Tonight on TV: vtwonen In love with your house again, Wipeout and The Dangerous Roads | show

The doomsday scenario of rising sea levels doesn’t stop retiree Geoff Woodfrom building a house on a swampy estuary. But to keep feet dry, theconstruction must be airborne. And so the flood-resistant building will floatabout 4.5 meters above the ground. But just before the first pile is driveninto the river clay, the corona crisis breaks out. Suddenly the entireplanning falls into the water and Geoff can do nothing but wait. But after ayear’s delay, construction finally started.

Wipeout – starts season 9

Run, jump, fly, dive, fall and get up again; Herman van Veen sang it, in_Wipeout_ it’s the most normal thing in the world. The shoreless clatter andclatter over red balls, pillars and tidal waves lasted three seasons in theNetherlands, on the other side of the Grote Plas they are now ready for theninth series. Here again a number of candidates compete against each other andagainst the clock on a dizzying obstacle course. The stakes: the honor and$25,000.

vtwonen Fall in love with your house again

For years, Eva has lived in the very pleasant Hanseatic city of Zwolle, butnow that she and her Jordy are expecting a sprout, there is no other optionthan to move to Almere, the home base of Jordy and his sons Dani and Luka. Butbefore a moving box is even brought to the polder, the creative team of_vtwonen_ summoned to transform Jordy’s men’s house into a urban jungle withlots of candlelight.

Media logic

The possible arrival of an asylum seekers’ center in a municipality regularlyleads to social commotion. Like this summer around the ‘asylum hotel’ inAlbergen. Municipal administrators who agree to the arrival of an azc cancount on protests and threats. Mayors and other directly involved inform_Media logic_ about the effect of media attention on public administrationwhen asylum reception is discussed in a municipality.

The Most Dangerous Roads – Season 7 starts

Deep ravines, steep precipices, swampy paths and rickety bridges; again, eightcelebrity couples trade the cobbled Dutch paths for some of the most dangerousroads in the world. In this first episode of the seventh season, EmmaWortelboer gets into the car with Diederik Gommers for a bumpy ride throughmountainous Kosovo.

Emma Wortelboer and Diederik Gommers in The most dangerous roads. © Powned

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