VTM NEWS journalist attacked during live report in Borgerhout: “Police were present until 7 pm, but suddenly they were ordered to leave” | Instagram VTM NEWS

After the match between Morocco and Belgium at the World Cup, there weredisturbances on the Turnhoutsebaan in the Antwerp district of Borgerhout.During a live intervention before the broadcast at 7 p.m., VTM NEWS journalistRob Van Herck was punched in the face. “Fortunately, people intervened, so itdid not escalate further,” he tells Joe radio station. In Brussels, severalmembers of the press were attacked during their reporting.

Yorick Dupon 28 Nov. 2022

Latest update: 11-28-22, 11:36 Source: own reporting, VTM NEWS, Joe, RTL INFO, VRT NWS, RTBF, Belga

Van herck has no injuries from the incident, but the journalist does file acomplaint. DPG Media, the parent company of VTM NEWS and HLN, supports this.At the morning show of Anke Buckinx and Sven Ornelis on Joe, Van herck talksabout Sunday evening.

“I received a punch on the side of my face off screen,” says the VTM NEWSjournalist. The original plan was to film the folk festival on theTurnhoutsebaan after the match, but the atmosphere suddenly changed. “At 6p.m., a large group of people stormed a police station, after which twoofficers had to flee,” said Van herck.

Nevertheless, an agent told the reporter that he would keep an eye on VanHerck’s live report. “The police were present until 7 p.m., but suddenly theywere ordered to leave. Within two minutes the shock troops had jumped intotheir combis. Three minutes later, the situation was as shown in the report,”the journalist testifies.

According to the Antwerp police, the intention is not to give the impressionin any way that the officers want to provoke something. At the discretion ofthe responsible officer at that moment, they leave as soon as things havecalmed down. A spokesperson told VTM NEWS.

At the same time, there were also football supporters who wanted nothing morethan to appear on screen, as is often the case during live coverage. “Thoseyoung people tried to keep the good peace, but then the other type ofsupporter appeared,” says Van herck.

The full conversation can be viewed below.

The Antwerp police had to arrest eight people on Sunday. That is what thelocal police say to the editors of VTM NEWS. They are now free again. Thedetainees were all held administratively for disturbing public order. Theywere therefore allowed to go home later in the evening when peace hadreturned. Their arrest may have legal consequences later, according to theBelga news agency.

Journalists and cameramen also attacked in Brussels

In Brussels, a VRT NWS camera crew was pelted with stones and bottles onSunday. This is reported by the public broadcaster. The window of a reporter’scar was broken. The press service of the VRT informs our editors that there isonly material damage. “VRT NWS is still evaluating everything internally, sowe cannot yet say whether we will file a complaint or not,” said spokespersonYasmine Van der Borght.

In addition, several teams of the French-speaking broadcaster RTBF were alsoattacked. They were insulted and beaten several times by young people onBoulevard Maurice Lemonnier. The RTBF executive committee responds that alegal complaint will be filed for any attack. “Their work must be respectedand especially the integrity of their person,” it read in a statement.

LOOK. In HLN LIVE we ask Interior Minister Verlinden whether the riots afterBelgium-Morocco could have been avoided

A team was also physically attacked at RTL INFO. A journalist and cameramanwho wanted to report on the spot about the riots in Brussels had to takerefuge in a company after being attacked by several people. They were beatenand equipment was damaged and stolen. The editors of RTL INFO condemn theattacks on journalists.

According to a statement from the Brussels police, a journalist was alsoinjured in the face by fireworks during the riots in the capital, the Belganews agency reports. Ilse Van der Keere, spokeswoman for the Brussels CapitalIxelles police zone, informs our editors that the report came in via theemergency number, but that the victim could not be identified.

VVJ: “We will never, never, never accept this”

“We are not shocked by what is happening here because we have noticed for sometime that there is increasing aggression. This is very bad. We will never,never, never accept this,” said Pol Deltour, national secretary of the FlemishAssociation of Journalists (VVJ). “They are being attacked personally.Journalists are people doing their job. But it goes further than that, becauseonce you attack journalists, you attack reporting and you mortgage the newsstream.”

“In 2019, we set up the Reporting Center for Aggression. We see in the figuresthat this is a problem. The most important thing now is that complaints aresubmitted as much as possible, as other victims of Sunday evening have to do,”says Deltour to our editors.

Selección española: La España competente de Luis Enrique | Mundial Qatar 2022

Con la presión a todo campo como arma común, la principal batalla que anticipóLuis Enrique se iba a dar por la posesión de la pelota y fue superada. Norenunciar a salir jugando desde atrás y no perder la compostura, pese a laintensa presión alta de los alemanes que provocó pases comprometidos de UnaiSimón y de Laporte fue otra conclusión positiva del encuentro. España tuvo másel balón (65%) que Alemania (35%). And la otra reválida, la de tener la pelotaen campo contrario, también fue superada por los internacionales españoles.Solo en los minutos finals, con el acoso alemán, España se vio más obligada delo habitual a defender con la línea defensiva más cerca del área de Unai Simónque de la línea del centro del campo, donde normalmente se establece. Lasprimeras conclusiones de entrenador y jugadores sobre esa última phase delpartido fueron que faltó calma para guardar el balón con circulaciones máslargas, pero con la nueva visualización del encuentro la tendenciageneralizada fue la de ensalzar que Alemania mejoró con los cambios y que,finalmente , al menos, se pudo sostener el empate que ha dejado franca laclasificación para la siguiente ronda. En la expedición se hace referencia alpoderío individual de los alemanes ya la militancia de muchos de ellos en eltemido Bayern de Múnich, que en los últimos años ha pasado por encima delBarcelona en la Liga de Campeones.

