Christopher Nolan shows explosive star cast Oppenheimer

Meet the explosive first trailer for Oppenheimer , Christopher Nolan’s nextblockbuster. Again he opens a dizzying view of top actors.

If IMDb’s top 250 has taught us one thing, it’s that you should pay attentionwhen Christopher Nolan releases a new movie. The filmmaker and champion of thetrue cinema experience delivers blockbuster after blockbuster. From the bestDC movies to the dizzying Tenet the film that helped him decide to leaveWarner Bros. after nineteen years.

Christopher Nolan presents Oppenheimer

Don’t be alarmed: it’s been two years now Tenet came out. Thankfully,Christopher Nolan’s next film is just around the corner. Then we’re talkingabout Oppenheimer , a drama film released by Nolan under the roof ofUniversal Pictures. Well, which studio wouldn’t welcome Nolan with open arms?Although the films that Christopher Nolan makes are very expensive andtherefore not as lucrative as you might think. But yes, the prestige alone!

Alright, back to Oppenheimer. The film follows the life of the eponymoustheoretical physicist and his involvement in the Manhattan Project at the LosAlamos Laboratory, which would eventually lead to the invention of the atomicbomb. An invention with consequences that Oppenheimer struggled with.

Dazzling star cast

Robert Oppenheimer is played by Cilian Murphy, who is starring in aChristopher Nolan film for the sixth time. The rest of the cast is also of anabsurdly high caliber: Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., FlorencePugh, Rami Malek, Benny Safdie, Kenneth Branagh, David Dastmalchian, GaryOldman and Casey Affleck, among others, play a role in Oppenheimer. Yes, thebig names keep coming.

The blockbuster comes to cinemas on July 21, 2023, but Universal Pictures isalready treating us to a first taste. Time to see that star cast in action!Fortunately, Nolan does not immediately give away all the action, although anumber of things stand out. For example, the first released images wereentirely in black and white, but that does not apply to this trailer. Thefilmmaker combines both styles. The preliminary conclusion you can draw isjust that flashbacks are shown in black and white.

The teasing has started

It is also fascinating that Nolan also for Oppenheimer as much as possiblewith practical effects wants to work. Even when it comes to recreatingnuclear explosions. The nuclear test is barely visible in the trailer, but wedo get a very brief preview of the groundbreaking explosion. The _real deal_we will undoubtedly not see until the final film, a climax that Nolan can worktowards with his story.

Well, we actually know very little about it Oppenheimer and that’s a goodthing. sure, you can consult the many books, Wikipedia pages and otherresources about Robert Oppenheimer, but Nolan is clearly again applying hisown vision to the true story. Being seen track record you can also assumethat it will deliver something special. So our advice? Skip those trailers,teasers and other marketing material and let yourself be surprised in July.