10,000th visitor for film Grutte Pier

BOLSWARD – This week the 10,000th visitor of the Frisian adventure film GruttePier in Bolsward was put in the spotlight by director Steven de Jong. During afilm lecture at the Marne college, it is student Isa Chui who goes home withthe real Frisian Grutte Pier package. This makes Grutte Pier the best-attendedFrisian-language film in 20 years.

Grutte Pier, which has been in cinemas since October 27, tells the story ofthe Frisian freedom fighter Pier Gerlofs Donia, the legendary warrior who isan important historical figure for Friesland. An ode to Fryslân that foughtfor freedom and had to appeal to its soul for a better life. Watch the trailerhere.

Steven de Jong, director of Grutte Pier: “I am happy and grateful that wereached the 10,000th visitor today. It is a pity that due to the busyschedules of cinemas in the Randstad, no place has yet been made for GruttePier. That is why we are all the more pleased with the good reactions andvisitor numbers in Friesland.”

Single – Griene Tsiss

Sam Kramer’s new single Griene Tsiss was also released today. The single is onGrutte Pier’s music album. The title song of the film Do bist mijn lân sung byElske DeWall and Milan van Weelden is also part of the album. Griene Tsiss canbe heard here.

Film College

In addition to regular screenings in cinemas, Grutte Pier also has asuccessful tour in which director Steven de Jong and cast member and singerCarla deBruine provide film lectures. In the film lecture, it is explained howthe film came about and the musical aspect of the film is supported by liveperformances. The tour will continue throughout the winter past villagehouses, schools and film houses and can be booked via www.filmambassade.nl,which is committed to the Dutch independent filmmaker.

The story

It is 1514, a year in which every uprising is suppressed by mercenaries whoalso rob the oppressed citizens of their property. The imposing Grutte Pier,as strong as an ox and 2.10 meters long, lives a modest life with his familyon his farm. The love for his wife Rintsje (Elske DeWall), his children andFryslân ensure that Pier manages to keep the peace in his head, despite theincreasingly loud voices in his head. When Pier’s farm, blessed with anenormous sense of justice, is also looted and set on fire, the blood swirlsmore and more violently through his veins. He decides to free his country fromeverything and everyone who thinks they can play the boss…


The leading role of Grutte Pier is played by Milan van Weelden (known frommusicals such as Billy Elliot and Macbeth), who has mastered Frisianespecially for Grutte Pier. Singer Elske DeWall (country group The BlueBirds,The Passion) makes her feature film debut and Bram van der Vlugt can be seenin his last film role. In addition to them, we see, among others, CarlaDeBruine, Syb van der Ploeg (lead singer of De Kast), Jan Arendz (Kameleon)and Cas Jansen (GTST, De 12 van Oldenheim).

Cabinet outraged about abuses at DWDD, NPO is investigating

The NPO is conducting an investigation into cross-border behavior The worldgoes on by presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk and editors. There must also bean action plan to “prevent such things in the future”.

The statement follows consultations between NPO chairman Frederieke Leeflangand State Secretary Gunay Uslu. The reason is the Volkskrant article about theissue, which is based on testimonials from dozens of former employees of Theworld goes on.

“At the public broadcasters, we are all extremely shocked by the large numberof employees who have had negative and frightening experiences while workingfor the DWDD program. This should never have happened,” says Leeflang.

The NPO has announced that it has been in talks with other media for sometime, including RTL, Talpa and ITV Nederland, about a joint approach againsttransgressive behavior in the workplace.

It touches me that employees have felt so unsafe and have been treated very> badly.>> Secretary of State Uslu

In response to the reports, the NTR has canceled the recordings of the Top2000 Quiz with Van Nieuwkerk shut down this morning.

State Secretary Uslu had asked the NPO to come up with an action plancontaining concrete steps to prevent transgressive behavior in the future. Sheemphasizes that the public broadcaster, including BNNVARA, must guarantee asafe workplace for everyone, even when the workload is high. “It touches methat employees have felt so unsafe and have been treated very badly.”

NPO and Frans Klein

Current NPO director Video Frans Klein was responsible for DWDD for many yearsas media director of VARA. He told de Volkskrant, among other things, that hesaw that it was intense. “Of course we ran the risk of people getting a littletoo ground up in this situation. We tried to pay attention to that in our ownway. In retrospect, maybe not enough.”

