Patrick Kicken: Radio boss Rob Stenders and TV boss Paul Römer from Talpa back to the NPO

[BLOG] The Matthijs van Nieuwkerk riot has set the carousel in full motionagain. NPO boss Frans Klein on non-active ‘as long as the investigation intothe abuses is ongoing. But everyone feels that he is of course making the oldDutch plea through a back door. So someone new has to come. Preferably someonewho is comfortable and can hold meetings. And what name is buzzing around assuccessor to Ijzeren Frans? Right, Baantjer Junior. The son of the late PietRömer, Paul. But this isn’t the only name that seems to want to leave theTalpa ship before the fusion storm comes to a head.

You can’t blame either of them, both Römer and Stenders, for looking beyondtheir noses. The mistake many in the media make, including me in the past, isthat you’re fine where you’re sitting. Nice salary, nice colleagues. Until thetoko is suddenly sold, the FM frequencies are lost or that one manager wholiked you leaves himself. You are suddenly in a completely differentsituation. Stenders gradually realizes that his Veronica adventure under theTalpa flag has not turned out quite as he (and probably John de Mol) hadexpected. So he’s looking around again. Of course, this is not all such juicynews as André Hazes, who again wants nothing to do with his mother, so I’mjust reporting it here instead of Yvonne Coldeweijer. It’s not for nothingthat you come here on the media and broadcasting platform of the Netherlands!

Rob Standers Rob seems to have been in the race and in conversation to succeed Giel Beelenin the evening on NPO Radio 2, who will make a world trip in 2023. Didn’t gothrough. Knowing Rob, he has probably already thrown up some balls for anothertime on NPO Radio 2 or 5. Especially now that Radio Veronica is under themagnifying glass at the Radiocommunications Agency, due to the violation ofthe speech rules associated with the FM package. From the new distribution,Talpa Radio may only have three stations on FM instead of the current four.That Radio Veronica will be victimized therefore seems to be a matter of timeand then you better find your safe shelter at the Dutch Public Broadcasting.Sucks for the people he brought to Veronica in those short two years. Kudosfor trying it this way, but this format naturally belongs to the NPO.

Paul Romer The same scenario also applies to Talpa boss Paul Römer. He already feels themood that after the merger with RTL there is only room for one channel boss.Peter van der Vorst is of course much better off technically with his fourchannels than all Talpa worry children, so that calculation is easily made.Römer, who will be turning 60 in a few weeks, was once the boss at NTR. Inthat role, responsible for stopping Sesame Street. After the BOOS riot aboutThe Voice, he was quick to claim that there is no culture of fear at Talpa.Perfectly suited for the role of chief executive at the NPO. A source close tothe fire informed me that he has already been spotted at the public offices.Römer smells (and seizes) his chance because of the Matthijs riot. If thiscontinues, I think that many a broadcaster and media maker will long for thetime of Frans Klein. Because acting as a puppet for John de Mol for years isof course not going to leave you in the cold.

Argentina – Mexico 1930: el primer ‘fair play’ de la historia de los Mundiales | Mundial Qatar 2022

“Después de parar el penalti, ya en los vestidores, se acercó una figuramundial para felicitar a mi abuelo por su actuación y decirle: ‘Lo que vi enla cancha fue maravilloso y me gustaría darle un regalo. ¿Qué es lo que legustaría?’. Y mi abuelo contestó: ‘Que me cante una canción, señor CarlosGardel’. Y le canto El dia que me quieras ”, contó el nieto del arquero,aunque sin tener en cuenta la versión que, según historiadores argentinos,Paternoster le entregó el penal a Bonfiglio para no sacar ventaja de un errordel árbitro.

