Dominique Van Malder underwent stomach reduction and also makes a program about it: “What if I suddenly have a ‘normal’ body?” | Showbiz

BVDominique Van Malder (46) had a gastric bypass performed, or a stomachreduction. How that works can be discovered from next year in the new Play4documentary series ‘Patient Dompi’. The channel followed the actor’s medicaltrajectory and the emotional path he took. “Can I still eat well with astomach like a chicken egg?”

When Dominique Van Malder posed on the red carpet of the Film Fest Gent inOctober, the actor and presenter looked a lot lighter. The TV maker did notwant to give interviews about that weight loss, and now it is clear why.’Dompi’, as he is affectionately called by Radio Gaga colleague Joris Hessels,underwent a stomach reduction a while ago, and everyone can follow thatprocess next year in the documentary series ‘Patient Dompi’ on Play4. In thisway he continues his collaboration with the channel, after previouslypresenting programs such as ‘Viervoeters’ and ‘De bachelorette’.

That Van Malder had a hard time with his weight, he already showed ininterviews. “I will never forget that I participated in an Easter play inprimary school”, he told Radio 1 about his role in ‘Albatros’, a series aboutobese people. “There I was, with my fat little body, dressed as Jesus in aloincloth. At that moment my teacher liked nothing more than to squeeze mybreasts and call me ‘Jesus with obesity’.”

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Dominique Van Malder and partner at Film Fest Gent early October. Even then,the effect of the intervention was already clearly visible. © KristofGhyselinck

In recent years, the TV face has become physically more and more difficult tocarry those extra kilos. After trying many diets, he made a drastic decision:a stomach reduction. In ‘Patiënt Dompi’, Van Malder lets us take a look at hismedical trajectory and we also witness the emotional path he traveled. A storyof doubts, fears and questions like “Can I still enjoy good food if my stomachis the size of a chicken egg?” and “Am I going to be just as good an actor ifI suddenly have a ‘normal’ body?”.

‘ Patient Dompi’ can be seen on Play4 from next year.

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