a lot of whining for 150 million dollars

There it was today: the documentary Harry & Megan from Netflix. Britain hasbeen in turmoil for days (or weeks, or months). Because oops, that Britishroyal family would of course die completely.

The Subway reporter didn’t lose a second of sleep last night. Still, thedocumentary is wrong Harry & Megan of course not Look at the Tube the_Subway_ section in which Erik Jonk discusses new and striking programs fromregular TV broadcasters and streaming services.

Harry & Meghan lasts almost six hours

For those who think after a working day tonight: I’m going to do that Harry &Megan from Netflix: watch out, you’ll be busy for almost six hours. You can’tsee it today, but half of it. The last three episodes will appear nextThursday.

Before we really missed it completely: Harry is the Duke of Sussex, MeghanMarkle now Duchess. He is the son of King Charles and the late Diana andbrother of the future British monarch William. She is a former Americanactress, because their marriage, of course, turned into a fairy tale.Together, the world famous couple have two young children, Archie and Lilibet.But what they have been best known for for the last two years: Harry and Meganturned their backs on the royal house, they no longer want to belong to it intitle.

Vlogging with a towel on your head

March 2020 is the month Harry gave up his title His Royal Highness. And at thesame time, the month in which director Liz Garbus’s documentary camerasstarted rolling. Harry & Megan runs until last August. What immediatelystands out at the beginning of the first episode: Harry and Meghan arevlogging. He in England, she from her new home in the United States, sighingdesperately with a twisted towel on her head. See, now that’s nice (not thatsigh). It stays there – in episode one anyway – for a while. The duo isinterviewed between numerous old images while they sit neatly on a veryexpensive couch.


Response of the British royal family?

The British royal family, when asked by the makers, did not want to comment onthe Netflix documentary series of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan. “Membersof the royal family declined to comment on the content of this series,” readsthe message at the beginning of the first episode. However, ‘Palace sources’today claim that the British royal family has not been asked for comment atall.

Where ‘everyone’ who Harry & Megan presumably looks on watch: the dirtylaundry about the royal from which the two have fled. Well, we’re going to getthat one and also told by friends. Their very old life, actually, which wasoften not so nice through no fault of their own and sometimes still isn’t.Examples? The social media hatred towards Meghan and even son Archie. “Briberyand exploitation,” as Harry calls it, from the press/paparazzi (“I feelobligated to expose that”). According to the former prince, the constantattention of (photo) journalists after the divorce of his Charles and Dianareached ‘a new level’. “I have never known a holiday where a photographer didnot appear from the bushes.”

Harry & Megan full of wails

According to Harry, his Meghan sacrificed everything to be in his world. To behonest: of course she shouldn’t have done that at all (but yes, love…) Meghanhad the worst example in Diana, who entered the royal house as an ordinarygirl just like her. Harry himself says that two years ago he himselfsacrificed everything he knew: crown off and go. The duo talks _Harry & Megan_also ‘just’ about racist reporting about the American ex-actress. And thefirst death threat, after which she got security.

Yes, there is a lot of whining. But no matter how harrowing it may be: thecouple could also have lived a nice life in California, without the docu-camera. Harry and Meghan are not obliged to tell their story, although theythink they are. “People don’t know us,” says Meghan. “It is therefore nice tobe able to do this documentary and show who we are.” Harry: “A friend came upwith it. With all the misinformation that has been spread about us and alsobecause of our departure, I thought it was a good idea.”

Harry and Meghan documentaryNetflixMeghan and Harry in the documentary. Photo:Netflix

Nice cash

It all sounds neat and well-intentioned, that ‘good to be able to do’. Butwhy? Me ass, you would rather think. If Harry & Megan had not existed, noone in the world would have been made worse. Better be. Namely Harry andMeghan herself (reportedly about $ 150 million, converted into a royal rewardof 143 million euros). And Netflix, due to a possible revival in thesubscriber base.

The royal family is popular all over the world, so the creators of Harry &Megan I understand too. The popularity percentages of the British royalfamily fluctuate between 60 and 80 percent. Politicians would kill for that.But whether this sulking Subway -man is going to sit out the documentaryride? Maybe anyway. Besides all the whining, there are plenty of other (well)fun things. Meghan feeding chickens. Harry in sweatpants. The fact that Harrydiscovered his great love on Instagram, when she posted a video with dog earsand a dog nose. In that respect, we see quite a nice couple. Subway hope thebest for them.

You can now find the first three episodes of the Netflix documentary here.