Idolo and Colombia

A su vez, según cuenta el hijo de Paternoster, Fernando Félix, hoy de 74 años,nacido en Colombia pero residente en Buenos Aires, su padre y Bonfiglio sereencontraron y se abrazaron muchos años después, en 1962. “En 1938, a miviejo lo llamaron del Gobierno colombiano para organizar el fútbol del país,que ni siquiera tenía liga. Estuvo en Bogotá en los primeros años de AtléticoMunicipal, que después se refundó como Millonarios. Más tarde pasó a Nacionalde Medellín y en 1954 lo sacó campeón colombiano por primera vez; and 1962llegó al Emelec de Ecuador. Una vez me contó que, en una gira por EstadosUnidos, jugó contra un equipo de México (Chivas de Guadalajara, en 1966) yBonfiglio, que trabajaba como periodista, se le acercó y le dijo ‘yo le atajéun penal en el Mundial del 30′. Se dieron un abrazo”, reconstruye el hijo delmayor cultor del juego limpio en los Mundiales.

Fernando Félix Paternoster no recuerda que su papá le haya revelado queejecutó ese penal sin intención goleadora, pero sí había antecedentes de esetipo de honestidad. Según publicó Macías en el libro Quien es quien en laselection “El capitán argentino, el arquero Guillermo Magistretti, le ordenóa Delgado que ejecutase desviado, deliberadamente, un penal a favor, ya queconsideró que la sanción del árbitro había sido desacertada”. Según agregóMacías, “todo el estadio aplaudió la actitud de Delgado, pero el árbitro seretiró ofendido al vestuario y ambos capitanes debieron convencerlo para queregresara”. Muchos años después, Delgado, ya retirado, asesinaría a su mujer ysería encarcelado en la carcel del fin del mundo, la de Tierra del Fuego.

En ese mismo Argentina 6-México 3 de Uruguay 1930, Ulises Saucedo cobraríaotros dos penales, ambos para México, uno convertido por Manuel Rosas y elotro atajado por Bosio ante el mismo ejecutante. “Mi viejo me enseñó a patearpenales cuando yo jugaba de delantero en las inferiores de Atlanta. Me decía’tené en cuenta esta posición’, ‘de esta forma el arquero no sabe donde vas apatear’ y esas cosas”, recuerda Paternoster hijo, en días en que Argentinanecesita ganarle a México en el estadio Lusail como sea, también con un gol depenal, bien o mal sancionado, y donde nadie piensa en retomar el espíritujusticiero de Paternoster.

Nacer en Argentina, defender a México: Funes Mori y los futbolistas que cambiaron de pasaporte para jugar por el Tri | Mundial Qatar 2022

Hay sentimientos partidos completamente partidos por la mitad porque en lafamilia Funes Mori hinchan por dos selecciones distintas. Ramiro, quien fueradefensa en el Everton y del Villarreal, jugó por Argentina la Copa América2016 convocado por Tata Martino, actual seleccionador del Tri, y algunosencuentros de la eliminatoria. No fue convocado para el Mundial de 2018 nipara este. Rogelio, en cambio, jugó en los equipos juveniles de la selecciónargentina sub 18 (2009), disputó el torneo Sudamericano sub 20 (2011) y unamistoso contra Brasil (2012) tras ser llamado por Alejandro Sabella. A partirde ese año se perdió en el radar argentino.

El Funes Mori goleador dio un salto al Benfica donde le intentaron pulir, perono pudo brillar en el primer equipo y luego tuvo que ser cedido a la Ligaturca con el Eskişehirspor. En 2015, una llamada a su agente fue el plottwist de su vida: el club mexicano Monterrey le quería fichar. 139 golesdespués, se convirtió en el máximo goleador de los Rayados, ganó una Liga ydos Copas. Sus ocho temporadas le hacían candidato siempre a que la selecciónmexicana le pidiera hacer el cambio de federación ante la FIFA. “Les quierocompartir con huge orgullo que ya soy mexicano. Siento amor, respeto yagradecimiento por este gran país y por su gente”, contó en junio de 2021cuando recibió sus papeles.

