‘Moonfall’ and another 9 major movie flops in 2022

2022 is almost over and now it ‘s time for a look back. Many good, but alsobad movies have been released in 2022. Here is a list of the top 10 moviesthat flopped very hard. Ranked from smallest estimated losses to largest.

10.The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent premiered on April 22 and featured acomedy/action plot with Nicolas Cage playing himself. The reviews were quitepositive and yet the film failed to make a profit at the box office. Itgrossed $29.1 million worldwide against a $30 million budget. The reason forthe flop is not clear. That the film is a comedy than play along, many viewerswill choose to watch this film on the couch.

9.The Northman

The Northman also premiered on April 22 and brought an epic Viking story.With big names like Anya Taylor-Joy and Alexander Skarsgård and mostlypositive reactions, things seemed to be moving in the right direction. Still,the movie flopped. The budget for the film was between $70 and $90 million. Inthe end, The Northman grossed $69.6 million.

8.The Bob ‘s Burgers Movie

The Bob ‘s Burgers Movie premiered on May 27. The animated film based on thepopular series received mostly positive reviews. Only it looked a lot like theseries and didn’t bring much news. The Bob’s Burgers movie flopped at the boxoffice, making $34.2 million against a $38 million budget. A good reason forthe flop could be that it had to compete with Top Gun: Maverick.


Brittle premiered on October 27 and made history as one of the first gayrom-coms to be produced by a major studio. Despite the reviews, humor andrepresentation, the film only grossed 14.7 million against a budget of $22million. Again, this may be due to the fact that the film is a comedy.


Cyrano premiered on March 10. In the film, which is based on a play, PeterDinklage plays the titular role. Despite being nominated for an Academy Awardand a Golden Globe, the film flopped very badly. The film grossed $6.4 millionworldwide against a $30 million budget. However, the film was overshadowed byThe Batman.

5.The 355

The 355 premiered on January 7 and featured a huge star cast. Despite that,the film received a mediocre 25% on Rotten Tomatoes. It would be a veryordinary and boring action movie. The film made $27.8 million against anestimated budget between $40 and $75 million. So a huge flop.


Amsterdam premiered on October 7 and also featured a huge star cast.Director David O. Russell attempted to deliver a humorous and convoluted filmthat delves deeper into the political conspiracy of the 1933 Business Plan,but failed miserably. The idea was there, but the execution was mediocre.Amsterdam grossed $31 million at the box office against a hefty $80 millionbudget.


Lightyear premiered on June 17. The Toy Story spin-off starring Chris Evansgot pretty good reviews. It made a total of $226.4 million against a $200million budget. Combined with hefty marketing and advertising costs, and thefact that studios only receive a certain percentage of box office revenue,Lightyear lost more than $100 million. Lightyear also had to compete with TopGun: Maverick.


Moonfall premiered on February 4. The sci-fi movie had a hefty $138-$146million budget. However, the film received poor reviews. It would beimplausible, confusing and mostly boring. In the end, the film made $67.3million in total box office receipts, losing Lionsgate about $140 million.

1.Strange World

Strange World debuted on November 23 and is the latest animated film fromDisney. The film received widespread positive reviews due to its animation,environmentalist undertones, and the inclusion of the first openly gay maincharacter. While its box office run is not over yet, it has so far onlybrought in $42.3 million against its $130-$185 million budget. The loss is dueto Disney’s poor marketing.