Bitcoin creator is kidnapped in problematic new film

meet Decrypted a problematic crypto comedy in which the creator of Bitcoinis kidnapped.

More than fourteen years ago, on October 31, 2008, a special document waslaunched into the world under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. In the document,a p _honor-to-peer electronic cash system ‘ _described, with the thenobscure name Bitcoin.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

On January 1, 2009, the network was actually launched. The rest is history.Where the digital currency was initially worth 9 cents, today you are talkingabout many thousands of dollars each.

A lot has changed in the crypto world since then. From the emergence ofgigantic companies to the emergence and loss of everything of many new, youngmillionaires or even billionaires.

Still, there’s one constant: we’re still undecided who Satoshi Nakamoto is.Who is behind the pseudonym? Who is the inventor of Bitcoin? Is it a man, awoman, or is there a group behind it? An interesting question, about which werecently wrote this extensive article.

Decrypted: Bitcoin creator kidnapped

So check that part for a serious answer. Or you’re okay with the fact thatthere’s no answer, and you’re just hungry for a nice mindless movie. Thenyou’ve come to the right place Decrypted a film now available digitally.

The action comedy follows a chaotic NSA team on a special mission. Thesynopsis is, to say the least… special. A mismatched NSA team kidnaps thecreator of Bitcoin – Satoshi Nakamoto – and tries to torture him for theinformation they need to destroy cryptocurrencies. Yes, destroycryptocurrencies.

The botched mission brings together “a homophobic field agent, a feminist techconsultant, a transgender asylum seeker, a crypto-anarchist, a racistBrexiteer and an inclusive MI5 agent.” Sparks fly “when their respectiveprejudices collide. If they all succumb to a drug of truth, their newfoundhonesty will have disastrous consequences.”

No Oscars material

Okay, come over. No, it’s not April 1st, this is really a movie you can startwatching now. The B-movie was released in England last year, and has nowreceived a wider digital release in other countries as well. DistributorTrinity Creative celebrates that fact with a crazy new trailer, which you cancheck out above.

After watching it you know one thing for sure: Decrypted , as the film iscalled, is not Oscars material. This is a classic case of shutting down yourmind and laughing. The synopsis alone doesn’t bode well for controversialhumor, so that one trigger alert you will receive from us.


On IMDb, the crypto film scores a surprising 6.3. Surprisingly yes, becausethis type of film often does not score higher than a fiver there.Unfortunately there are no reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, but the few reactionswe could find online are not tender. Decrypted is mainly labeled as’problematic’ and ‘lousy’. From transphobic and homophobic humor to badacting. Bright.

Do you still want to give the Bitcoin movie a chance despite all thosewarnings? Then we refer you to the official website of the film. Fancy somemore solid viewing food? Then check out our list of the ten best films of all