Rogelio Funes Mori durante un clásico entre River y Boca, en2013.RogelioFunes Mori durante un clásico entre River y Boca, en 2013.Gabriel Rossi (LatinContent via Getty Images)

El rosarino Tata Martino convenció a los dirigentes de la Federación Mexicanapara que le ayudaran a agilizar el proceso de Funes Mori. En los 16 partidosjugados ha anotado cinco veces. Su convocatoria a la selección saltó chispasen México debido a que el seleccionador le cerró la puerta al máximo anotadordel Tri, Chicharito Hernández, debido a una serie de indisciplinas querompieron el vestidor. El tandem Martino-Funes Mori amenaza a una Argentina enapuros.

A lo largo de la historia, México ha reforzado su selección con futbolistasargentinos. El primero en hacerlo fue Carlos Lara, quien cambió de colores enel camino al Mundial de Chile 1962, pero una lesión le apartó de la listafinal. 40 años más tarde, el Tri volvería a fijarse en otro argentino. Ese fueGabriel Caballero, quien debutó en Central Córdoba y fue fichado por SantosLaguna en los 90. “Llegué a México en el 95. Realicé el trámite denaturalización en el 2000 y fue en 2020 cuando me llamaron a la selección”,cuenta Caballero a EL PAÍS. Fue Javier Aguirre, su antiguo entrenador enPachuca, quien le llamó. “Hubo un sector del periodismo que estaba en contra,otra que no, pero los aficionados siempre nos apoyó. Llevo 30 años viviendo enMéxico y todavía siento el honor de representar al país”, agrega.

Caballero, un centrocampista de época, jugó el Mundial de 2002 y en total jugóocho partidos, aunque no fue convocado más. “Me considero un jugador ganador,quiza no extraordinario. No hay quien haya ganado más títulos que yo en estepaís [seis Ligas, dos títulos de la Concacaf y una Sudamericana]. Javiersiempre me dijo que era el mejor centro del fútbol mexicano. Me pedía hacer lomismo que hice en Santos y en Pachuca. Me dijo: ‘No quiero que lo veas queeres el salvador de la selección, no quiero que vayas y hagas el gol, pon tugranito de arena y nada más’. Y así fue.

Opinion | The fairy tale of the ‘lone genius’ has a price

In the creative world, a performance at the table at Matthijs van Nieuwkerkhas long been regarded as the holy grail, as a super shortcut to fame andguaranteed success. Such a performance led to bestsellers, box office hits andsold-out venues. Publishers and publicity staff therefore begged for a placeat the table for their new stars.

Sanne Bloemink is a writer and journalist.

The problem was that you really only came to the table if you already had thatbestseller, blockbuster or sold-out house. Micha Wertheim wrote a nice articleabout it two years ago The Correspondent. It’s a bit like the exclusivenightclub where you only get in if you’re already a member, but at the sametime you can only join when you’re already in. A catch 22.

How do you get that first foot in the door? The answer is usually:connections. Once in and famous yourself you then spin along in a carousel ofother famous people and that’s exactly what you saw happen for years in Theworld goes on , and still on other talk shows. It’s also exactly why they’reso uninteresting. You will be served the same Dutch prak every evening.

Yet many people remain fascinated by programs in which Dutch celebrities playgames with each other, dance with each other, sing songs, praise each otheror, conversely, criticize each other. Famous people have a golden glow, theglow of the one very special person that one brilliant mind that one_great character_. And all those unique individuals live together ontelevision (and on social media), in a separate, separate world.

You can shrug your shoulders about it and try to stand above it, but in themeantime that is difficult if you hope for your own bestseller or sold-outaudience. If you think you have something to say to the world, don’t just tellyour diary. That’s why writers, actors, theater makers and many, many otherskept rushing to DWDD for years only to be called off at the last minute for amore important riot of the day.

bully boss

Almost everyone who wants to gain fame participates in this system. And anyonewho enjoys watching famous people too. At the same time, these are exactly thecircumstances in which a culture of fear around a bully boss can thrive. It’sthe myth of the lone genius who is raised on the shield and worshipedeverywhere. Matthijs was brilliant, Matthijs took care of ratings, Matthijscould launch careers. Nobody raised their hand to explain that a program likeDWDD is of course not made by one person, but by a group. People preferred tobelieve the fairy tale of the individual genius, even though that fairy talehad a price.

