Argentinian model who stole Jochem van Gelder’s heart at Perfect Picture sends him a selfie for the World Cup: ‘How nice!’ | show

with picturePresenter Jochem van Gelder has received a wish for success froman unexpected source on the eve of the Netherlands-Argentina match at theWorld Cup. The Argentinian model who stole his heart last summer The perfectpicture surprised him with a selfie.

The 59-year-old Van Gelder was suddenly a little boy again in the final of thephotography show when it turned out that he was allowed to do a fashion photoshoot in Argentina with model Vanina Paterno. Three models were allowed tochoose themselves with which of the remaining celebrities they wanted to dotheir shoot and Vanina immediately pointed to Jochem. It almost melted on thespot.

“It’s a gift from heaven,” he said. ,,A fantastically beautiful woman.” Thenthe shooting had yet to begin. ,,With photo one I was like: this is alreadymore beautiful than I could ever have imagined”, said Jochem. He became moreand more enthusiastic. ,,You have a beautiful dress and body, how can I seemore of it?” he asked at one point. For the photo, of course.

Jochem van Gelder was very charmed by Vanina. © RTL

It sounded more dubious than it actually was; due to the editing and thecomments of presenter and voice-over Tijl Beckand, Van Gelder only looked likean adolescent in love. ,,Guys, I’m there”, Tijl joked, supposedly frustratedas the fifth wheel on the car.

Jochem received an 8.5 from the jury for his photo and won the assignment.Presenter Maurice Lede eventually won the season. Model Paterno thanked Jochemand the team of the RTL 4 show after the recordings for their kindness. ‘Ifelt very comfortable and had such a great time!’ she wrote on Instagram.

Tijl Beckand felt like a fifth wheel on the car, hejoked.Tijl Beckand felt like a fifth wheel on the car, he joked. © RTL

Five months after the broadcast, Jochem and the model from Lanús are still incontact. Her home country plays against the Dutch tonight and although Vaninahopes that the Argentinians win, she turns out to be sporty. “A message fromArgentina from my amazing final model Vanina,” Jochem writes on social mediawith the selfie she sent him. On it she wears the colors of the Argentine flagand poses next to Lionel Messi, but: “All the best to both teams,” she wrote.’How fun!’ concludes Jochem.

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