Girlfriend Britney Spears testifies about difficult period: “She lost the sparkle in her eyes” | Showbiz

CelebritiesBritney Spears (41) suffered thirteen years under the curatorshipof her father Jamie Spears (70), after she had a breakdown in 2007. Her goodfriend Julianne Kaye (47) witnessed this difficult period from close by. “Ifyou knew her, you could see that something was very wrong,” she tells TheMirror.

JOVS 07-12-22, 11:30

Latest update: 12:09 Source: The Mirror, The Daily Mail, Instagram

November 12, 2021. It’s a day singer Britney Spears won’t soon forget. On thisday, after a long struggle, the reign of her father Jamie Spears came to anend. For thirteen years he determined the doings of his daughter. Thereceivership was the result of a much-publicized breakdown that Britney had in2007. Julianne Kaye, close friend of the ‘Gimme More’ star, now speakscandidly about this difficult period in a conversation with ‘The Mirror’.

Toll of fame

Kaye took up the job of a make-up artist at the age of 23 and accompanied thepop princess on world tours. They quickly became very close friends, allowingher to see with her own eyes the pressure Britney was struggling with.“Britney was a huge star. But during the receivership, that light that alwaysshone so brightly had disappeared,” she confesses. “You could see it in hereyes. If you knew her, you could see that something was very wrong.”

She goes on to look back to the beginning of the administration: “She had hermuch-publicized breakdown and when I saw her on ‘X Factor’ or any other show,it was like the lights were on but no one else was home. She never looked likeherself after that.”

(Read more under the Instagram post)

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“Britney was my client, but above all my friend. I really cared very much forher and I still do.” Julianne goes on to explain that Britney has always lovedperforming, but struggled with the spotlight and also wanted a ‘normal’ life.Now that the administration has come to an end in 2021, after thirteen years,she is very relieved and delighted that Britney has her freedom back. Shehopes that the newly married singer will find her happiness and sparkle again.