Edwin Jonker about Scrooge Live: ‘Dordrecht is a special city for me’

A group of well-known Dutch people will bring the story of A Christmas Carolto life on Sunday evening 11 December. In the run-up to the televisionspectacle, in the neighborhood of Dordrecht, a few actors from the cast havetheir say. This time our columnist Jip spoke with Edwin Jonker die JacobMarley plays. He told what makes Dordrecht so special to him****.

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Edwin is a (voice) actor, singer and you may know him from the musical MissSaigon. On television he was seen for a long time in Good Times Bad Times andon the silver screen he starred in De Ontsnapping, Tuintje in mijn Hart and F* ck de Liefde, among others. In 2019, he portrayed the character of Jesus inThe Passion. On December 11, he plays the role of Jacob Marley during ScroogeLive of Omroep MAX in Dordrecht.

Just ask… Edwin Jonker

How did you react when you were asked for Scrooge?

“When I was asked to play in Scrooge and that it was filmed in ‘my town’ I wassurprised. In Amsterdam? I asked, because I live here. But it turned out inDordrecht. It made me feel insane. Because of my role in The Passion inDordrecht, I immediately thought: I can go back.”

Can you tell us a little more about the character Jacob Marley? And did youhave your own input in this role?

“I play one of the ghosts. Jacob Marley is the former business partner ofEbenhaezer Scrooge. He was just as materialistic as Scrooge and only realizeshow he lived after his death. He wants to warn Scrooge about this.

There was definitely room for how I sing, how I move and how I came to look.If I then play a ghost, I said, it must be very intense, a totaltransformation. So I don’t look! I am in a state of decomposition, blackhands, rotten teeth, a hideous face.”

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The cast of Scrooge Live 2022. | Photo: Sander Mulkens/MAX

It must have taken some getting used to for you, to get into the skin ofsuch a hideous figure. You often play a beautiful man. Do you think appearanceis important and do you ever exploit this?

“No haha, definitely not exploiting. Of course it’s nice when you’re told youlook good, but that’s “fleeting fun.” I find it much more important to hearthat I am a nice person.”

What do you do to stay fit and in shape for work?

“Being in good shape and fit is important for a role, but also just nicer foryourself. I work out at the gym but sometimes months go by and it just doesn’thappen. Then I like to go for a walk in the woods. I do this every day. I canreally enjoy this I also learn my lyrics better while I walk. Of course Isometimes let myself go on holiday: good food and drinks, to museums. Beingmentally fit is just as important.”

You have been to Dordrecht before. What do you think of the city?

“I didn’t actually get there as an Amsterdammer, but through my role in ThePassion I got to know Dordrecht well. It is artistically a beautiful city andthe inhabitants are nice. It has become a very special place for me. When I’min the car and see a sign with Dordrecht, I always get a special feeling.”

The broadcast draws attention to child poverty. Does this touch you?

“It touches me because I myself have known poverty. We were poor at home untilI was ten. Sometimes it was so bad that we had no food.

But you know, as a child I never experienced this. We were a warm family andmy mother always filled it in very nicely. In 1982 you could eat a meal forone or two guilders in the soup kitchen of the AMC hospital. My mother made atrip out of it, she dressed me nicely and said: we’re going out for dinnertoday. My parents were still in college when they met. My father came fromSuriname. They both had a part-time job at the PTT and immediately fell inlove with each other. Later, when my parents were in education, things gotbetter.”

How are you celebrating Christmas this year? And do you have a wish for thereader and viewers?

“It’s going to be a little Christmas celebration for me this year. Normally Icelebrate with family, but my parents are going to Suriname. I think I’llsnuggle up on the couch in my bathrobe and watch old movies. I’m lookingforward to that. I want to wish the viewers a very happy Christmas with familyand people they care about.”

Scrooge Live in Dordrecht can be seen on NPO 1 on December 11 around 8.30 pm.