Not three but four presenters for De Warmste Week, and Siska Schoeters also gets a program: you should know this

From Monday 19 December, De Warmste Week will settle in Hasselt’s Stadspark.It is the first time that the largest solidarity action from Flanders is goingto Limburg. This year, De Warmste Week is tackling the fight againstdeprivation.

Who presents?

The choice fell on StuBru voices Fien Germijns (27) and Eva De Roo (34) andtheir MNM colleagues Sander Gillis (30) and Kawtar Ehlalouch (25). Togetherthey make non-stop radio for six days on Studio Brussels, MNM and VRT MAX fromHet Warmste Huis in Hasselt. They live, work and sleep there during the entireaction and they send reporters Robin Keyaert and Joris Brys across Flanders tocollect stories.

Which acts will perform?

No De Warmste Week without live music. Goldband, Regi, Niels Destadsbader,Bart Peeters, Ilsen & Verhulst, Bazart, Metejoor and Black Box Revelation,among others, will play live this year. Oscar and the Wolf, which will alsoheadline Rock Werchter next year, will also be there. You can attend everyconcert for free.

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© Boumediene Belbachir

Cargo bike from Ostend to Hasselt

Ketnetwrapper Héritier blazes along with Tournée Héritier. He converted acargo bike into a mobile DJ booth and uses it to paddle to Ketnetters who haveset up an action. To thank them, he plays pictures. Héritier starts his touron the beach of Ostend and hopes to arrive in Hasselt on the final day of DeWarmste Week with a cargo bike full of stories.

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The Warmest Week on TV

During De Warmste Week there will be a TV broadcast with Siska Schoeters onOne and VRT MAX every evening around 10.15 pm. Together with a central guest,she looks back at the best moments of the day. Every day the show gets thename of the day, starting with De Warmste Monday.

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© Vrt – Jokko

Other One programs are also devoted to De Warmste Week. Kristel Verbeke entersFlames against poverty looking at the impact of poverty on someone’s life. Intwo episodes on One, on Mondays and Thursdays, she talks to about a hundredpeople. Both with people who are in the middle of it, but also withneighbours, colleagues, friends and social workers.

There will be an episode of it on Wednesday 21 December Dare to ask aboutpeople who are homeless or homeless. In the quiz Switch well-known Flemishpeople Aster Nzeyimana, Katrien De Ruysscher, Jonas Geirnaert, Annabet Ampofoand Thibault Christiaensen give the best of themselves to raise as much moneyas possible.

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Five Warmathons

In the final week there are five Warmathons (running in circles or walking toraise money) on the program. On Monday 19 December, Stephanie Planckaert willfire the starting shot in Bruges. Sint-Niklaas is next with Sarah Mouhamou onTuesday, Brussels with Mathias Vergels on Wednesday and Mechelen with DieterCoppens on Thursday. On Friday, Maksim Stojanac closes the Warmathons inLeuven.

Support The Warmest Week yourself

Of course you can also support the charity yourself by requesting images. Inaddition, it is still possible to set up campaigns to collect money, buyflames and register for one of the five Warmathons. The closing show takesplace on Christmas Eve between 5 and 6 pm. Last year, De Warmste Week raisedan amount of 3,203,455 euros.