Tonight on TV: The Top 4000 Music Quiz, Buddha in the Polder and Knoop & de Leeuw | show

While Knot your handkerchief years ago already been carried to thetelevision graveyard, it also seems Button Gala to have had the best time.After nine editions in Royal Theater Carré, the instruments are exchanged fora talk show table. In _Knot & The Lion_the first talk show with and by peoplewith a (mental) disability, the most important topics of 2022 are furtherexplored under the leadership of Paul de Leeuw.

Buddha in the Polder – start season 2

We Dutch people may be known as a sober people, in many households the yogamat is rolled out daily and the incense cannot be dragged. In Buddha in thepolder Joris Linssen talks to (un)famous Dutch people who overcame a(personal) crisis thanks to Eastern wisdom.

Joris Linssen and Susan Smit in ‘Buddha in the Polder’. © KRONCRV

My 600lb Life: Where Are They Now?

A stomach reduction is not a panacea; those who still spoon in the plates ofmac & cheese after the operation will simply regain the lost kilos. In WhereAre They Now? we get an update about a number of participants of the wasteshow. Among them Holly, who sought help from Dr. Now. And with success: shelost more than a hundred kilos.

OLVG – Hospital with a heart – first episode

In most cities you are sent to a gray building in an insignificant industrialarea for a visit to a hospital, the Amsterdam OLVG is literally andfiguratively in the middle of city life. For two years, Coen Verbraak and histeam kept the cameras whirring in this hospital, following in the footsteps ofdoctors, nurses and other employees.

Michael Gerhards in 'OLVG - Hospital with aheart'.Michael Gerhards in ‘OLVG – Hospital with a heart’. © BNNVARA

The Top 4000 Music Quiz – start season 3

Since 2005 it has been a regular item on Radio 10 in the three weeks beforeChristmas: the Top 4000. Following a good example of the ban from TV this year_Top 2000 Quiz_ In the SBS6 counterpart, two duos of well-known Dutch peopletry to reach the finish of a musical board game as quickly as possible. Whoknows everything about the Top 4000 and even knows how to impress quizmaster,jury member and walking music encyclopedia Gerard Ekdom?

George ‘s Christmas tree

To ensure that no crowds of people scurried around his famous blue spruce,Joris Linssen has been chugging through the country in an orange-orange vanfor the past two corona years. This year too, the Schiphol hugger is lookingfor the best stories about the most special people in the country, but thistime he will also decorate the tree in Den Bosch and in Dokkum.