Harvey Weinstein also found guilty in California abuse case | General

Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of rape and two counts of sexualassault in a second abuse case in the United States. In the abuse case in thestate of California, a total of eleven charges were against the seventy-year-old former film producer.

Weinstein was already sentenced to 23 years in prison in a previous abuse casein New York. There are other allegations against him. The film producer saidit would appeal against the conviction in New York.

No sentence has yet been handed down in the abuse case in California, in whichWeinstein has now also been found guilty. A total of 140 years in prison isdemanded against him in Los Angeles.

Weinstein was one of the most powerful men in the film industry before beingaccused of sexual assault in 2017. That first accusation turned out to be justthe tip of the iceberg; many more followed.

Zie ookLangverwachte rechtszaak tegen Harvey Weinstein van start in Californië

Predator Weinstein used his power to abuse women

In California, Weinstein had to answer for sex crimes against four allegedvictims. He was found guilty of rape and sexual assault against one woman. Shewas referred to as Jane Doe 1 during the trial to protect her anonymity.

Four charges against Weinstein were previously dismissed because one of thealleged victims failed to testify for unclear reasons. Weinstein was acquittedof one charge and the jury was unable to reach a consensus in three cases.

Prosecutors called Weinstein a “predator” who used his power in the filmindustry to lure women into dating him so he could then sexually assault them.

Weinstein’s lawyers maintain that all allegations are unfounded and that allsexual contact was consensual. According to the lawyers, there is no evidenceof rape or assault.

De zaak-Weinstein in het kort:

  • Harvey Weinstein was een belangrijke filmproducent, die verantwoordelijk was voor blockbusters als Sin City, Shakespeare in Love en The Lord of the Rings. * Begin 2017 wordt hij voor het eerst beschuldigd van seksueel misbruik. Daarna volgen al snel tientallen andere beschuldigingen. * Anderhalf jaar later wordt Weinstein gearresteerd en officieel aangeklaagd. * In februari 2020 volgt het oordeel van de jury in New York: Weinstein wordt schuldig bevonden aan aanranding en verkrachting en veroordeeld tot een gevangenisstraf van 23 jaar. * Weinstein krijgt in augustus 2022 te horen dat hij alsnog in hoger beroep mag tegen de veroordeling in New York.

Condemnation may seem symbolic, but it is not

With Weinstein already sentenced to 23 years in prison in New York in 2020,the California case may seem symbolic, but it is not; the film producer canstill appeal against that conviction.

The case in California, in which 140 years in prison is demanded againstWeinstein, is therefore still important. At the beginning of next year, thejudge will pronounce a sentence against the former film producer.