series at the same time, surf, play games anddownload files on different devices, it is not inconceivable that yourexisting subscription does not attract that combination. You can solve thatwith an upgrade of your internet speed.

You then look for an internet subscription with a higher number of Mbps. Asubscription formula with a speed of 100 Mbps or higher is suitable in mostcases.

The best deals with lots of data

A data volume of 150 GB and a minimum internet speed of 100 Mbps: that’s whatwe’re looking for. Based on those criteria, Orange appears to be the cheapest.With the Home Flybox you get, in addition to the desired internet volume, aspeed of 210 Mbps for 22 euros per month. The start-up costs are currentlyonly 39 euros, instead of 129 euros (subject to a 12-month commitment).

If you go for unlimited internet, the range is much wider and there are alsomore promotions. For example, you currently pay 28 euros per month at Orangefor the first three months for a Love Duo subscription with Go Light, insteadof 46 euros per month. In addition, there are now no start-up costs. You getunlimited internet, with a speed of 150 Mbps, and a mobile subscription with150 calling minutes and 2 GB of mobile data.

With or without temporary promotions: edpnet is, as is often the case, theundisputed price breaker in the field of internet. At 35.95 euros per month,the VDSL XL subscription, with unlimited internet and a speed of 100 Mbps, isby far the best deal. Those who opt for this formula pay only EUR 31.95 permonth for the first 12 months, a saving of EUR 48. The start-up costs are 149euros.

The best deals for fast internet

Edpnet is also the cheapest option for those looking for higher internetspeeds. A Fiber XL subscription offers you unlimited internet with a speed of500 Mbps for EUR 45.95 per month. At 261.85 euros, the start-up costs are onthe high side, although they have now been temporarily reduced to 159 euros.

If you regularly change internet provider, the start-up costs at edpnet may bea barrier. A Love Duo subscription with Go Light from Orange can thereforeoffer a good alternative. Thanks to a temporary promotion, you don’t pay anystart-up costs (instead of 59 euros) and you receive 43 euros per month forthe first three months instead of 61 euros. For this you get unlimitedinternet at a speed of 400 Mbps, and a mobile subscription with 150 callingminutes and 2 GB of mobile data.

Do you want the full package?

For those who really want to go all-in, there is one address: Mobile Vikings.A few months ago, the Proximus subsidiary started with home internet,including fiber. Such a fiber subscription costs 55 euros per month andprovides you with unlimited internet at a speed of 1 Gbps. The start-up costsare normally 149 euros, but are completely gone at the moment. ** Do you want to switch to a new provider?** Take the step now without much