Vinicius y Casemiro se alian contra Suiza | Mundial Qatar 2022

Sin los auxilios de Militão y Alex Sandro, Vinicius y Raphinha, forzados asumar por Neymar, se quedaron aislados, sometidos a la custodia compartida porvarios suizos. A la selección de Yakin Murat no le falta oficio para el pico yla pala. Otra cosa es cuando debe levantar la mirada. No lo hizo en toda lanoche, apenas algún vistazo de pasada a Alisson. Suiza late mejor cuando seabriga cerca del veterano Sommer. Algo más expansiva en el segundo tiempo, deentrada el equipo helvético se paralizaba sin disimulo cuando debía dar unpaso al frente. Lo que fuera con tal de no desordenarse. And ataque son muchaslas ocasiones en las que Embolo, goleador ante sus paisanos de Camerún, juegaal solitario.

Tampoco Brasil fue un desmadre ofensivo de entrada. Ni mucho menos. Unaasistencia de Raphinha —cada vez mejor pasador que regateador— a Vinicius fuela única gracia brasileña del primer tiempo. Al del Madrid le salió un rematealgo mordido y Sommer estuvo ágil.

Al descanso intervino Tite, que buscó en Rodrygo un Neymar que no fueraPaquetá. La entrada del madridista surtió efecto en el camarada Vinicius.Brasil se entregó al extremo, que comenzó a producir sobrecargas en latrinchera suiza. Hay otro Vinicius and Brasil. El mismo estupendo jugador,pero con otro talante. Ni un mal gesto, ni una mueca de reprobación al rival oal juez, nada de aspavientos. No se alteró cuando fue cazado más de una vez.Ni tan siquiera cuando al salvadoreño Iván Barton le chivó el canadiense DrewFischer un fuera de juego de Richarlison. El ariete brasileño pujó por lapelota, la conquistó Rodrygo y Casemiro puso en órbita a Vinicius, sobrio yeficaz ante Sommer para cantar su primer gol como mundialista. En el tribunalsupremo del VAR rebobinaron y condenaron a Richarlison, que al parecerintervino fuera de lugar.

Hilarious tweet about working atmosphere Wie is de Mol?, Twitter on the shelf

You have those jokes, like one left this weekend Who is the mole? , whichturn out fine. Or not… but then we’re talking about tweeters who didn’t seethe fun of a message. And well, then you know it: furious with the cupboard.Within one second.

“It seems that the working atmosphere at Who is the mole? behind and infront of the scenes is also pretty sick. Especially by one person”, was thetext that mattered. For the writer, this resulted in more than 4200 likesuntil this morning. But also 179 reactions, including many angry ones.

You really can’t just say that about Wie is de Mol?!

Because hey, hello, is someone throwing that on the worldwide web without aname or argument?, was the purport of the angry messages. How dare he! In thiscase, that ‘ie’ was Maarten Hopman, who by ‘that one person’ naturally meansthe mole of the game show. With his joke he played amusingly on a much moreserious case, that of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk The world goes on. Research isbeing conducted into the working culture of that success program and the roleof the presenter, now also NPO-wide.

It seems that the working atmosphere at Wie Is De Mol behind and in front of> the scenes is also getting pretty sick. Especially by one person.>> — Maarten Hopman (@maartenhopman94) November 26,> 2022

Twitter users once did not do their own research

People on Twitter sometimes (or very often) pat themselves on the back abouttopics where they have done their ‘own research’. At the message about Who isthe mole? that research was completely lacking. Shout immediately, somepeople thought that was a better plan. However, one press on Maarten Hopman’saccount had shown that we are dealing here with a man who is the editor of thesatirical online platform The pin is (“Your go-to for reliable news”).Hopman posts funny things on Twitter all the time. But yes, if you don’tfollow him…


Participants Who is the Mole?

This weekend the participants for the 23rd season of Who is the mole?_announced. They go on the hunt for the mole: _Glamor -editor-in-chief Anke deJong, actor/comedian Annick Boer, investigative journalist Daniël Verlaan,presenter Froukje de Both, presenter Jurre Geluk, actor Nabil Aoulad Ayad,Olympic swimming champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo, presenter Sander de Kramer,actor/singer Sarah Janneh and presenter/actor Soy Crown. _Who is the mole?_can be seen from 7 January at AVROTROS on NPO 1.