The story of the individual genius, however, is a myth and not a necessity. Infact, this fairy tale is harmful to society as a whole. Music producer BrianEno once coined the term ‘scenius’: Scenius stands for the intelligence andthe intuition of a whole cultural scene. It is the communal form of theconcept of the genius.” Of course, the role of the presenter is important fora show, but a presenter cannot do without editors, employees and audience. Ina culture of individual personality cults in combination with cut-throatcompetition for ratings, however, this insight is slowly fading into thebackground. The glorified child prodigy is getting more and more space and noone dares to contradict him.

The public discussion now focuses on the question of who is responsible:’Employees should have reported the behavior to confidential advisersearlier’. ‘Such behavior is simply part of ‘top sport’ and a ‘high bar’. “Theboss should have intervened.” Van Nieuwkerk should have been protected againsthimself.

The same comments are made in response to the behavior of former ChamberPresident Khadija Arib, astronomy professor Tim de Zeeuw and publisher MaiSpijkers. The discussion is always about the guilt and responsibility ofindividuals, but not or hardly about the group. How does such a culture arise?And why are we hearing about it more and more?

Read also: The inequality of power in the workplace is great in Hilversum

Sick working atmosphere

Unfortunately, toxic work environments are common. A quarter of the Dutch aresometimes bullied at work. (Management) books have been written about the wayin which unsafe work situations arise. For example, an extremely unequalbalance of power is an important ingredient that can promote the emergence ofsuch a sick working atmosphere.

However, I think the problem goes even deeper. It starts at a young age, in aschool system that is set up around individual achievement, based onefficiency thinking, without a vision of living together and withoutcollective community goals. Children learn from a very young age that theymust perform and excel within a narrow definition of success. And above all:on an individual basis and not as a group.

A child who is bored in class needs ‘more challenge’. That challengeapparently does not lie in helping someone else or simply in having thecourtesy to wait for someone else. And that while the greatest challenges ofour time cry out for more collaboration and more working as a group. That isnot easy, but it is necessary. Just look at the sad results of the lastclimate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh and you will understand that the onebrilliant Nobel Prize winner is not going to save us.

A group of exceptionally creative people can sustain a reign of terror

Fortunately, there are also hopeful signs. Organizational expert Eric Koenendescribes in his book Smart together (2021), for example, how he sees thatindividual cleverness in organizations is no longer enough to solve complexissues. More and more leaders are therefore trying to tap into collectiveintelligence in their teams. Because a number of individually smart people cantogether form a very stupid team. Just as a group of exceptionally creativepeople can maintain a reign of terror together.

Another encouraging sign is that the stories are now coming out. The behaviorof that genius, shouting boss is apparently no longer unquestioninglyaccepted. Fortunately, the bullies are finally being held accountable.

Hopefully this means a switch from genius to scenius. That would really be anightclub I want to go to.

jam-packed list of top films and series

The Witcher: Blood Origin (Image: Netflix)

Hold on: no fewer than 87 new titles will appear on Netflix in December 2022.We list all documentaries, films and series for you. With big hit series like_Emily in Paris_ and The Witcher: Blood Origin and classics like PulpFiction and The Godfather.

Where HBO Max and Disney + focus monthly on a select number of new films andseries, Netflix is ​​shooting with hail. Of the 87 new titles, a few hits willprobably remain. Also a tactic, although you gradually wonder where all thoseactors and cameramen are pulled from.

New on Netflix December 2022

The fact is that the streaming service has made it again this month. Wehighlight a number of titles. Scroll down for all movies, series anddocumentaries.


In Norwegian film Troll you follow a brave paleontologist assigned to stopan ancient troll from the Norwegian mountains from wreaking deadly havoc. Muchis expected of this.

