this was the most vulgar comment

With the conclusion of the World Cup in Qatar, the very last episode of The__Orange winter a fact. A season that, in addition to football analyses,mainly guaranteed a lot of vulgar chatter. A good moment to look back on this,so in last night’s episode the gentlemen are presented with the question: whatwas the most vulgar comment?

The World Cup is over. Argentina and France were allowed to decide last nightwhich country took home the World Cup, and in the end it was the Argentineswho won after penalties. According to many, this was ‘Messi’s World Cup’, afootball player of which Johan Derksen was extremely critical several times.Even after the final won, the mustachioed analyst still doesn’t really want toback down, but René van der Gijp was full of praise: “Then you are the very,very greatest. When you have to do it, you do it.”

Most common comment De Oranjewinter

It is referee Bas Nijhuis who is bombarded as a quizmaster by presenterWilfred Genee and asks the question to the gentlemen: “What is the mostordinary remark that has taken place at the table during Orange winter?”“That must be René,” Derksen thinks. “No”, laughs Hélène Hendriks. “That’syou.”

Genee: “It is the one from last week, when Johan said that he was eating pussyand that there was all sorts of pubic hair…” Van der Gijp has another commentin mind. “It was when Johan gave her (Hendriks, ed.) that vibrator and said:’You are used to mine.’” Nijhuis: “I have the answer, but I will say: I havenothing to do with that jury . I don’t want anything to do with this either,but we’ll give you the answer.”

Genee turns out to be fine: it was Derksen’s comment about pubic hair. Here itis: “That’s because you guys have no experience with pubic hair, but in my daythey still had old-fashioned pubic hair. You sat there in the morning at workwith all those black hairs between your teeth.”

The discovery of the season: Noa Vahle

This season of The Orange Winter not only resulted in a succession ofhilarious moments, but also a rising TV talent: Noa Vahle. The 22-year-olddaughter of Linda de Mol was allowed to do the reporting from Qatar for theprogram and received a lot of praise for it. This is of course brieflydiscussed in the last episode. “How did you experience it, Noa?” asks Genee.”I have to tell you: I don’t think I’ll be going back to Qatar anytime soon,but I really thought it was a wonderful experience,” says Vahle. “Weexperienced very beautiful moments. This was of course a real highlight, adream to be present at such a competition. So it was an honor to do it foryou. Thank you for the trust and for the opportunity. I thought it was reallybeautiful, but now it’s time to go home.”

“Then you are 22 and you have already experienced such a World Cup final,”notes Genee. “It doesn’t get any better,” thinks Hendriks. Genee: “What elsecan you strive for but in this life?” Derksen: “Now it is a difficult periodfor her, because she is really overloaded with praise. She now has to chooseher programs very carefully.”

Genee asks Derksen what he would advise her, “as John’s right hand”. “I willhave a very good conversation with her first,” he replies. “I have a very goodrelationship with that girl. Then I will advise her.” He already gives one ofhis advice: “Certainly do not sit at this table.” In a more serious tone:“That girl does not need to be advised, because she will get there anyway. Sheshouldn’t be fooled. Now all those talk shows and show programs are going tocall her, you have to put the handbrake on that. But I think there is someonein her family who knows a little bit about television. It cannot be seen inthe programs, but they will be there.”

You can watch the last episode of De Oranjewinter or via KIJK.