Barbara Quee talks about finding birth mother

Barbara Quee, the woman who Traceless affair, has yet found her biologicalmother. She joined last night On 1 to tell about this, together with herfriend and partner Fiona Teggatz.

Quee got in after the search Traceless suspicion, because things weresettled somewhat abruptly. She later went to investigate herself and a lotturned out to be wrong. Together with Teggatz, she set up a research firm anddiscovered another mismatch. In October, Kees brought van der Spek into hisprogram Scammers Busted the dubious practices surrounding the program __ tolight. The two stories have one thing in common: they were set in motion byfixer Edwin Vela in Colombia. Traceless presenter Derk Bolt suspects thatthere was no intention in the game, a reaction that Quee called a “creepy” inanother program. KRO-NCRV decided to investigate several matches in responseto Van der Spek’s broadcasts. This revealed a third mismatch.

Teggatz had right after the Traceless episode of Quee, the feeling thatsomething was wrong. “I have been doing searches for ten years, actually onthe same footing as traceless, but from my living room. I do that because Imyself have been looking for my birth mother for 26 years, but I can’t findher. This way you know how to help someone.”

Barbara Quee: ‘She always assumed I was gone’

Despite the painful turn of events, Quee continues the search for her motherunabated. A few weeks ago, there was finally that much-hoped-for breakthrough.With the help of Traceless she gives her DNA material to a worldwidedatabase and there appears to be a match with a full brother. “He had a lot ofinformation in his adoption file about our mother, so Fiona and I could findher,” she says. She has now been able to speak to her biological mother andeven see her via a video call. Seeing each other in ‘real life’ will take sometime. Quee has not yet been able to travel to Colombia.

But how does such a first contact go? The shock turns out to be great forQuee’s biological mother: she did not know that she is still alive. “I heardfrom her that she actually learned immediately after giving birth that I wouldhave died. So she always assumed I was gone. Then I am there and that was verybizarre for her.”

A first phone call like that is a bit awkward anyway. “Of course it is verydifficult, because what do you say to your mother for the first time if youhave never spoken to and seen her? It’s difficult to make it known who youare, because you don’t know how the business lives with her. It is of course asuper delicate matter. In fact, it is a person with whom I only have a bloodrelationship, but I do not know her otherwise. I don’t know how she’s going toreact.”

Biological mother Quee doesn’t immediately believe her

Quee tried to verify on the phone that she had the right person. “Are you theone we have in mind from the papers? She admitted that, but it was verydifficult for her to respond immediately. She didn’t immediately believe it.It just took some time for her to recover from the shock.”

The whistleblower of Spoorloos, Barbara Quee, still found her real> biological mother. “I heard last week that my mother heard immediately after> giving birth that I would have died. She always assumed I was gone.” #On> 1>>> — Op1 (@op1npo) December 15,> 2022

Her mother then insisted on a DNA test precisely because she always thoughtQuee had died. The result came last Friday: it has been irrefutably proventhat the woman is her mother. “If you actually read that she is: that isincredible. Especially because after everything that has happened in the pasttwo months, I really didn’t think this would happen.”

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