‘Really low’, if you say that about Wie is de Mol? claims

“By whom?” was perhaps the most striking response to the tweet in which oneperson at Who is the mole? Other people are genuinely angry with Hopman.“The sad thing is that anyone can claim something. Then do it with a name,” itsounds, for example. “Yes, this is really low,” adds one Sjoerd. Wim: „Thewhole atmosphere in the Netherlands is sick front and back. Polarization isrampant, a different opinion is not appreciated. The Netherlands is sick andas I see it, terminal.”

“Wim misses the point,” Frank responds. But William is not alone. Two morethen: “Have fun shouting on Twitter! Soon people will be unfairly blackenedagain.” And: “I only see bullying, nasty comments on social media. Let’s alltake a look at ourselves!”

Funny comments back

Fortunately, there are also many funny reactions, such as this: “Terrible. Bythe way, bee Hunted the program management seems to keep an eye on theparticipants with disproportionate means. The privacy of participants seems tobe structurally violated.”

Was the Twitterer himself still surprised about the anger at his satire? Ordoes he see those kinds of reactions coming a mile away? Maarten Hopman: “Youcan expect angry reactions to almost every tweet these days, but I prefer tofocus on the positive reactions and the people who add a joke to it. Twitteris still a very fun and inspiring place for me most of the time.”

Hopman was in good shape this weekend. He also briefly discussed the riots inAmsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague after the Morocco – Belgium (2-0) World Cup

Jennifer Lopez ‘felt like I was going to die’ after Ben Affleck split

Jennifer Lopez said her and Ben Affleck’s breakup 20 years ago was so”painful” she thought she’d “die.” In a new interview, the singer talked abouther latest Affleck-inspired album and what the actor-director said had to sayabout some seemingly personal lyrics.

Lopez, 53, spoke to Apple Music’s Zane Lowe about her forthcoming album _ThisIs Me …Now_a follow-up to her hit 2002 project _This Is Me …Then. _

“Twenty years ago, I fell in love with the love of my life,” Lopez explained.”Now, the most amazing, incredible, unbelievable thing has happened… thereason we’re here is because I want to capture this moment in time because itis even better than the first time.”

Affleck and Lopez tied the knot (twice!) over the summer after rekindlingtheir relationship. The Gigli co-stars initially called off their engagementin 2004.

“It was so painful after we broke up. Once we called off that wedding 20 yearsago, I was — it was the biggest heartbreak of my life. I honestly felt like Iwas going to die,” Lopez recalled. “It sent me on a spiral for the next 18years where I just couldn’t get it right. Couldn’t get it right. But now, 20years later, it does have a happy ending. It has the most would-never -happen-in-Hollywood ending. ‘That would never happen. We’re not going to write thatbecause nobody would believe it’ ending.”

Lopez said that when she and Affleck got back together, he called her out fornot performing songs that were about him on This Is Me …Then.

“I was like, ‘You’re right. It was painful.’ It was a part of me then that Ihad to put away to move on and survive. It was a survival tactic, for sure,”Lopez recalled. (By the way, she said Affleck “knows all of the words” tosongs on that album.)

This Is Me …Then really captured a moment in time where I fell in lovewith the love of my life. It’s all right there on the record. I didn’t evenrealize what was happening and what I was doing,” Lopez remembered. “Everysingle song that we wrote there, me writing ‘Dear Ben,’ it was such a specialmoment in time to have captured.”

Story continues

Lopez said the media frenzy surrounding their relationship “destroyed us” allthose years ago.

“That was part of what destroyed us was the outside energy that was coming atus. And we loved each other, it was hard. It felt, at times, unfair, butneither one of us is that person to be like, woe is me. So we were like,’Well, we just got to dust it off and keep it moving.’ And I think, in theweirdest way, that it motivated both of us to then become and do the thingsthat we wound up doing, which is kind of go into hyper-gear,” she said, notingthey had “to do it separately .” He went into hyper gear and I went into hypergear. But not together. We had to do it separately… It fueled us in a weirdway that we felt we had to prove ourselves again.”

Lopez hinted at that This Is Me …Now will feature similarly personal lyricsas its predecessor.

“We captured me at this moment in time when I was reunited with the love of mylife and we decided we were going to be together forever. The whole message ofthe album then is this love exists. This is a real love. Now I think what themessage of the album is very much if you were wondering if you have, like meat times, lost hope, almost given up, don’t. Because true love does exist andsome things do last forever and that’s real,” the Mary Me star shared.

“I want to put that message out into the world and that does take a lot ofvulnerability. But I couldn’t stop myself and some parts of it scare me. And Ithink parts of it scare Ben too. He’s like, ‘Oh , do you really want to sayall this stuff?’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t know how else to do it, baby,'” Lopezteased.

This Is Me …Now will be released in 2023.

MORE: Jennifer Lopez says private video of her wedding performance for BenAffleck was ‘stolen’

Mena Suvari says she struggles with postpartum depression ‘every day’

Mena Suvari says she struggles with postpartum depression ‘every day’

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Mena Suvari opens up about the effects of having a C-section. (Photo: RachelLuna/FilmMagic)

Mena Suvari says she struggles with postpartum depression “every day” sincedelivering her 1-year-old son Christopher.

