View all performances from the Best Singers KiKa special – Best Singers

Dear Singers is back for once this year in the hacienda in Seville. This timeno singer or singer is central, but it’s all about the Children Cancer FreeFoundation.

This special day is all about the Children Cancer Free Foundation, KiKa. Theorganization has been around for about twenty years now and that is why DearSingers devotes attention to this special cause in this episode.

Anita Mayer

Anita Meyer is ambassador for the Princess Máxima Center. The Center oftencollaborates with KiKa. When Anita was asked by the Princess Máxima Center tobecome an ambassador, she obviously couldn’t say no. Having children of herown, she understands all too well how important it is to contribute to the100% cure of this disease. KiKa does this by conducting research and thePrincess Máxima Center by treating children with cancer.


Nineteen percent of children die of childhood cancer. This means that onceevery three days a child dies of cancer. Do you want to do something aboutthat? You can do this by donating via the website or call0800-1303.

Henk Poort & Tabitha – The Prayer

The duet gun Henk kicks off the episode together with Tabitha. They sing thesong ‘The Prayer’ by Andrea Bocelli and Céline Dion. Although Henk is notreally religious, he prays that the nineteen percent of children who die fromchildhood cancer will quickly decrease.

Glen Faria & Tania Kross – Give Me Your Fear

A number of participants went on the road for KiKa. Glen Faria ended up with agirl named Jans and her family. They showed Glen the hospital, which he isstill impressed by. Jans’ family has had a lot to endure. Before Jansdeveloped lymphocytic leukemia, her mother had overcome breast cancer.

Children often have to deal with very intense treatments. The small bodieshave to endure a lot during chemotherapy, which often also has many sideeffects. It is therefore incredibly important that research is done into thequality of life after all treatments.

Jaap Reesema & Maria Fiselier – Being Yourself

For Jaap Reesema, the stories about childhood cancer are very familiar. Theson of a good friend of his has had several treatments. He has since beendeclared cured. Fortunately, the family has received a lot of support from thePrincess Máxima Center. His or her life changes not only for the child itself,but also for the rest of the family.

Tabitha & Jaap Reesema – Keep Dancing

The girl who visited Tabitha, Lizie, has been declared clean. Unfortunately,that does not mean that all problems will suddenly disappear. Because of herbrain tumor, Lizie has the reading and math level of someone from group 3,while she is now 10 years old. Often people do not realize that there is somuch more to a child who gets cancer and is later declared clean.

Tania Kross & Henk Poort – Somewhere

The song from the West Side Story ‘Somewhere’ sings Tania Kross together withher great friend Henk Poort. This song actually says: “Someday we will meetthere”. Talking about death remains difficult for some people, but with thissong Tania looks for comfort in her own way. Because that’s what music can do.

Jaap Reesema – Grey

As an exception to the duet rule, Jaap sings the song ‘Grijs’ again, becauseit fits so well with this special episode of Best Singers.

Maria Fiselier & Glen Faria – Alegria

With a lump in her throat, Maria Fiselier has visited the family of thedeceased Sam. At a much too young age, Sam was told that he has cancer andthat he will not recover from it. On the birthday of Sam’s mother, Mariastarts the conversation with them.

To not only hear heavy songs during this KiKa special, Maria has chosen tosing a joyful song ‘Alegria’ together with Glen.

Anita Meyer & Jan Smit – That’s What Friends Are For

At the end of the evening, presenter Jan Smit and ambassador of the PrincessMáxima Center Anita Meyer sing the song ‘That’s What Friends Are For’.