Gal Gadot Was Not ‘Booted’ from Wonder Woman Role, James Gunn Clarifies

Gal Gadot was not ousted from her Wonder Woman role, according to newlyappointed DC Studios decision-maker James Gunn.

After Gunn and producer Peter Safran were named the new co-CEOs of DC Studiosin October, updates came this month of some of their changes for the future ofthe comic book properties. Other than confirmation that Gadot’s JusticeLeague costar Henry Cavill is no longer playing Superman, there were alsoreports that Wonder Woman 3 a planned conclusion to her standalone trilogy,was canceled.

Gunn, 56, responded to a person in the comment section of his Instagram poston Monday who claimed he and Safran made “the move to boot Cavill and Gadot,”which “doesn’t inspire confidence” in the future of the DC Universe.

Wrote Gunn, “I’m not sure where you’re getting that we ‘booted’ Gal.”

A rep for Gadot did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.

Days before reports of Wonder Woman 3 ‘s unclear future, Gadot, 37, wrote onsocial media that she “can’t wait to share her next chapter” of the characterwith fans. She added, “I’ve been so grateful for the opportunity to play suchan incredible, iconic character and more than anything I’m grateful for YOU.The fans. The most amazing, warm, loving fans in the world. I’m still pinchingmyself to see if I will wake up.”

RELATED: Henry Cavill Out as Superman, Gal Gadot ‘s Wonder Woman on Hold:All About the DC Shakeups — So Far

Patty Jenkins, GalGadotPattyJenkins, GalGadot

Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot

Clay Enos/Warner Bros./Courtesy Everett Collection Patty Jenkins and GalGadot on the set of Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

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Gunn previously responded to the reports about the future of the Wonderwoman_movie franchise, tweeting that “some of it is true, some of it is half-true,some of it is not true, & some of it we haven’t decided yet whether it’s trueor not.” Multiple outlets reported that a script treatment from Patty Jenkins,the director who made the previous two _Wonderwoman movies, was denied by thenew executives.

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Jenkins, 51, then broke her silence on the reports, clarifying that she “neverwalked away” from the project and she was “open to considering anything askedof me.”

She added, “I don’t want what has been a beautiful journey with WW to land on[a] negative note. I have loved and been so honored to be the person who gotto make these last two Wonder Woman movies. She is an incredible character.Living in and around her values ​​makes one a better person every day. I wishher and her legacy an amazing future ahead, with or without me.”

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In his statement this week, Gunn said he and Safran “were aware” that there’dbe “a certain minority of people online that could be, well, uproarious &unkind, to say the least,” as they reshape the DC Universe.

“Our choices for the DCU are based upon what we believe is best for the story& best for the DC characters who have been around for nearly 85 years. Perhapsthese choices are great, perhaps not, but they are made with sincere hearts &integrity & always with the story in mind,” wrote Gunn, who directed the_Guardians of the Galaxy_ movies for Marvel Studios, as well as the 2021 DCmovie The Suicide Squad.

“No one loves to be harassed or called names – but, to be frank, we’ve beenthrough significantly worse. Disrespectful outcry will never, ever affect ouractions,” he added. “We were aware there would be a period of turbulence whenwe took this gig, & we knew we would sometimes have to make difficult & not-so-obvious choices, especially in the wake of the fractious nature of whatcame before us. But this means little to us in comparison to our jobs asartists & custodians in helping to create a wide & wonderful future for DC.”