In a new interview on the podcast Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson theactress, 43, opened up about dealing with anxiety from an early age and howit’s taken more shape since becoming a mom.

“I’m not trying to [hide] much anymore,” the American Beauty actressexplained of her willingness to be open about her struggles. “If I could shaveoff some suffering for someone, then I want to do that. I’m more than wilingto be that person, because it breaks my heart to ever … consider someone elsegoing through a lot of what I’ve gone through, so it kinda makes sense to givein. That’s how I live my life.”

“This old lady just doesn’t want to play games anymore,” she added. “We haveto talk about these things.”

In her 2021 memoir The Great Peace , Suvari writes of surviving sexual abuseat 12 years old and overcoming drug addiction as a young actress in Hollywood.Writing the book, she said, was cathartic, and helped her navigate much ofthat old pain.

“The mindset I was in at 12, all the little things that happened to me as avery young person, I believe that it creates a mindset,” she explained. “I dohave memories of feeling alone. Very alone. That no one was ever going to ask[if I was OK], no one was ever really going to care, no one was ever reallygoing to do anything, and so I just learned to do everything on my own — andthat’s why no one noticed. I became very good at doing what was asked of me.”

When recalling Christopher’s delivery, Suvari says she spent “24 hours athome” and “24 hours at the hospital” in labor. At one point, the hospital gaveher an epidural that “they had to redo again.”

Ultimately, she ended up having an emergency C-section.

“I still feel like I’m allowed to hold some space for being sad about nothaving [a vaginal] birth,” she explained, noting that she hopes to normalizetalking about these feelings for other women. “I just want to make that area alittle bit bigger for people, because it’s not fair to just be like, ‘Butyou’re fine right?’ “But you didn’t die.” ‘But your baby’s OK.'”

Story continues

Still, the actress says striving for a healthier outlook is a daily task.

“I struggle with postpartum every day,” she says, later clarifying that she’sreferring to “postpartum depression.” She adds, ”All I’m doing next month istesting my hormones, so yeah, it’s all very real. I deal with it every day,or, how do I navigate this space?”

Working with a postpartum doula who helps her understand her feelings so thatshe may better direct them, Suvari says, she recalled a moment when sherealized the magnitude of her pain.

“I remember sitting on our balcony freaking out, saying, ‘I have to get out ofthe house. I have to get out of the house,'” she remembered. “My husband, hesaid, ‘You can go. You can go for a walk,’ and I was like, ‘But I didn’t thinkI [can].’ I was freaking out. I was like, I have to do something for myselfbut I can’t leave. I had to learn [to let go].

“I still struggle with that,” she continued, “I don’t have to be in [my son’s]face 24-7 to raise a good human being, because of my fear. It’s a lot ofwork.”

Now, Suvari hopes she can help other mothers who may also fail to understandtheir own struggles.

“I don’t want to sugarcoat it anymore,” she said. “I do want to help others. Idon’t think it suits anybody if I sit here and act perfect … especially atthis day and age … We’re all trying to survive and do the best we can, and wehave to help one another.”

The actress has opened up in the past about how she’s dealt with struggles —particularly the sexual trauma she faced as a young girl.

“Everyone was raving about how I looked 18. But I was 12,” she recalled to_The Guardian_ in July about her childhood. “What was communicated to me wasthat I was an adult, therefore I can act like an adult.”

Writing of these experiences in her memoir, she added, allowed her torecognize the harm that had been done.

“I needed to express myself. I needed to purge this in order to move on … Ivery much wanted to let it go,” she said of the writing process. “I think thebiggest thing is that, for me, I felt like I wasn’t allowed to consider a lotof these moments as abuse or trauma, because I always excused it. That’s a bigpart of survival — I had to learn how a lot of things served me then, and theydon’t have to serve me any more. I feel like stuff never really goes away, youjust garner a new perspective on it, and a new patience for myself and morecompassion.”

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‘Love Actually’ cast reunites for 20th anniversary TV special, Casey Anthony tells all in ‘Where the Truth Lies,’ ‘The Masked Singer’ Season 8 finale airs

The It List is Yahoo ‘s weekly look at the best in pop culture, includingmovies, music, TV, streaming, games, books, podcasts and more. Here are ourpicks for Nov. 28-Dec. 4, including the best deals we could find for each.(Yahoo Entertainment may receive a share from purchases made via links on thispage.)

WATCH IT: Recount the making of a holiday favorite with The Laughter &Secrets of Love Actually: 20 Years Later

It’s been two decades since Hugh Grant danced at 10 Downing Street, AndrewLincoln held up those cue cards and Emma Thompson teared up to her favourite,Joni Mitchell. ABC News and anchor Diane Sawyer are marking two decades sincethose scenes and others from the beloved romantic comedy were filmed — themovie wasn’t actually released until Nov. 2003 — with this one-hour special.Both Grant and Thompson, as well as Bill Nighy (pop star Billy Mack), LauraLinney (the forlorn Sarah), Thomas Brodie-Sangster (young Sam), Olivia Olson(the object of Sam’s affection, Joanna), are among those interviewed aboutwhat went on behind-the-scenes and how the movie became a holiday staple.Writer and director Richard Curtis is there, too. It shows that, as Thompson’scharacter Karen says in one scene, “True love lasts a lifetime.” —RaechalShewfelt

The Laughter & Secrets of Love Actually: 20 Years Later – A Diane SawyerSpecial airs Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 8 pm on ABC.

