Do you want to get rid of gourmet air? This way your house smells fresh again after a night of gourmet | Cooking&Eating

Cooking & eatingDo you suffer from a pungent, difficult to combat baking smellin your home after a night of gourmet dining? TV chef Jet van Nieuwkerk givesa step-by-step plan to make your house smell nice again.

Zoe de Jong 1 Dec. 2022

Latest update: 14:16

Gourmet food is delicious, but you don’t want to smell it the next day. How doyou do that? Jet van Nieuwkerk does it like this:

Step 1: Turn on the extractor hood

Turn on the extractor hood during grilling. For example, a large part of theodor immediately goes outside through the extractor hood and it lingers lessin your house.

Step 2: Orange with cloves

Fill an orange completely with cloves and place it near your dining table.This gives off a wonderful fresh scent and at the same time absorbs theintense gourmet scent.

Step 3: Ground coffee

Put freshly ground coffee on the dining table. The oils released from theground coffee dissolve any unwanted odors. You can also put this container inthe fridge or freezer to neutralize all the odors of your prepared Christmasdinner.

Step 4: Cooking vinegar

Afterwards, put a small pan with a little vinegar on the fire. The vaporsneutralize the gourmet smell. That’s much better than using air fresheners,which just mix with all the gourmet smells.

Step 5: Light the bay leaf

By lighting a bay leaf and letting the vapors pass through the room, youquickly remove the gourmet air. The vapors from the leaf may also help againstChristmas stress. They make your muscles relax. This reduces stress andtension.

Holiday blunders: Wendy had rented a house and bought meat for the gourmetevening. That didn ‘t go very well. You can find this story and 24 otherblunders at Ouders van Nu.

This article originally appeared on this site on December 17, 2019. _ _In addition to these handy tips, TV chef Jet van Nieuwkerk also hasdelicious recipes for the gourmet. In this episode she makes kid-friendly cornpancakes:

And this is how you give a Dutch twist to your gourmet:

Photo for illustration. © Shutterstock

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