Troll will be available on Netflix from December 1, 2022.

The Godfather I and II

A few cool purchased new movies and series next month, including the mafiaclassic of mafia classics. Time to get the remastered version of TheGodfather and watch the sequel. This classic needs, we hope, no explanation.

The Godfather I and II will be available on Netflix from December 1, 2022.

Emily in Paris season 3

Where we devour hours here at the editorial office on science fiction, crimeand fantasy, we also melt away at colorful and sweet series such as Emily inParis. Season 3 is coming up, and we’re in the front row.

Emily in Paris Season 3 will be available on Netflix from December 21, 2022.

Alice in Borderland season 2

Also a Japanese topper between the new films and series of next month. Alicein Borderland is a delightful sci-fi thriller wrapped in a drama series basedon the manga of the same name. Everything is in here. Season 2 is almost out.

Alice in Borderland Season 2 will be available on Netflix from December 22.

The Witcher: Blood Origin

The Witcher: Blood Origin is a prequel to the popular series _The Witcher_and is also guaranteed to be another hit. The story takes place 1,200 yearsbefore the original. Read more about the prequel in this article.

The Witcher: Blood Origin will be available on Netflix from December 25,2022.

All new documentaries, films and series

Is all this not enough for you as a professional binge watcher? Check out thefull overview of all new documentaries, films and series that will appear onNetflix in December 2022.

Netflix Original Series in December 2022

Dead End 1/12/22 Firefly Lane: Season 2 Part 1 2/12/22 Hot Skull 2/12/22 My Unorthodox Life: Season 2 2/12/22 The Most Beautiful Flower 7/12/22 Smiley 7/12/22 I Hate Christmas 7/12/22 Too Hot to Handle: Season 4 7/12/2022 How to Ruin Christmas: The Baby Shower 9/12/22 Dream Home Makeover: Season 4 9/12/22 CAT 9/12/22 Single’s Inferno: Season 2 13/12/22 Glitter 14/12/22 The Recruit 16/12/22 Paradise PD: Part 4 12/16/22 A Storm for Christmas 16/12/22 Far From Home 16/12/22 Cook at all Costs 16/12/22 Summer Job 16/12/22 Dance Monsters 16/12/22 Emily in Paris: Season 3 12/21/22 Alice in Borderland: Season 2 12/22/22 Pinata Masters! 23/12/22 Time Hustler 12/25/22 The Witcher: Blood Originn 25/12/22 Treason 26/12/22 Daughter From Another Mother: Season 3 12/25/22 The Circle: Season 5 12/28/22 Chicago Party Aunt: Part 2 12/30/22 Alpha Males 30/12/22 The Glory (date to follow) The Interest of Love (date to follow) My Next Guest with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (date to follow)

Netflix Original Movies in December 2022

Troll 1/12/22 Qala 1/12/22 Scrooge: A Christmas Carol 2/12/22 Lady Chatterley’s Lover 2/12/22 Warriors of Future 2/12/22 Delivery by Christmas 6/12/22 The Marriage App 7/12/22 The Claus Family 3 7/12/22 Burning Patience 7/12/22 Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 9/12/22 I Believe in Santa 14/12/22 The Big 4 15/12/22 Private Lesson 16/12/22 BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths 12/16/22 A Not So Merry Christmas 20/12/22 Disconnect: The Wedding Planner 12/21/22 Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 12/23/22 Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical 12/25/22 God’s Crooked Lines (date to follow) A Night at the Kindergarten 12/28/22 Stuck with You 12/28/22 White Noise 30/12/22

Netflix Original Documentaries in December 2022

In addition to all the new films and series, don’t forget the documentaries.