An NPO spokesperson says it is too early to look at Klein’s role. “It’s notpart of the investigation now, our focus is first on the employees, and onwhat happened.”

Not fitting

In a statement, the NTR calls it inappropriate to include a festive quiztoday, after the dynamics created by the publication of the Volkskrantarticle. According to the NTR, the decision was taken in consultation with VanNieuwkerk and the NPO.

Two episodes were recorded yesterday, two were canceled today, says NTR. “Weare now going to think about how to deal with this unusual situation. This, ofcourse, in consultation with the NPO, which is responsible for thebroadcasts.”

It is not clear whether the recordings will take place later. The program isintended to be broadcast next month, in the run-up to the annual Top 2000 ofNPO Radio 2 and the Top 2000 a gogo on television.

The NTR says it has not received any reports of transgressive behavior in theprograms about the Top 2000. “An article like in the Volkskrant shows that itis important to stay focused.”

‘Regret’ but article also ‘draconian caricature’

More than fifty former employees of DWDD told de Volkskrant their story abouttransgressive behavior in that program. They said it involved “extremeoutbursts of anger and public humiliation”. Dozens of employees fell illbecause of the working conditions.

Van Nieuwkerk did not want to speak to the Volkskrant; he also refused toanswer written questions. Yesterday he did come up with a statement: “That weapparently were not able to give everyone a safe and pleasant feeling and thatit even made colleagues sick, I am very sorry.”

GP Abu Dabi: La Fórmula 1 pierde su mejor sonrisa | Deportes

A lo largo de las 16 temporadas completas que figuran en su hoja de servicios,el tetracampeón habrá participado en 299 grandes premios, de los que se impusoen 53 –siempre que no gane este domingo. Además, se anotó 57 pole position ysubio 69 veces al cajon. Empatado a entorchados con Alain Prost, solo MichaelSchumacher y Lewis Hamilton (siete cada uno) y Juan Manuel Fangio (cinco) tensmás pedigrí que él. Aquella cremallera de dienes refulgentes que mostraba consu ambiciosa sonrisa perdió fuerza tras su salida de Ferrari y su llegada aAston Martin (2021), donde firmó el único podio (Azerbaiyán) de la estructurade Silverstone. “Estos dos años no fueron fáciles porque no estabaacostumbrado a rodar en la cola del pelotón. Fueron momentos duros”, reconceVettel, que cuatro días después de anunciar su retirada, and Budapest, supoque su monoplaza pasará a manos de Fernando Alonso, con quien se jugó doscoronas (2010 y 2012) de las cuatro que posee. El asturiano, al igual que elresto de la parrilla, asistió a la cena de despedida de un deportista único,lleno de contradicciones que no busca esconder, como su preocupación por lasostenibilidad. “No encontrarás a un solo piloto que hable mal de Seb. Y creoque este año deja bien claro qué personalidad tiene. Es más que un piloto, esun gran ser humano”, le piropea Carlos Sainz.

Daniel Ricciardo, and los Emiratos. DPA via Europa Press (DPA via EuropaPress)

Vettel cree haber tomado la decisión de irse en el momento indicado, mientrasque las circunstancias que rodean la salida de Ricciardo no tens nada que ver.El australiano no tenía ninguna intención de quedarse sin volante, pero sudiscreto, por no decir decepcionante paso por McLaren, y la falta dealternativas han dejado sin hueco a uno de los personajes con más enganche delGran Circo. El equipo de Woking (Gran Bretaña) prefirió darle el finiquito –leha pagado el año de contrato que le quedaba– e incorporar en su lugar a OscarPiastri, que arriesgarse a perder a este joven talento de Melbourne.

Ricciardo, aquel que en su día parecía el producto perfecto, tanto por susonrisa permanent como por su manejo de las redes sociales, comenzó a perdercuerpo cuando decidió abandonar Red Bull para firmar por Renault (2020).Todavía quedó más expuesto los dos últimos años, en McLaren, donde LandoNorris le ha superado en todas las facetas. A sus 33 años, el muchacho dePerth cree que todavía tiene cosas que decir en el paddock , para que lasocho victorias que llevan su nombre no se queden en eso. Consciente de que noestá en condiciones de despreciar nada, todo parece dispuesto para que cierresu regreso a la escudería energética como piloto reserva. En esta posicióndeberá compaginar su presencia en los circuitos con labores de marketing,donde su cara de chiste es el mejor de los reclamos para Red Bull. Para él, encualquier caso, será reír por no llorar.

