Sleepers, another excellent crime series from Dutch soil

Mark, this week is all about the Dutch series – which is getting better andbetter.

“Yes, let me start this week with the new six-part series sleepers , whichcan be seen on Videoland from tomorrow. On that platform we often find therougher crime work, such as Macro Mafia. sleepers is a series by Simon deWaal, who uses his experience as a detective in his books and screenplays. Heworks here with actor Robert de Hoog, who also appears in Macro Mafia plays.

sleepers is based on a rumor in the crime world; that world would know howto put people in the police academy. Such ‘sleepers’ can then operateundercover and gain access to all kinds of information systems. Main characterMartin, played by Robert de Hoog, is such a sleeper. In flashbacks we see howhe is recruited as a kind of street boy together with a companion by anunderworld figure, played by Hans Kesting. He manages a number of lucrativedrug lines that are preyed on by new criminals, who are much more brutal andruthless. Our main character wonders: do I want to go into business with this?

‘Then Martin’s wife also works for the police. He tries to hide his doublerole from her and is caught between two worlds. The role of the series isreserved for Teun Kuilboer, who plays Martin’s youth companion. He oncestarted as a petty criminal, but is now drawn into a power struggle in theunderworld and goes completely crazy. The new drug boss is also played byJulmar Simons, better known as rapper Adje. I read that he himself has quite abit of experience in the criminal environment. He makes a strong impression inthis role; an immense threat emanates from his appearance when he steps infront of the camera.

All in all, another excellent, well-made crime series. We can say that thiswas an incredibly good year for the Dutch series at all. I name a title like_The Spectacular_ about the IRA attacks in the Netherlands in the eighties, orNetflix series Dirty Lines , about the rise and fall of the Dutch sex lines.And then I haven’t mentioned a lot of productions yet.

‘You notice that Dutch series are being pulled up by the competition and thebattle for the viewer, there is more budget and time for it. Presenting laterthis week de Volkskrant her list of the best series of the past year. I canalready reveal: two Dutch titles make the top ten, while Dutch drama has neverfinished so high before.’

Whose deed. And then you want to mention another strong Dutch series, right?

‘That’s right, and VPRO youth series Light , the film adaptation of achildren’s book by Annet Schaap, who wrote and illustrated it. Can be seenonline on NPO Plus since yesterday, the series will be broadcast on TV at thebeginning of January. Light is a modern fairy tale about a girl who lives ina lighthouse. But then one night everything goes wrong.

‘In line with what I just said: once again a lot of time and attention hasbeen put into this, it all looks very good. Strong older actors play in it andwe see new faces. A youth series like this also shows once again: the overalllevel of the Dutch series has risen.’

And these series are also worth binging:

The Addam ‘s Family_spinoff _Wednesday (comedy/fantasy, Netflix, ★★★★☆) isfull of delicious mysteries and macabre humor.

In Andor (science fiction, Disney Plus, ★★★★★) we see a mature, raw versionof the Star Wars universe.