Janelle stands up to Kody: ‘I’m definitely not going to bow to you’

It looks like Kody Brown (53) will soon lose one of his sister wives. In asneak peek of the latest episode of ‘Sister Wives’ you can see that Kody andJanelle (53) are once again fighting each other. But Janelle won’t let herselfbe walked over anymore: she keeps her leg stiff and has strong words for Kody.

“I’m really furious that everyone is trying to blame me for everything!”

It’s no secret that things haven’t been going well between the two for awhile. Since Christine left him, Janelle also seems to realize more and morethat Kody is definitely not a lottery ticket. In a fragment of the newepisode, you can see that the two end up in a big fight, right in front of theother two sister wives, Mary and Robin.

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Janelle bites off after bizarre fight with Kody: ‘I’m not Robyn’

The argument is about the strict rules that Kody applies to prevent a coronainfection. For example, previous episodes show Kody still wanting everyone inhis family to wear face masks when they’re out in public and constantlysanitizing their hands. Groceries and mail must also be disinfectedimmediately upon arrival and visits to the theater, a bar or restaurant areexcluded. The children cannot escape this either: they are only allowed to seetheir friends from a distance.

Kody’s rules have caused quite a division within the family. For example, hisand Janelle’s sons absolutely disagree with the rules. Kody feels that Janelledoesn’t “respect” his rules either. “Kody, you are now asking me to choosebetween you and my children,” Janelle sighs. Kody disagrees and thinks Janellelooks down on everything he’s trying to “achieve” within the family. To backup his argument, he stands up and yells, “I’m really furious that everyone istrying to blame me for everything! I really thought I was going to die when Ihad the coronavirus and I just realized that you I can’t escape it. All Iwanted was to protect my family.”


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Kody is clearly on a roll and goes even further. “I can’t believe I did allthis to protect you. To protect Truely (their daughter, ed.). And to protectmy children. I’ve only received criticism from you and our sons and zerorespect. And now you’re wondering why am I angry? I’ve been persecuted by myown family for 18 months for simply trying to protect them. My heart isbroken. This is why Christine left.”


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Janelle sees the situation very differently. “Kody, I did my best. I stoodbetween my children and the rest of the family and I always followed allcorona rules.” Janelle elaborates on this in a so-called ‘confessional’. “It’salways the same song. I won’t be belittled and I’m certainly not going to bowto him. No way. I don’t need any of this. In the last 18 months I’ve realizedthat I can manage just fine on my own. I’m independent and I’m not going tostand here and let him yell at me anymore. I don’t deserve that and I don’t