Mundial Qatar 2022: El regreso de Christian Eriksen: “Ahora corro más kilómetros que antes de sufrir el paro cardíaco” | Mundial Qatar 2022

Lo dicen cardiologos del máximo nivel. Por más que emplee un desfibrilladorimplantado, Eriksen desafía a la muerte en cada partido que juega. Por si nofuera suficiente, en Qatarademás se expondrá a una sanción de la FIFA. Elorganismo que regula el fútbol mundial amenaza a quienes exhiban símbolos ohagan reivindicaciones “políticas”. El brazalete One Love es considerado unsímbolo político prohibido, según la FIFA. Responde a una iniciativa de lafederación de Países Bajos para protestar contra la discriminación por razonessexuales que sufren las minorías en países como Qatar, donde la homosexualidades un delito. Por extensión, el empleo de este brazalete también supone unmensaje tácito de oposición a la celebración del Mundial en un emirato cuyosnacionales no pasan de 300,000.

“No sé si la FIFA nos va a sancionar”, dijo Peter Moller, el director generalde la federación de Dinamarca. “Ya veremos qué pasa cuando se jueguen losprimeros partidos”.

Eriksen se mostró impasible y sonrió cuando le preguntaron si después de haberexperimentado la muerte se sentía mejor futbolista. “No sé la razón, pero esverdad que me siento físicamente mejor en el campo de juego ahora que antes”,dijo el mediapunta titular del Manchester United. “Creo que yo soy el mismo desiempre, pero la gente me mira de otra manera. Ese prejuicio hace que ahora meconsideren más líder, más hablador que antes. Futbolísticamente, hago lo mismo

State Secretary Uslu wants NPO action plan after DWDD revelations

Friday night reported de Volkskrant that behind the scenes The world goeson a culture of fear prevailed. Dozens of employees fell ill. For nine years,NPO director Frans Klein was closely involved on behalf of broadcaster Vara inthe rise of DWDD , but he did not intervene after reports. Nor are hissuccessors. Klein: “I never thought: there is an abuse here.”

“The public broadcaster, including BNNVara, must guarantee a safe workplace.For everyone,” said Secretary of State Uslu on Saturday afternoon in responseto the article. “It is terrible that people had to work in these conditions.It touches me that employees have felt so unsafe and have been treated verybadly. This is not how a workplace should be. Not even when people are underhigh pressure.”

According to the minister, success is never an excuse for unacceptablebehaviour. “I have asked the chairman of the NPO to thoroughly investigatewhat happened here. I want an action plan with concrete steps to prevent thisin the future and to change this behavior.”

No excuses

Even in work situations where the pressure is high, the environment should notlook away, but people should address each other, reports Mariëtte Hamer. ThePvdA celebrity is currently the government commissioner for sexuallytransgressive behavior and sexual violence.

Hamer recognizes in it Volkskrant article many of the mechanisms that alsoapply to sexually transgressive behavior, she says. And she sees an importantrole for the employer, in this case the public broadcaster, in tacklingabuses; which is financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

“I recognize that for people on temporary contracts, who love their job andwho work in a competitive culture, that is very difficult. That is why it isespecially important that the employer provides protection in this type ofworking environment,” says the government commissioner about publicbroadcasting. “Once again it shows how important it is that there is a goodreporting structure, and that something actually happens with reports.”

Good employership

There are also voices from various political parties that it is important thatpublic service broadcasters show good employment practices in this area. CDAMember of Parliament and former presenter Lucille Werner finds it’disconcerting’ that things could go so wrong with this show.

“Employees should always feel protected by colleagues and employer. It’sdistressing that so many people in the workplace of DWDD have not felt thisand have been harmed. Bad. Because things can be done differently, I knowbecause I myself have worked in the sector for 25 years.”