STREAM IT: Casey Anthony tells her side of the story Where the TruthLies

It’s been 11 years since Casey Anthony was found not guilty for murdering hertwo-year-old daughter, Caylee — and now she’s finally speaking out about the2011 murder trial that gripped the nation. The now 36-year-old shares her sideof the story in Peacock’s new three-part docuseries Casey Anthony: Where TheTruth Lies , which follows Anthony’s account of the “infamous investigation,trial and aftermath, speaking to the speculation surrounding her actions atthe time, her demeanor in the courtroom and her time spent in prison.” Perhapsone of the most fascinating moments featured in the trailer is an emotionalAnthony stating, “I lied.. but no one asked, ‘Why?'”

Story continues

Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies premieres Tuesday, Nov. 29 onpeacock .

WATCH IT: Tilda Swinton sees double in eerie Gothic ghost story TheEternal Daughter

The Overlook isn’t the only haunted hotel worth visiting this winter. Englishauthor Joanna Hogg’s latest feature unfolds in and around the fog-enshroudedgrounds of a remote countryside lodge where the only guests are Tilda Swinton…and Tilda Swinton? The Three Thousand Years of Longing star plays bothmother and daughter in Hogg’s beautifully-constructed ghost story, where thephantoms of the past lurk in the corners of every frame. Artist and filmmakerJulie hopes to work through a creative block by bringing her mom, Rosalind, tothe manor-turned-hotel, which used to be the older woman’s home. But try asthey might, the two can’t seem to find common ground. Meanwhile, Julie isincreasingly unnerved by the hotel’s isolated setting and dark, emptyhallways. Caveat emptor : Don’t go into The Eternal Daughter expecting_Barbara_ style jump scares. Instead, Hogg creates an atmosphere wherememories and regrets are the things that take on spectral form. This exclusiveclip from the film offers a look at Swinton’s surroundings, and her impressivedouble performance. — Ethan Alter

The Eternal Daughter premieres Friday, Dec. 2 in theatres.

WATCH IT: ** Squid game star Lee Jung-jae is on the ** Huntin a new South Korean thriller

From Squid game to spy games, it’s been quite a year for Lee Jung-jae. InSeptember, the South Korean star became the first Asian performer to take homethe Emmy for Outstanding Actor in a Drama for his lead role in the Netflixstreaming sensation. And now, he’s saving South Korea’s president fromassassination in the pulse-pounding thriller Hunt , which he also directed.Lee plays a high-ranking intelligence officer who learns that a North Koreanmole is hiding out in the agency, looking to set his murderous plot in motion.But as with most spy vs. spy thrillers, there’s more to this story than meetsthe eye. This exclusive clip from the film finds Lee springing into action fora high-octane gun battle in a crowded theater. — EA

Hunt premieres Friday, Dec. 2 in theaters and on most VOD services.

WATCH IT: ** The Masked Singer crowns its new reigning queen**

Following Thanksgiving’s Season 8 semifinals, The Masked Singer continues toprovide the escapist, absurdist entertainment we all need this time of year.And now it all comes down to Wednesday’s bonkers showdown between the two lastmasks standing: the Harp (who – spoiler alert! — is probably Amber Riley)and the Lambs (who are probably Wilson Phillips). So, can the Lambs hold onfor just one more day and win that Golden Mask trophy? Will the Harp be themost gleeful in the end? And are our guesses equally correct? Tune in and findout. — Lyndsey Parker

The Masked Singer Season 8 finals airs Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 8 pm onFox.

After conquering the screen with Get Out , us and Nope Jordan Peele> brings his unique brand of horror to the audio sphere with Quiet Part> Loud. The 12-episode podcast focuses on a conspiracy-mongering, right-wing> radio host (masterfully played by Tracy Letts) who loses everything when he> pushes one incendiary 9/11 fake news story too far. Years later, his life in> tatters, an alluring femme fatale (Christina Hendricks) offers to give it> all back — at a terrible cost. Executive produced by Peele, the pod offers> chilling commentary on racism and the media in American culture, all wrapped> in a gripping immersive horror mystery worth bingeing during long drives> this holiday season. — Marcus Ericco

Quiet Part Loud is now available exclusively on Spotify .

WATCH IT: ** Reservoir Dogs is an even bloodier good time on 4KUltra HD**

Lions Gate HomeEntertainment

(Image: Lionsgate Home Entertainment)

Quentin Tarantino recently declared 2019’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood thebest movie he’s ever made, but as any movie buff knows QT has beenconsistently cranking out can’t-miss cinematic gems for three decades now. Itwas 30 years ago last month that the unforgettably hip and bloody crimethriller Reservoir Dogs opened in theaters, and to celebrate Lionsgate hasdropped the film on 4K Ultra HD for the very first time. Bonus featuresinclude deleted scenes, featurettes and perhaps some regenerated trauma fromthat ear scene. — Kevin Polwy

Reservoir Dogs is now available on 4K Ultra HD on Amazon.com.

