Much-discussed dance scene from hit series Wednesday gets a bad aftertaste: actress had corona | show

Actress Jenna Ortega (20) had corona when she recorded the much-discusseddance scene for the Netflix hit series Wednesday. The leading actress showedstrong symptoms, but still went on set pending a test result. The makersassure that after the positive test everything went according to the rules,but critics think it is irresponsible.

Ortega already made the statements about her infection last month, but theyare only now going over the internet. The series has since become aphenomenon, with the dance scene from the fourth episode as the highlight.Ortega’s zombie-like moves to the song Goo goo muck combined with her tightfacial expression, make up one of the best television moments of the year, the_Los Angeles Times_.

A video of the choreography went viral on the internet and many a foreignshowbiz website headlines the pun: the scene also literally turns out to beviral. “It was horrible to record,” said Ortega, also known for the series_You_ against NME. “It’s weird, I’m never sick and when I am, it’s not thatbad. But I woke up and my body ached. It was as if I had been hit by a car, asif a monster had been released down my throat and was scratching the walls ofmy esophagus.”

The makers were familiar with the symptoms, Ortega said. ,,They gave memedicine between takes, because we waited for the positive result.” Thatresult finally came. The makers then adhered to the corona measures andremoved Jenna from the set, according to MGM, the production company behindthe series around Wednesday, the daughter of The Addams Family.

The makers should have intervened sooner, is the loud criticism on socialmedia. After all, Ortega was surrounded by colleagues during the scene. Thisisn’t good news, is it? We can all agree that this is not a moment ofperseverance in the face of adversity, but a moment of: why the hell wasn’tshe sent home, she could have become very ill or infect others,” someone wrotein a tweet which collected more than 100,000 likes. Journalist Lola Méndez is’disappointed’ in the makers. “I wonder how many people got sick. And how manypeople have made those people sick.’

Old song is a hit

The show, directed by the renowned Tim Burton and according to Netflix one ofthe most successful series ever on the platform, received four stars from thissite. The’ Wednesday dance ‘ is also a hit on TikTok, where people collectmillions of likes by imitating the dance.

The streaming numbers of the song from the scene, Goo goo muck in theversion by the band The Cramps (1981), according to Billboard increased byseveral thousand percent since the release of the series. In that respect,according to the site, the number can just be Running up that hill from KateBush, which became another hit after appearing in the series Strangerthings.

Jenna Ortega came up with the choreography herself. “I am not a dancer andthat is probably very clear. I got the song a week in advance and did what Icould with it.”