The Masked Scammer 1/12/22 Sr. 2/12/22 In Broad Daylight: The Narvarte Case 8/12/22 The Elephant Whisperers 8/12/22 Last Chance U: Basketball: Season 2 13/12/22 Kangaroo Valley 14/12/22 Don’t Pick Up The Phone 14/12/22 The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari 16/12/22 I AM A KILLER: Season 4 12/21/22

Netflix Original Anime in December 2022

Dragon Age: Absolution 9/12/22 Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure 13/12/22 Violet Evergarden: Recollections 15/12/22 The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh Part 1 12/20/22

Purchased films and series in December 2022

Good Luck Chuck 1/12/22 The Godfather II 1/12/22 The Godfather /12/22 Pulp Fiction 1/12/22 LEGO Friends: Holiday Special 1/12/22 The BFG 1/12/22 Inferno 1/12/22 Silverstar 12/27/22

Netflix Comedy Specials in December 2022

Sebastian Maniscalco: Is It Me? 6/12/22 Tom Papa: What A Day! 13/12/22 Who Killed Santa? A Murderville Murder Mystery 15/12/22 Mathieu Dufour at Bell Center 12/22/22 Vir Das: Landing 12/25/22 Best of Stand Up 2022 31/12/22

Netflix Kids & Family in December 2022

Mighty Express: Mighty Trains Race 5/12/22 The Boss Baby: Christmas Bonus 6/12/22 Sonic Prime 15/12/22 Brown and Friends 12/29/22 Secrets of Summer: Season 2 12/30/22

Check out the new movies and series from November in this article.

Former make-up artist DWDD wants to talk to Matthijs van Nieuwkerk

Make-up artist Jelleke van Rijkind is one of the few former employees who isknown by name and surname in the illustrious Volkskrant article on theculture of fear The world goes on tells. Bee Beau the make-up artist opensa book.

Van Rijkind tells Beau van Erven Dorens that she is “very relieved”. “I amvery happy that the story has finally been told. I am the journalists of deVolkskrant very grateful. I’ve been hoping for years that someone would pickup on the story and now it’s here.” She didn’t hesitate for a second whethershe wanted her (real) name with the article. “When I tell my experience as apermanent make-up artist of Matthijs, it is immediately clear that it is me.I’m not afraid, so I’m fine with my name in the paper.”

Former make-up artist at Beau: ‘In the beginning it was fun and exciting’

The make-up artist has known Matthijs van Nieuwkerk for a long time. Sheworked before the start of The world goes on been working with the presenterfor three years, including at Dutch Sports. In the first years nothing waswrong. “In the beginning it was very fun and exciting,” she says. Thingsturned around in 2005, although she finds it difficult to indicate onespecific point. “I think it has crept in slowly. I feel it came when anothereditor-in-chief came, Dieuwke. You noticed that Matthijs was much more tense,that he had anger outbursts quite often.”

She regularly drove tense to the studio. “Then I thought: how am I going tofind him? Is he happy, is he relaxed? It also happened that he had a good dayand was very charming. I always held on to that. That I thought: oh luckily,he is still as I know him from before. Then you can move forward.” But he alsooften had bad days, according to Van Rijkind. “Then he came from the editorialoffice and he was angry and grumpy. Then he would sit in the chair and justfeel everything like: something happened and I shouldn’t ask too much. Ialways found it very difficult to do his make-up and hair. You literally touchsomeone, so you really feel the tension.”

Van Rijkind does not think that Van Nieuwkerk alone is to blame for theculture of fear. “It’s how we all treated him at The world goes on. We puthim on a pedestal way too much. No one has ever been critical of him. I thinkthat was very wrong.”

The bomb bursts: Van Nieuwkerk does not trust hairdryer

In September 2011 the bomb bursts. “Suddenly he wanted to see my hairdryer. Hethought maybe it was because of my hair dryer that his hair wasn’t setproperly. Then I thought: I’ll go along with that, but of course that doesn’tmake any sense at all. I showed my hair dryer a day later and he looked at ita bit, but I don’t think he knew what to do with it either. He was justlooking for something to kick me out. I felt that very well at the time.”

