Glen Powell says he’s on Tom Cruise’s holiday gift list — and throws a party when the famous coconut cake arrives

Getting Tom Cruise’s famous holiday gift cake is such a celebration that his_Top Gun: Maverick_ co-star Glen Powell throws a party when it arrives.

Yes, the celebrity-hyped and Yahoo taste-tasted white chocolate coconut bundtcake — made by Doan’s Bakery in Woodland Hills, Calif., and shipped toCruise’s VIP list — is back as a talking point for the stars as the holidayseason commences. Powell, a breakout star from the blockbuster movie, was aguest on Wednesday’s Jennifer Hudson Show and endorsed the culinaryconcoction as “the most delicious cake you’ve ever had.”

“Tom Cruise has this amazing tradition every holiday — he sends the ‘TomCruise Cake,'” Powell, 34, explained. “The ‘Cruise Cake’ is a very famousthing. If you worked with Tom Cruise or [have] done a Tom Cruise movie, youget this Tom Cruise cake. Over the course of time, it’s turned into thisglobal operation where every Christmas he’ll send out I don’t know how many —it could be thousands [of cakes]…”

As for his review, “It is the most delicious cake you’ve ever had,” the> Austin, Texas, native said. “My friends who have tried it, they love it so> much that they hit me up right around December 1. ‘Hey, has it arrived yet?’> So now I have a party at my house where I’ll have the Cruise cake. It’s my> ‘Cruise Cake Party.’ And I’ll invite people over to try a bite or two.”

Hudson was curious, asking, “It’s a party for the cake?” Powell replied yes,but added that there is only one cake so guests “can’t get greedy. I reallyhave to limit people. I can’t let them come back for seconds.” He said it’s”demolished” by the end of the night. Hudson, who isn’t yet on the listapparently, asked Powell to send her a piece, clearly intrigued by the wholething.

Celebrities have been raving about this cake for years. Rosie O’Donnell hasposted photos of it on Instagram. Kirsten Dunst has said she invites herfamily over to devour it. Jimmy Fallon called it “unbelievable,” Henry Cavillcalled it “decadent” while Renée Zellweger, Angela Bassett, James Corden,Cobie Smulders and Graham Norton have also all raved about it. Barbara Waltersand The View co-hosts once ate it on air. Last year, there was a report thatCruise, 60, shipped 300 of the coconut cakes from the LA bakery to London for_Mission: Impossible_ crew members.

Story continues

Cruise — who was introduced to the cake by then-wife Katie Holmes who learnedabout it from Diane Keaton (it’s a good story) — said in 2018 that he sendsthe cakes to everyone “and I wait for the calls,” from recipients contactinghim to say how good it is.


The “Cruise Cake” — which the Woodland Hills, Calif., bakery simply calls its”White Chocolate Coconut Cake” — can be ordered online and shipped. (

Yahoo previously spoke to Eric Doan, who runs the small, family-owned bakerystarted by his 80-year-old mother Karen, for the scoop on the cake, which acoconut bundt cake base with sweet white chocolate chunks, layers of cheesefrosting and toasted coconut flakes. He was casually discussing the celebrity-touted treat, saying, “It’s just a unique cake that we dreamed up 25 yearsago.” Though he did add that it’s “made with a lot of love.”

Each year, Cruise’s Odin Productions company places a huge order. Doan getsboxes from Cruise’s team and when the cakes are ready they are taken to asecondary location where they are spruced up extra special with pretty holidaywrapping for Cruise’s gift list. Cruise’s team then ships them to his VIPsaround the world.

Rosie O ‘Donnell has shared photos of cake box, grandly decorated by Cruise’steam and flowed around the globe:

“There were years they kept us in business,” Doan said of Cruise’s annualorder.

On the bakery website, you’d have no idea that they are the home of the Cruisecake — it’s merely listed as White Chocolate Coconut Cake on the cake page.However, they do ship through GoldBelly, which has been known to drop Cruise’sname in promoting the cake. If you want to have the experience but save somemoney, a Yahoo writer also came up with a DIY Cruise cake option.

Powell worked with Cruise in megahit Top Gun: Maverick, which came out inMay and became one of the highest-grossing film ever at the domestic boxoffice. Fellow star Miles Teller has said Cruise reached out to him about apossible Top Gun 3.