Woman asks rock star with sign for her ‘first kiss’, he checks her ID first, then says ‘yes’ | show

With videoA fan of the British rock band The 1975 made a remarkable request tolead singer Matty Healy (33) during a concert. The woman held up a sign askingif he might give her her first kiss. Videos of his reaction have been viewedmillions of times within a short period of time.

“You made a sign about kissing,” Healy says in the video on the fan’s TikTokaccount. According to her profile on Twitter, her name is Carmen Mattson. Theartist reads the sign: ‘give me my first kiss’. ,,Seriously?” he asks, afterwhich the woman shouts ‘yes’ loudly.

According to him, the sign also read ‘I am 22’. “That’s important,” saysHealy. “I do, 100 percent. As long as you’re not 16 or something!” he shouts,after which the woman says she has her ID with her. She gives her ID card to asecurity guard, who hands it over to the performer. He reads her date of birthcarefully and bites down on the card to make sure it’s not a fake card.

Convinced of the authenticity, he walks up to the woman and grabs her face.,,Are you ready?” Healy asks. ,,Are you ready? This is your first kiss?” Whenthe woman has said ‘yes’ three times, he kisses her twice on the mouth. ,,Ohmy god”, the fan can only say afterwards.

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Mattson himself shared the video on TikTok, where it garnered 938,000 likesand 3.8 million views within three days. After the concert, the woman took toTwitter to say how happy she was. “I can’t believe Matty Healy kissed me,” shewrote. “He gave me two kisses, no man can ever measure up to him.”

The woman’s request does not come out of the blue, because singer Healy oftenkisses fans during concerts. Colleagues like Robbie Williams did the same inthe past. But Healy does more striking things: he recently made the newsbecause he appeared to be eating a piece of raw meat on stage, and he also hada tattoo done on stage.

The British band The 1975 is very popular in their own country; all five ofthe group’s albums hit #1 on the record chart. In the Netherlands the successis modest, but the group is also doing good business in Australia and America.

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