What she fears happens. Two days later, Van Rijkind receives a call fromproduction. “They said: ‘You don’t have to come anymore.’ Why, they did notknow and did not find out. They asked Matthijs the reason, but he did not wantto say that.” To this day, Van Rijkind has no idea why she was sent away. “Ofcourse I didn’t let it go. I emailed him, called him, used all sorts of waysto get in touch with him. It did not work.”

After Van Nieuwkerk kicks her out, she can continue to do the guests. “But heno longer wanted to see me, so I was no longer allowed to work in the largemake-up room, only in a kind of large cubicle. Then I said: this is reallygoing too far, I’m really not going to do this.”

A few months later, she bumps into Van Nieuwkerk during the Summit 2000. Atthat time a publication had just appeared in Privé about the atmosphere at_The world goes on_. Despite the fact that Van Rijkind did not participate inthis, Van Nieuwkerk thinks so. “I came there with my suitcases and Matthijsstarted shouting: ‘You are responsible for that Private piece. I don’t want tosee you anymore and you have to get out of here.’ Where everyone was present,because there was a kind of pre-discussion / rehearsal going on. Then I wantedto talk to him, but that really wasn’t possible anymore. He was very angry.”When she returns home, van Rijkind calls her lawyer and together they manageto sleep an amount before her departure from the fire. In return, she is notallowed to talk about it. “That has eaten away at me for years.”

‘I would like to talk to him’

She is doing well now, although she has to leave The world goes on lefttraces. “I feel very safe. I have another job, a permanent contract and I amcompletely out of the world of TV. The burden I have now is that I still havea voice in the back of my head that says: it could just be over. That feelingis still there after all these years.”

“I would really like to talk to him,” she says. What would she say then?“Matthijs, do you have any idea how you damaged me and all those others? Itwould be very good to talk to us and say sorry. To show that you are reallysorry, because that is still lacking.”

You can watch Beau back via RTL XL.

Irene Paredes: España en el Mundial: suflé de expectativas | Mundial Qatar 2022

Poniéndome en la piel de estos jugadores, no me gustaría que se les comparecon los Puyol, Piqué, Casillas, Xavi, Iniesta, Torres, etc. A día de hoy,sería injusto pedirles lo mismo que a esa generación de oro. Sarabia, Pedri,Gabi, etc, son diferentes, con características distintas pero tienen la suertede haber tenido de referentes a unos campeones del mundo, y haber jugado conalgunos de ellos. Estoy segura de que todos llevan tiempo soñando con poderhacer lo mismo algún día.

Mundial de Qatar: Argentina busca quien la cosa | Mundial Qatar 2022

Sin ritmo en la primera parte, fiado a una acción puntual que resolviera lapapeleta, y muy escasa de soluciones en la segunda frente a la adversidad,contra México se esperan varios cambios en el once, sobre todo del medio campopara atrás. Porque también la sensación general, agudizada por el gravetraspies del martes, es que el estado físico de varios futbolistas no es elóptimo. Ya antes de debutar tuvo que remendar la primera lista de 26 con lasentradas de Ángel Correa (Atlético) y Thiago Almada (Atlanta) en lugar de NicoGonzález (Fiorentina) y Joaquín Correa (Inter), ambos con molestias. Y en lasjornadas previas a Arabia se habló de problemas en la puesta a punto denombres como Romero, Acuña (no salió hasta que Argentina iba perdiendo), Foytho Dybala. Sobre la salud de Messi también sobrevuelan algunas sospechas.

Arabia Saudí vs Argentina: Fahad está feliz | Mundial Qatar 2022

Creo que en mi anterior artículo se me olvidó contarles que Fahad escentrocampista, de esos que no son muy grandes y que siempre escucha en suclub, ya su padre, que le dice que con ese físico ya no se puede jugar en esademarcación. Que hace falta gente fuerte, de gran potencia física y muchoskilómetros en sus piernas. Pero Fahad se dice a sí mismo que si un jugadorcomo Modric es tan bueno que hasta ha llegado al Balón de Oro, ese elementofísico no puede ser freno para sus sueños. Y él se fija y sueña con poder serPedri, tan delgadito, con ese aspecto de que no ha roto un plato pero lleno degenio para jugar y robar siempre en el tiempo justo.