The PVV is going hard towards the responsible top man, Frans Klein. “Thesocialist Vara talks about how idealistic they are. In the meantime, they gaveVan Nieuwkerk an insane mega salary and director Frans Klein allowed him toterrorize young editors for fifteen years,” says Member of Parliament MartinBosma (PVV). According to Bosma, Klein must ‘absolutely’ resign after therevelations about it DWDD.

NPO and broadcasters will soon come up with an action plan for a safeworking environment

The NPO will draw up an action plan ‘in the short term’ together with allbroadcasters ‘to ensure that there is a safe working environment for allemployees of the public broadcaster at all times,’ said NPO chairmanFrederieke Leeflang on Saturday.

She made this known after a discussion about this with Secretary of StateGunay Uslu (Media).

“At the public broadcasters, we are all extremely shocked by the large numberof employees who have had negative and fearful experiences while working withthe program DWDD ,” says Lifelong. “This should never have happened.Saturday morning I talked about this with Secretary of State Gunay Uslu and weboth came to the conclusion that we need to find out quickly and thoroughlywhat exactly happened here and what we can do as a public broadcaster toprevent such things in the future.”

The goal is to come up with ‘concrete actions’. “First of all, we do this forall employees of the public broadcaster; everyone who works in front of andbehind the scenes on our programs. We also want to understand what exactlyhappened at DWDD so that we can learn from this for the future.”

‘Because of ‘broccoli’ I felt ‘the other’ in the Netherlands for the first time’

On the folding chair: singer Jeangu Macrooy (1993). His new album was releasedlast week Summer Moon. An interview based on keywords: about his return tosoul, deviating from the monogamous norm and the pain of the Eurovisionbroccoli.

Stefan RaatgeverNovember 19, 202203:00


“The first thing I think about is my family. My mother, father and aunts allstill live there. When I think of Suriname, I immediately see us eatingtogether. I was 20 when I left for the Netherlands. Every time I go back, thefeeling of home overwhelms me as soon as I step off the plane.”

“What I miss most is the relaxation. Life here in the Netherlands goes sofast. In Suriname it was normal to sleep for two hours after school. I wouldalso like to introduce that here.”

“Would I ever want to go back? Certainly not now, but maybe when I want toslow down a bit later in life. Then I could give something back in the fieldof art and education. I would like to help young people make their dreams cometrue. Because there is so much talent in Suriname, but not everyone gets thechance to develop it.”

Between Towers

“My first tire. Made up of my twin brother Xillan and me. A school friend cameup with the name when she walked between us and – we are both quite tall –looked up. Xillan and I discovered our passion for music at the same time, wegot our first guitar at the same time and had singing lessons together.”

“When we were 15 we wrote our first song together. ‘Well, then we’reofficially a duo now,’ we decided. We made an album and did quite a few gigs,but when I left for the Netherlands the band fell apart.”

“Of course Xillan didn’t like that very much, but after two years he also cameto the Netherlands and we were together again. He sang in my backing choiruntil this summer, but now focuses on his own music. And that is great.”


“My first place to live in the Netherlands! I had no idea what the country waslike. I was accepted at the Conservatory of Enschede, but really had the planto travel back and forth from Amsterdam every day. Fortunately, that wasquickly talked out of my mind. In Hengelo I was able to get a room withdistant relatives. Actually, I didn’t really live on my own yet. The laundrywas done and cooking was done. I had a wonderful time. I think Hengelo was agood choice. From quiet Paramaribo to Amsterdam would probably have been toomuch of a shock. And now it was a bit easier to keep my focus on my studies.”

Back to the roots

“That’s how you can describe my new album, yes. Summer Moon has become asoulful record. It actually happened naturally. I grew up with soul music andwith my voice you quickly get to the soul side. It felt nice to find that coreagain.”

“In the summer of 2021, for the first time in two years, my life no longerrevolved around the Eurovision Song Contest. It had been an intense period. Idon’t regret it, but I wouldn’t advise anyone to participate two years in arow.”

“There were still hardly any festival performances due to corona and Icertainly had no intention of writing new music, so it seemed to be a quietsummer. But it happened naturally. Summer Moon was the first song that cameinto existence, made together with my former fellow student Bud Kolk. Thatsounded so fresh that he also became producer of the album.”

World star

“I expressed that as an ambition, that’s right. I said that one day I wouldlike to fill stadiums like Beyoncé. My manager Pieter even predicted in 2019that this would be possible within five years. Well, then we have until 2024.”

