“Without my help, she would be dead now”: Father of Britney Spears speaks for the first time since losing the lawsuit | Celebrities

CelebritiesIt has been a year since Britney Spears (40) was finally releasedfrom her father, who had control over her personal and financial life forthirteen years. Since losing the lawsuit, Jamie Spears (70) has kept tightlips. But now he speaks for the first time: “Where would Britney be withoutthat tutelage?”

In bikini bottoms and with a bare bosom on Instagram: Britney Spears is freerthan ever. And after all, it has been a little over a year since she managedto regain that freedom. The extraordinary situation – unprecedented given thatit involved one of the most famous faces in the world – saw Britney’s fatherJamie castigated by millions of her fans.

The #FreeBritney movement, which sprang up online and received the support ofcelebrities such as Madonna, Paris Hilton and Miley Cyrus, accused Jamie ofkeeping his daughter in a mental institution against her will, tapping herphones and doing every aspect to verify its existence. Finally, last year, thejudge decided to release Britney from guardianship and re-grant her herfreedom.

LOOK. Britney Spears is no longer under father’s custody after thirteenyears

Terrible time

Now, a year after the facts, Jamie Spears speaks about the receivership forthe first time with ‘The Mail on Sunday’. “It was a necessary interventionthat saved Britney from her darkest days,” said Jamie. He continues: “And notonly that. The fragile relationship with her sons Preston (17) and Jayden (16)was also maintained.” Because without guardianship, Britney would have had nocontact with her sons, according to Jamie. “They didn’t miss time with theirmom or their dad,” says Jamie. “My main goal was to get Britney back with herkids in a comfortable relationship. The conservatorship gave Kevin (Britney’sex and father of her children ed.) a sense of peace and protection. Thejudge’s rules (which required Jamie to supervise Britney’s dealings with hersons ed.) were a great tool.”

He also insists he and Britney had “good times under guardianship” and claimsit gave her two sons a sense of normalcy. He adds: “The guardianship also madesure that the boys never left that house without security.” He also emphasizesthat Britney needed his help and that she could have been dead without theguardianship.


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