Aunque cuando se mira en el espejo se da cuenta de que tiene el referentecambiado y que, tal vez, Gavi sería su opción más factible: trabajo,intensidad, ritmo y valentía para jugar contra cualquier rival. Todo eso legustaba, pero cuando le vio marcar ese gol con un remate con el exterior desup pie se dio cuenta de que ser competitivo no excluye los elementos decalidad en torno al balón, es más, los potencia. Cuando vuelvan a abrir laciudad deportiva podrá decirle a su entrenador que no limite su juego, ni sussueños, porque sus referentes le dicen que se puede ser grande siendo pequeño.

the best OLED televisions during Black Friday

Black Friday is traditionally the time to buy a new television. Of course youwant a top image, so you choose OLED or QLED. But which deals are really worthit? We list a number of models from LG, Samsung and Sony at

QLED and OLED are two of the best picture technologies for televisions. WhereSamsung opts for QLED because of the warm colors, LG and Sony opt for OLEDbecause of true black tones. However, those TVs are quite pricey. Fortunately,they are considerably cheaper during Black Friday.

Samsung, LG and Sony OLED TVs during Black Friday

For this list, we have selected five different televisions from LG, Samsungand Sony on that are an excellent Black Friday deal. Here they come!

LG CS 65-inch

LGCSBeautifulimage on this LG. (Image:

When you talk about OLED televisions, you will soon end up with LG. The Koreanbrand makes fantastic TVs for gamers and binge watchers alike. The LG CS is noexception.

The LG CS contains the α9 Gen 5 AI processor that provides even better imagesby detecting people and objects and making them sharper. You score the 65-inchversion during Black Friday for 1,399 euros.

Sony Bravia XR 55-inch

Sony Bravia Black FridayOLEDGreatfor the living room. (Image:

Sony televisions are of course known for their fantastic picture. This Braviais no exception. offers a 33 percent discount on this televisionduring Black Friday. You also get a free soundbar that normally costs 270euros.

The special thing about this television is that it has a special NetflixAdaptive Calibrated Mode. This gives you an even better Netflix experience.The chip inside adjusts the image and sound to how people watch TV. You nowhave this television, including the Soundbar, for 1,333 euros.

Samsung QE 55-inch television

Samsung QLED OLED TV BlackFridayA nice TV!(Image:

Do you want QLED combined with OLED? Then you end up with QE-OLED. This givesyou a higher brightness compared to regular OLEDs, but the black tones. Thisway you can see even the smallest details razor sharp on this Samsung TV.

This television is also super slim, making it a gem in your living room.Normally you pay a lot for such a Samsung QE-OLED, but during Black Friday itis slightly cheaper. You already have it for 1,319 euros.

LG G2 55-inch OLED television

LG G2 OLED SmartTVA picture!(Image:

The LG G2 is the ideal OLED for people who expect a lot from their television.Dynamic Tone Mapping Pro splits the screen into 5000 blocks to further enhancethe image. The Brightness Booster ensures that you still have a clear imagedespite an OLED.

This TV is very thin, making it an ideal item to hang on the wall. You can nowscore this television extra cheaply during Black Friday. You have it for 1,429euros at

Samsung QE55QN90B during Black Friday

Samsung NEO QledNeo.(Image: Samsung)

This Samsung television differs slightly from the previous one in the list.This has a Neo QLED screen instead of QE-OLED. This television therefore has aMini LED screen, which means that there is even more accurate light control.As a result, there is a clear image with intense colors.

With this Samsung television, you also have good sound for a flat screen TV.For example, it is tuned to the place where the television is located andvoices are improved. It is also super simple to connect a soundbar where thetelevision works together optimally. You now have it for 1,369 euros duringBlack Friday.