“But I wouldn’t formulate such an intention like that now. I notice a changein myself. Not that I wouldn’t want to be successful on a global levelanymore, but setting those kinds of goals is mainly about the commercial side.I now want to work from the inside out more. How can I grow as an artist insuch a way that it gives me a large audience? The idea that I have yet to makemy best song is what drives me now.”


“One of the themes on the album. My first record High on You was full oflove. I was 22 and I got to know love. Now I know: the real work starts later.I have recently discovered for myself that monogamy is not an essentialcondition for a loving relationship. It is often thought that there are twooptions: monogamy or complete chaos. But I think there is also a nice middleground where you allow each other freedom, but remain respectful.”

“I know: monogamy is the norm. But cheating is something very different froman open relationship. It’s about being honest with each other. You can be verymuch in love with someone, but that doesn’t make you blind to the beauty ofothers, in my experience. Whether it works? For me so far, yes. But loveremains a quest. But that’s not a bad thing.”


“I have lived here for a year now. Sebas and I are very happy. From the windowI can see the Westertoren where I once had my very first date. The city isincreasingly becoming part of my story.”

“The Westerdok, where we first sat, was super quiet, the tourists apparentlycouldn’t find that corner. Now we really have a dream place, in the middle ofthe city. Every week we go to a theater, concert hall or cinema at least once.We can walk everything, we don’t have a car or even bicycles. If we have to gofar away, we take the tram or train.”

Eurovision Song Contest

“Brought me a lot. I learned a lot and was able to increase my fame. Whereelse do you get the opportunity to be on such a big stage and see how aproduction works at that level? And I have received wonderful responses.Still, by the way. People who have Caribbean roots themselves really feltheard Birth of a New Age.

“But there were also downsides. I found it difficult that the message of mysong was also ridiculed. I still occasionally get “broccoli, broccoli” yelledat me on the street. Apparently many people didn’t want to muster the energyto understand why I read that line of text in Sranantongo ( Yu no man brokomi means ‘You can’t break me’) into my song.”

“That hurt me. It makes me feel ‘that other’ again for the first time in ages.The Netherlands has only recently started working on its colonial history, butapparently this was still too early in the process.”


“I was a bit surprised how much people value such a ranking. For me, thefeeling after the final was: ‘I participated, gave everything and now I’mmoving on’, but people apparently think very much in terms of winners andlosers. I didn’t feel like a loser at all, I was proud of what we put up.Sure, you also have to ask yourself why the performance didn’t catch on withthe general public, but I didn’t see that 23rd place as a value judgment aboutme as an artist.”

Cassette tape

“As a little boy I listened to nothing but cassette tapes. The entire oeuvreof Sesame Street came over and over again. And my mom had Whitney Houston,Celine Dion and Cher standing up in the car.”

“We had a hundred cassette tapes made of the new album. In an earlier plan wealso wanted to offer a real Walkman. Didn’t go through though. The sound ofsuch a walkman of 20 euros is simply not good enough. But I am happy that myalbum can now also be listened to in this way.”

“And I’m not the only one releasing cassette tapes again, am I? The latestalbums by Taylor Swift and Harry Styles are also back on cassette.”

Celebrity Master Chef

“I’m out! Making macarons, at the same time as a parfait, turned out to be myend. ‘Below par’, the jury found. With that patisserie you have to be veryprecise, the sugar at the right temperature, work very precisely. Andeverything in a very short time.”

“I really love eating together and I can cook quite well, but the level wasreally high. Freddy from the Youth of Today, for example, is really very good.Entering that cooking contest on Viaplay is the most stressful thing I’ve everdone. The Eurovision Song Contest is one walk in the park compared to that

‘BNNVARA did not intervene in the culture of fear at DWDD’

Partly due to his “extreme rages” Matthijs van Nieuwkerk helped The worldgoes on for a culture of fear that made many employees sick. This writes deVolkskrant Saturday in a long reconstruction for which the newspaper spoke toseventy former employees. More than fifty of them endorse the presenter’sconclusion of ‘structural transgressive behaviour’. As a result, severalsuffered a burnout, anxiety attacks, or other serious psychologicalcomplaints, in some cases lasting.

