IN PICTURE. Famous Flanders shows itself at the premiere of ‘The Neighborhood Police’: Miss Belgium shows up with new love | BV

BVThe most enthusiastic police force in our country goes to the big screen forthe fourth time with sirens blaring in ‘De Buurtpolitie: De Perfecte Overva’l.The cast presented the film to fans and celebrities this afternoon during thepremiere at Kinepolis Antwerp.

Christophe D’Huysser 11 Dec. 2022

Latest update: 20:20

In ‘De Buurtpolitie: The Perfect Everywhere’, the commissioner prepares aspectacular team building to celebrate the end of the year: the police forcehas to commit a staged bank robbery themselves. This way they learn to thinklike criminals, they have to work together, and they will have a lot of fun.But nothing goes as planned. Deceived by a rogue coach, the corps unknowinglycommits a real robbery. As soon as Vince, Emma, ​​Hugo and co discover thetruth, they get to work as quickly as possible to right the wrongs. It will bea battle against time…

“Our three previous films were based on true events, but this one is purefiction,” says Willy Herremans, who plays the role of Chief of Police Roger.“For me, this is the best movie of all. It has become a story with manyemotions and humor. Also more aimed at slightly older children because ourtarget audience is now 13 and 14 year olds. Hence the choice for the skateworld. In addition, it is quite cinematic and well directed. The fans willlove it.”

(Read more below the photo.)

© Kristof Ghyselinck

Deliciously amused

No Andy Peelman in this fourth film, his character Koen was shot in the series’De Buurtpolitie VIPS’, but Ianthe Tavernier. She makes her appearance againas Inspector Floor. “Unfortunately I didn’t have time for the series, but Idid for the film. I had a great time on set again.” Lisa Gerlo, Emma in ‘DeBuurtpolitie’, who makes her debut on the silver screen in this film, alsoagrees. “Although it was also very hard work, because the film was canned injust 11 days.”

There is more good news for fans of the most famous police force in ourcountry, because in January there will be a new season of ‘De BuurtpolitieVIPS’ on VTM. “Those 40 episodes were already canned in March,” says DempseyHendrickx (Vince). “Again with famous people and fun scenarios full ofsurprising twists. And let’s hope that afterwards we can make a new series ora fifth film.”

Willy also hopes for that. “The Neighborhood Police still scores very well.Character departures don’t affect that. And on the street I am stillapproached about the series. Not only by children and young people, but alsoby grandmothers and grandfathers. We reach all target groups and we are veryproud of that.”

_’ De Buurtpolitie: The Perfect Everywhere’ will play in cinemas from December14. _

View some photos of well-known Flemish people who attended the premierehere

“I’m way too sweet to be a police officer,” says Miss Belgium Chayenne VanAarle who was out with her early love Nicolas, with whom she is dating.

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Annelien Coorevits was out with children Elena and Luís. “They are bigfans,” it sounds.

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“What is the perfect overall for me? A Chanel store without security guards,”jokes Lesley Ann Poppe with husband Kevin next to him.

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“I would never dare to commit an everywhere,” says Familie-actress CarolineMaes at the side of her boyfriend Kim, son Daan and plus daughter Robin.

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Sid, the son of Home actor Geert Hunaerts , Lucas plays in this film andthus makes his debut as a young actor. “It was a very nice experience, but wewill see what the future brings.” An attitude that Geert only encourages. “Hemust like it most of all.”

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“Every day I am still addressed as Obi from De Buurtpolitie,” says JohanKalifa Bals who disappeared from the series in 2019. The actor was presentwith girlfriend Selina.

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“It’s a pity that I no longer play in ‘De Buurtpolitie’, but I wish it on mycolleagues,” says Tim East (Tom) while posing with daughter Lize. “And I’mglad the series is still so popular.”

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“The children are very enthusiastic about ‘De Buurtpolitie’ and so weoccasionally watch the episodes,” reveals the former high jumper TiaHallebaut at the side of son Lars, daughter Saartje and his girlfriendAline.

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Marianne DeVries came to see her daughters Lina and Ava and their bestfriend Amelie. “In Wittekerke I have already played a cop and I almost drownedin that outfit.”

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‘Blind Married’ ladies Nuria Gilizintinova and Jolien Batten werewalking together.

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The cast from ‘The Neighborhood Police: The Perfect Heist’.

Kristof Ghyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

LOOK. The chilling trailer of ‘The Neighborhood Police’