Frans Bauer feared that things would not turn out well for Mariska after a cerebral infarction | show

Frans Bauer thought that things would not turn out well for his wife Mariskawhen it turned out that she had suffered a cerebral infarction. The Brabantsinger told that tonight in the Omroep Max program Care about your brain ,where the couple looked back on the intense event. “Things went from bad toworse in the emergency room.”

Mariska couldn’t keep it dry tonight when she looked back on the day shesuffered a cerebral infarction. Earlier today she announced on Instagram thatthis happened when she was shopping. “I thought: did I eat something wrong? Itjust felt really weird.”

Mariska’s husband, Frans, says he sensed that something was wrong. Togetherthey went to the doctor, where Mariska was prescribed pills for an allergy.“In the car it was getting crazier. I thought she was getting drunk. But ofcourse it wasn’t. So I immediately drove to the hospital. And that went frombad to worse in the emergency room. Her face began to sag and she could nolonger move her arms and legs. I got scared and thought: this is not going towork out,” said the singer.

Mariska is now physically on the mend, but mentally it is still quite astruggle. ,,I used to keep thirty balls in the air, I kept the whole householdrunning. And I’m just doing that a little slower now. I have gone from a busybee to a quiet butterfly.”


Mariska Bauer (46) was so unfamiliar with the symptoms associated with acerebral infarction that she did not realize it was happening to her. ‘Astroke is something for old people, I thought. This is a big misunderstanding:it can happen to anyone! Even if you are not yet 50. Fortunately, I came outokay. You don’t see anything about me on the outside, but I’ve had to adjustmy life. Many consequences of a cerebral infarction are not visible to theoutside world,’ wrote Mariska.

Mariska Bauer was hit by the heart attack in January. A few months later,after intensive rehabilitation, she got the idea that things were ‘going a bitbetter’ and she knows how to distribute her energy better.

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