According to de Volkskrant, the complaints about the abuses at the talk show,which was on television from 2005 to 2020, were long known to the managementof broadcaster BNNVARA, but they did not intervene because the daily TVprogram was so successful. The ‘hard’ editorial culture simply belonged to thehigh level, according to Frans Klein, the then broadcasting director who isnow TV director of the entire public broadcaster. Most editors, officially theexecutives for the program, did not intervene either, or were themselvesguilty of misconduct, such as Dieuwke Wynia, as the reconstruction shows.


Van Nieuwkerk did not want to cooperate with the article, but did stipulatewith de Volkskrant that he could post a reaction next to it by way ofrebuttal. In it he writes: “I am very sorry that we have apparently not beenable to give everyone a safe and pleasant feeling and that it has even madecolleagues sick.” But: “At the same time, this article is also a draconiancaricature of fifteen years of DWDD. […] I am now conveniently folded backinto an Eternal Tantrum. And I didn’t think that was me.” He also praises his“daily program full of zest for life, optimism and imagination.”

Broadcaster BNNVARA, that DWDD produced, says in a response that themanagement has had discussions with former editors. “A number of (former)colleagues indicate in no uncertain terms that their boundaries have beencrossed. We are shocked by that and it is very dear to us.” BNNVARAacknowledges that the pressure to perform was high within the editorial staffof the program and that the response was not timely. “The editors andpresenter should have been called to account for their behavior. The fact thatthis did not happen at the time is painful for the (former) colleagues who areaffected.”

State Secretary Gunay Uslu (Culture and Media, D66) said in a response that“the described behavior is unacceptable in all situations”. And success isnever an excuse for unacceptable behavior. Uslu states that publicbroadcasting must guarantee a safe workplace, which is why she has asked NPOchairman Frederieke Leeflang to conduct an investigation. She also wants anaction plan “with concrete steps to prevent this in the future and to changethis behavior”.

Thomas Bruning, secretary of the Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ), saysto ANP news agency that “temporary and mediocre freelance contracts” were thebasis for not daring to report abuses. According to Bruning, the troubles atDWDD are an example of the unsafe work culture that prevails in Hilversum.

The succes

The success of DWDD made Van Nieuwkerk (Amsterdam, 1960) one of Hilversum’smost important TV makers. Before he came to television, he was editor-in-chiefof the Amsterdam newspaper The parole. He now makes the music programs_Chansons! , _Top 2000 à Go-Go and the Saturday night show MatthijsContinues. In response to the news, broadcaster NTR has decided to cancel therecordings of Saturday night’s Top 2000 Quiz.

The Volkskrant article about the culture of fear contrasts with the manypraises that have appeared in the press about DWDD so far. The program paid alot of attention to culture and could give artists or TV makers an importantboost. Former TV critic for NRC Arjen Fortuin called DWDD: “one of themonuments of Dutch TV history, and by far the most influential program of thetwenty-first century.” According to him, the success lay largely with VanNieuwkerk: “The program is unthinkable without his ambition to get the mostout of every broadcast day, his journalistic instinct, the ability to presentat a killer pace, and his desire to admire.”

That misconduct and abuse of power, such as that at DWDD, is seen asnewsworthy ‘transgressive behaviour’, is fairly recent. Since the MeToomovement, sexual misconduct has become more exposed, and in its wake otherforms of workplace misconduct. Earlier, for example, publisher Mai Spijkerswas discredited because of this. Actress Maryam Hassouni recently published arevealing book about racism, sexism, and transgressive behavior in thetelevision and film industry.

Mundial de Qatar: Costa Rica, la selección donde mandan los veteranos que alcanzaron los cuartos del Mundial en 2014 | Mundial Qatar 2022

Lo que no cambia es el poder de sus mayores. El sistema de la selection ticaes, por encima de todo, la gerontocracia. Ocho años después de tocar cima conlos cuartos de final de Brasil 2014 (derrotó a Italia y Uruguay, y no cayóhasta la tanda de penaltis ante Países Bajos), ahí siguen Keylor Navas bajopalos (35 años), Óscar Duarte (33) en defensa, Yeltsin Tejada (30) y CelsoBorges (34) en el medio, Joel Campbell (30) arriba y Bryan Ruiz (37) como finoestilista,además del lateral Bryan Oviedo (32), que solo se perdió aquellacita por una lesion. Y la realidad es que no viajan a Qatar por deferencia nirespeto a las canas, sino como protagonistas principales del conjunto contrael que debutará España (miércoles 23 de noviembre, 5 p.m.; Movistar). A lamayoría de ellos se les espera en el once titular.