WATCH IT: Michael & Jessica are George & Tammy

Longtime friends Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain portray George Jones andTammy Wynette, aka “Mr. and Mrs. Country Music,” in the eagerly awaited six-part Showtime series George & Tammy. Both Shannon, who is a member of theindie band Corporal, and Chastain do their own singing, bringing the chemistryand chaos of the seven-year marriage of one of country music’s most legendarypower couples to vivid life onscreen. — LP

George & Tammy premieres Sunday, Dec. 6 at 9 pm on Showtime.

WATCH IT: ** Don ‘t Worry Darling is well worth checking outbeyond all the drama**

Warner Bros.  homeentertainmentWarner Bros.homeentertainment

(Image: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)

Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles and Florence Pugh released a thriller calledtogether Don ‘t Worry Darling in September. Maybe you heard about it?Unfortunately the tabloid noise far overshadowed the fact that Wilde (Booksmart ) directed her second really strong film, a provocative paranoiathriller that’s like The Stepford Wives for more enlightened times. The filmlands on 4K and Blu-ray this week, with extras including a making-offeaturette and a deleted scene. Sadly, though, no documentary of the film’swild press tour. — KP

Don ‘t Worry Darling releases on 4K, Blu-ray and DVD Tuesday, Nov. 29on Amazon.com .

WATCH IT: Warm your heart with Dolly Parton ‘s Mountain Magic Christmas

The iconic star’s latest project is a two-hour movie musical set behind thescenes of a live network TV special that Parton is filming. The idea is thatshe wants to share the spirit of Dollywood at Christmas, but it’s not going sosmoothly. After the “Hard Candy Christmas” singer is visited by her own ThreeWise Mountain Men, she “goes rogue” to share the true meaning of Christmaswith the world. But does it even matter what it’s about? It’s Dolly! Look outfor Miley Cyrus, Jimmy Fallon, Willie Nelson, Billy Ray Cyrus, Jimmie Allen,Zach Williams, plus cast members Tom Everett Scott, Angel Parker, Ana Gasteyerand many others. — RS

Dolly Parton ‘s Mountain Magic Christmas airs Thursday, Dec. 1 at 8p.m. on NBC.

HEAR IT: Rediscover lost Beach Boys in the ** Sail On Sailor boxset**

Their “Good Vibrations”/ Pet Sounds glory days in the rear view, the Beach> Boys of the early 1970s were at a commercial and creative crossroads.> Available in multiple configurations, including a six-disc or 5-LP set, the> collection explores the under-appreciated but fertile period during the> sessions for Carl and the Passions—“So Tough” and Holland , unearthing> dozens of rarities, alternate cuts, outtakes, promo tracks and even their> full Thanksgiving 1972 Carnegie Hall concert. In all 80 of the 105 tracks in> the deluxe box have never been released, perhaps none more anticipated by> fans than Dennis Wilson’s legendary, oft-bootlegged Vietnam protest song> “Carry Me Home,” which ranks among the band’s finest recordings. — ME

Sail On Sailor — 1972 is available Friday, Dec. 2 fromAmazon.com and other music sellers.

WATCH IT: Christmas at Rockefeller Center marks a holiday tradition

It’s time! NBC airs its annual special, featuring the Radio City Rockettes andthe lighting of the tree at New York City’s Rockefeller Center, just as we eatthat last helping of Thanksgiving leftovers. This year is the 90th time thefamous Christmas tree will be lit, and it promises to be, well, you know. Thetree itself is 82 feet tall, 50 feet wide and weighs about 14 tons. It’ll bedecorated with 50,000 multi-colored LED lights and a star made of threemillion crystals. Celebrities will provide even more star power. Blake Sheltonand Gwen Stefani will perform their song, “You Make It Feel Like Christmas,”while the Muppets, Alicia Keys, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Mickey Guyton andothers will take the stage, too. The extravaganza is hosted by SavannahGuthrie, Hoda Kotb and Craig Melvin, from Today and Access Hollywood ‘sMario Lopez. — RS

Christmas at Rockefeller Center airs Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 8 pm onNBC.

PLAY IT: Experience Marvel-ous supernatural action in ** Marvel ‘sMidnight Suns **

It’ll be a minute before we see Wolverine and Blade teaming up in the Marvel> Cinematic Universe. But the Canadian mutant and the fanged Daywalker are> both playable characters in Marvel ‘s Midnight Suns, a tactical RPG> launching on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Players take on the role of the> monster-slaying Hunter, who assembles a team of heroes and anti-heroes to> challenge the Mother of Demons, whose allies include Venom and other Marvel> monstrosities. Nuff said. — EA

Marvel ‘s Midnight Suns is available Friday, Dec. 2 on most majorconsoles, including PS5 and Xbox Series X/S and PC.

