‘Shouldn’t have been filmed’

Tall trees catch a lot of wind. And that’s what you’re experiencing now_Wednesday_ star Jenna Ortega in person. One of the most beloved moments fromthe Netflix series is once again going viral. And for all the wrong reasons.

We can almost call it an understatement that the new reboot series is a hugehit. Netflix’s current showpiece is breaking all records and it seems likeJan, everyman and your grandmother Wednesday have seen. And even if youhaven’t watched the series in one go, chances are you’ve already seen thisscene on social media.

Beautiful, choreographed dance steps on a nice disc and a visual delight forthe eye. No wonder this one Wednesday scene went viral. But why is JennaOrtega still in a negative light? What’s the fuss about?

Did Jenna Ortega have corona during Wednesday recordings?

The ball got rolling after a recent interview from the Wednesday actresswith the leading pop culture website NME. When Jenna Ortega was asked howthe shooting of the now infamous dance scene went, the monkey came out of thesleeve.

“It was terrible because I had just contracted corona. That morning it feltlike I had been hit by a car and that a little leprechaun was scratching mythroat and esophagus. In between shots I was given medication because we werestill waiting for the result.”

But afterwards the star turned out to be Wednesday to have corona. In otherwords, the recordings were not hermetically closed or stopped when it turnedout that the central figure of the series had a virus in her bloodstream,which was still dangerous at the time. The scene was shot in 2021, when strictconditions still applied on film sets. According to MGM, the studio thatproduced the Netflix hit, all COVID measures were strictly followed and oncethe positive test was confirmed, Jenna Ortega had to leave the set.

But on social media, MGM and Netflix don’t get off so easily.

yeah the narrative around this being “omg jenna works so hard” and not “a> bunch of executives not only made a 20 year old choreograph her own dance> and work with covid but also put every single person on that set at risk” is> uh. driving me INSANE>> — kaileigh (@kaicfox) December 6,> 2022

Jenna Ortega having COVID on set and working unmasked around other unmasked> performers is not a flex. She should not be praised for “working while> sick.”>> The above the line crew could’ve possibly disabled or killed someone for> their irresponsibility.>> — v ✨🦋 (@herisviolet) December 6,> 2022

she shouldve been isolated – not made to keep working while feeling ill.> forcing jenna ortega to keep working and spreading covid around the set is> so negligent of the producers and studio https://t.co/7RnqWgFpWS>> — ᴊᴇʟᴀ (@jelevision) December 4,> 2022

Many fans find it impossible that the recordings of Wednesday tookprecedence over the health and safety of Ortega and her colleagues. But whenit comes to pennies, Hollywood going Hollywood and Netflix gonna Netflix.