Mundial de fútbol: Inglaterra-Irán, el partido de todas las causas justas | Mundial Qatar 2022

Inglaterra aterrizó el martes en Doha en un Airbus A350 llamado Rain Bow(arcoíris), decorado con un dibujo de Oscar, el personaje que Virgin Atlantictiene como icono LGTBI, calzado con unas zapatillas con los colores de labandera del colectivo. La federación inglesa explicó que no habían pedido eseaparato en particular, pero que no les había disgustado el vuelo.

Una de las causas que quieren mostrar en Qatar es la de los derechos de loshomosexuales, perseguidos por las leyes del país organizador. Su capitán,Harry Kane, lucirá un brazalete de la Fundación OneLove, con un corazón ybarras de colores ligeramente diferentes de las de la bandera LGTBI, un gestoapoyado por otros ocho países entre los que no está España. Inglaterra lo harápese a la amenaza de multa de la FIFA. El consejero delegado de la federación,Mark Bullingham, dice que lo sabe y que no le importa: “Creo que hay unaposibilidad de que nos multen. Y si lo hacen, pagaremos la multa. Creemos quees importante mostrar nuestros valores. Yes eso es lo que haremos”.

Comedian prepares shredder to destroy 11,000 euros: Beckham still silent after ultimatum | show

With less than 48 hours on the countdown clock, David Beckham has still notresponded to British comedian Joe Lycett’s ultimatum. He threatens to put11,000 euros in paper money through the shredder live on the internet ifBeckham does not stop as ambassador of the World Cup in Qatar. Lycett, knownas a man of his word, must have set up the device.

“48 hours to go,” Lycett wrote on social media this afternoon with a photo ofthe shredder. The prankster, one of England’s best-known comedians, madeheadlines last week when he issued the ultimatum in a video, which now has 3.6million views on Twitter.

David Beckham is an icon for the LGBTI community, Lycett stated in the video.He was the first major footballer to do photoshoots for gay magazines, oftenspoke about his gay fans and married a Spice Girl, Victoria. “The mosthomosexual thing you can do as a human being,” joked Lycett, herself part ofthe community.

But his message was serious. Lycett finds it indigestible that gay iconBeckham has signed a deal to promote the World Cup in Qatar, reportedly for 10million pounds (11.5 million euros). He called Qatar “one of the worst placesin the world to be gay.” “It is illegal there, you can get a prison sentenceand, if you are Muslim, possibly the death penalty.”

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Beckham always describes football as something that can bring about positivechange. He can now prove that, says Lycett. In the video, he picked up a stackof bills – £1,000 for every million Beckham reportedly catches – and pledgedto donate it to charities that support LGBTQ people in football. At least, ifDavid cuts ties with the organization.

,,If you don’t, I will put this money in a shredder next Sunday at noon, justbefore the opening ceremony of the World Cup”, Lycett said. “Not only themoney, but also your status as an LGBTI icon will die.”

The comedian said to broadcast the shredding live on a specially registeredwebsite, benderslikebeckham.com. It’s a pun referring to the movie Bend itlike Beckham , which now means “gays like Beckham”. On the site, a clockcounts down to the possible shredding moment.

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‘Incredibly disappointing’

Beckham has still not responded. Yesterday it became known that he calls theWorld Cup a platform for progress, inclusiveness and tolerance, according tothis The Guardian. The former footballer has been under fire for some timebecause of his deal. England’s largest LGBT support group called it”incredibly disappointing” that someone who is “on a pedestal” with thecommunity is taking money to promote an event in Qatar, reported TheGuardian.

The committed Joe Lycett is not one for half measures. Two years ago he hadhis name officially changed to Hugo Boss, after the eponymous fashion brandhad repeatedly threatened with lawsuits against small companies that also have’Boss’ in their name. Last year, he tackled Shell with a documentary seriesfor alleged ‘greenwashing’, or advertising as if you were very environmentallyfriendly, while Shell is not, according to him.