Jessie Jazz Vuijk withdraws: after miscarriage, father also dies | show

updateJessie Jazz Vuijk (27) withdraws for the time being. After she announcedearlier today that she had a miscarriage, she now shares the news that herfather has passed away. The former Miss Netherlands, who has a relationshipwith presenter Kaj Gorgels (32), thanks everyone on Instagram for the sweetmessages.

This morning Vuijk wrote about her lost child. This afternoon she shares aphoto with her father. ‘Daddy you made me who I am today, you are more herebut closer than ever’. Ben Vuijk, who was a councilor in Vlaardingen, turned65 and had been ill for some time.

Vuijk described the miscarriage earlier today as ‘violent and sad’. Her bodythrew everything out in no time. She was surrounded by people with whom sheworks closely. “I have never felt so behaved and connected. (…) I had tovomit, defecate and bleed at the same time, but after an intense hour therewas peace, confidence, love.’

She wrote that she still feels ‘the soul’ close by. ‘Pregnancy is a completesurrender from moment one. It has already changed me. With tears in my eyesand a heart full of love and trust, I feel you close.’ The former MissNetherlands, who is now an influencer with more than 300,000 followers onInstagram, does not experience the miscarriage as ‘a failure’. ‘As if this hadto be done to make room in advance. And I can’t say anything else, it set alot in motion.’

Vuijk experiences a lot of support from her friend Kaj Gorgels, who was thepresenter of until this season Expedition Robinson. “There isn’t a man onearth man I’d rather go into this with. Not a man I’d rather see as the fatherof my child. I fell even more in love with you than I already was. Our babywill come, I’m 100 percent sure.’

The couple, who have been together since 2018, have been living in Ibiza sincelast year. It is not known how long Vuijk had been pregnant. She had alreadyshared the news with a number of people around her.

Part 2: These are the most paused movie clips of all time!

Filmmakers often hide something very subtle in the film. Sometimes you don’t even realize what you’re seeing exactly or what’s on the screen, so yourewind and pause the image (quite handy to have another DVD player). Below arethe most paused movie moments of all time!

6: Who Framed Roger Rabbit In 1988, this iconic film came out, but despite the fact that it was highlysuccessful and the animation looks great for its time, there was also a lot tolike about the film. For example, there are the necessary hidden controversialscenes.

Some people also think Jessica Rabbit is a bit too sexy for a cartoon. Hercharacter revolves around “sex appeal” (something she herself acknowledgeswith the iconic phrase ” I ‘m not bad, I’m just drawn that way“) so when shefirst appears in the film this is also noticeable. This scene, in which shedances and sings sensually, can be seen below.

7: Cabin in the Woods The horror movie Cabin in the Woods is paused for a completely differentreason than the movie above. At a certain point in the film a scene passes by,in which there is a writing board with the names of all kinds of differentmonsters.

However, this moment does not last very long, so many film buffs often take abreak to go through everything properly.

8: Psycho Once again a horror movie is in the top 10. This time it’s on Psycho , theiconic 1960 horror film by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. At the end of thefilm, Norman Bates is arrested, as he is suspected of all the mysteriousmurders that have taken place in his yard.

Norman Bates looks one last time directly into the camera, at the spectators,and laughs. He thinks he can escape again. At that moment, a skull appearsover his own face. However, this is done so subtly that the necessary peoplehad to stop the film to make sure.

9: The Wizard of Oz Another classic and one of the most popular films ever made. Here too there isa moment that was paused quite often. In the scene in question, we see Dorothyand her friends walking down Yellow Brick Road. They have a lot of fun, but itstill seems to be a pretty lurid scene…

Viewers noticed that a Munchkin (the little people who appear in the story)has hanged himself in the background. Although the studio says it’s a bird, arumor has circulated for decades that someone committed suicide that day, butthe studio wanted to cover it up. Watch a full breakdown of the scene below.

10: Just about every Pixar movie It’s hard to name a single Pixar movie that gets paused a lot, since justabout every movie from the beloved animation studio is full of “Easter Eggs.”Whether it’s the many Pixar Pizza Planet truck scenes, or the recurring A113character, the movies are always packed with little hidden details.

Pixar also likes to tease new projects in films. Because of this, just aboutevery Pixar project is paused quite a few times to look for these ‘EasterEggs’. Check out a handful below!

Did you miss the first article about details you might have missed in movies?Part 1 stands here!

Warwick Davis explains the importance of Willow to people with disadvantages

Watch: Warwick Davis on his return to Willow

Warwick Davis hopes his return as Willow will inspire people with physicaldisabilities all over the world.

Debuting on Disney+ on November 30, this six-part legacy series followsdirector Ron Howard’s 1988 movie of the same name — a film devised by GeorgeLucas — that gave Davis his leading man debut back when he was just 17 yearsold.

“People often say how the film allowed them to escape from their real-lifeexperiences at the time, how it brought them hope. I think the character ofWillow is quite inspirational,” Davis suggests to Yahoo.

Read more: Does Val Kilmer return in Willow?

“He’s three foot six, the world’s bigger than he is… but because he believedin what he was doing, his heart got him through and that gave him the courageto succeed. It also inspires people, not only with dwarfism around the worldbut hopefully people with any sort of physical disability or disadvantage.

“This is an important character,” continues Davis.

Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis) in Lucasfilm's WILLOW exclusively onDisney+.  ©2022 Lucasfilm Ltd.  & TM.  All RightsReserved.

Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis) in Willow. (Lucas film)

“I think that’s quite an inspirational idea for people who may think they’reat some sort of disadvantage in this world. They can seek solace andencouragement from that.”

Now, after a 34-year wait, the Star Wars and Harry Potter star is back as theunlikely sorcerer charged with saving his mystical world from an ancient evilthat threatens to rise once more.

“It was really cool going back to the character again,” smiles Davis, now 52and back in Willow’s world.

Read more: How Harrison Ford landed the role of Han Solo

“Once you play a character, he’s within you and becomes part of who you are -and Willow was always in me,” he admits.

“Going into this series, Ron [Howard] said to me, ‘You had great instinctswhen we did the film, just use those when you come to do the series… go withwhat you feel is right for the character because you know him better thananyone else’ – and that’s what I did.”

Original Movie Title: WILLOW.  English Title: WILLOW.  Movie Director: RONHOWARD.  Year: 1988. Stars: WARWICK DAVIS.  Credit: LUCASFILM /AlbumOriginal MovieTitle: WILLOW.  English Title: WILLOW.  Movie Director: RON HOWARD.  Year:1988. Stars: WARWICK DAVIS.  Credit: LUCASFILM /Album

Warwick Davis in 1988’s Willow. (Lucas film)

As we quickly discover, the Willow of today is a far cry from the clumsywannabe wizard we first met back in ’88. In Jonathan Kasdan’s continuation,Willow has finally achieved his goal of becoming a legendary sorcerer but whenhe glimpses a vision of approaching evil, he’s lured back into the realm ofswords and spells, with echoes of his past never too far behind.

Story continues

“A lot has happened to Willow since the end of the film,” Davis teases. “Hislife has been turned upside down by several events, some quite challenging. Ileaned into the real-life experience I’ve had since the end of the film andthe fact that I’m a lot older now,” he explains. “I think it helps. There’s alot more gravitas to Willow now than when I was 17 years old.”

Watch a trailer for ** willow**

There’s also a lot more humour. Since Davis last donned Willow’s robes, he’splayed a variety of different roles and even tried his hand at comedyalongside The Office creators Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. In a strangeturn of events, it was this collaboration that played an unlikely yet pivotalpart in crafting Kasdan’s fantasy world.

“[Jonathan] said ‘the more like Life’s Too Short you can make this, thebetter,’” Davis reveals with a smile. “He’s a massive fan of the series andwanted to bring that out in Willow, which was weird for me because I’m so usedto playing the character in more of a straight way. He said I could be asbroad as I want and be funnier and [he] encouraged improvisation and ad-libbing.”

Cast members Ricky Gervais (L) and Warwick Davis attend the panel for theHBO television seriesCast membersRicky Gervais (L) and Warwick Davis attend the panel for the HBO televisionseries

Ricky Gervais and Warwick Davis during a panel for the HBO television seriesLife’s Too Short in 2012. (Reuters)

He adds: “It took me a while to get used to that way of working. I wanted tobe true to the character and what we’d done before… but it is fun – andfunny.”

He’s not wrong. Flanking Davis is a diverse cast of breakout stars, includingAmar Chadha-Patel, Erin Kellyman, Dempsey Bryk, Ellie Bamber, Ruby Cruz andTony Revolori from Tom Holland’s MCU’s Spider-verse. Each is tasked withinjecting some new blood into a familiar fantasy while taking Willow into somenew and unexpected places – and they all look like they’re having a hell of atime doing it.

Read more: Talisa Garcia makes history in Willow

“All of them messed about,” Davis grins. “I felt like a real old curmudgeonsometimes. I was like ‘guys, just calm down a bit. We’re trying to focus.’ Ikind of felt like the character, trying to tell everyone to focus whilethey’re learning sorcery,” he chuckles. “I also felt the weight of the fanbase who have been with us for 35 years since the film came out. I wanted todo the best job I could for them and have this best it could be,” reasonsDavis. “I felt a great responsibility.”

Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis) in Lucasfilm's WILLOW exclusively onDisney+.  ©2022 Lucasfilm Ltd.  & TM.  All RightsReserved.Willow Ufgood(Warwick Davis) in Lucasfilm's WILLOW exclusively on Disney+.  ©2022Lucasfilm Ltd.  & TM.  All RightsReserved.

Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis) in Willow. (Lucas film)

With fantasy and nostalgia key commodities in today’s pop-culture landscape,the Star Wars and Harry Potter actor is right to keep fan expectations inmind. Over the years, Willow has become a much-loved form of escapism for manyaudiences – and one with a great social message that this new series was keento champion and bring to a new generation of fans.

Willow is streaming on Disney+ from November 30.

Watch: The cast of Willow address Val Kilmer ‘s presence in the show