Mundial Qatar 2022: Todo o nada | Mundial Qatar 2022

Me tratas, Tu Excelencia, con razón y sin ella, de deprimido y triste. Y, parasostenerlo, me apareas con un par de portugueses que nunca nadie pensó enemparejar: Ronaldo que, como dices, juega –y vive– para su espejo, y Pessoa,que lo temía o detestaba tanto que se pasó la vida tratando de ser otro. Yohoy estoy más cerca de Pessoa que de Cristiano: preferiría ser otro, no esteque debe contestarte sin muchos argumentos.

Me endilgas tu tristeza y me compeles a consolarte de ella. No seré yo, noseré yo, no seré yo, ansioso como estoy de que mañana tu desazón alcanceabismos insondables. Para eso están los amigos, amigo mío: para permitir quelos que quieres lleguen hasta el fondo y, desde allí, resurjan impetuosos,chispeantes de renovados brios. O quizá no, pero ya sabes: tu tristeza demañana será mi alegría. A veces pasa, y no encuentro el modo de disimularlo.

La tristeza de hoy, en cambio, tiene que ver, me dices, con un descubrimiento:que el Gran Capitán Leo Messi no era puro fútbol, ​​mero fútbol, ​​alguien aquien nada más le importa nada, sino un señor capaz de vender cara su cara auna de las peores dictaduras del planeta. Signo de los tiempos: desde que loescribí tantos me han dicho “y qué, si le dan buena plata…” ¿Cómo fue queconseguimos llegar a esta simplificación extrema y adaptarnos a vivir en ella?¿A una religión planetaria con un único dios que todos adoramos, tan huérfanade ateos?

Las explicaciones son, si acaso, politicas, y creo que hacía tiempo que lapolítica no estaba tan presente en un Mundial: denuncias, brazaletes, bozales,las condenas. ¿Será porque está tan ausente de donde debería? ¿O será lapercepción errada de un grupito extraviado, unos pocos a los que nos importanestas tonterías? Un ejemplo menor – muy menor – sería el gran Neymar. Estejueves, en un partido entretenido, Serbia siguió el ejemplo argentino-alemán:el subcampeón anterior consiguió perder con el sexto, en otro atentado contralas jerarquías. (¿Recuerdas aquel cantito de Mayo del 68 que decía, enfrancés, que “la jerarquía/ es como los estantes/ cuanto más altos/ menossirven”? Lo estamos demostrando.)

Pero bueno, Neymar. Ya sabes que salió de la cancha con un tobillo regordete,desconchado, y sabes también que había prometido que dedicaría su primer golal futuro expresidente autoritario machista militarista puaj de su país, elmortal Bolso Naro. ¿Esa promesa/amenaza alcanza para desear que su tobillo lodeje en dique seco hasta las fiestas? Ah, ¿querías hacer un gol bolsofacho?Pues mira, ya no puedes. Si lo dijéramos, ¿qué estaríamos diciendo, que es eljusto castigo por su toma de posición horripilante o que su líder es yeta omufa o gafe? ¿O, en realidad, justificaríamos so pretexto de ética la alegríaenvidiosa de que no siga mejorando a Brasil, el enemigo sempiterno? ¿Para esotambién usamos la política? ¿Nos alegra que el adversario sea medio facho comoa nuestros adversarios seguramente los alegre ver a Messi venderse a lospeores, así tenemos razones “nobles” para descalificarlos?

Todo esto para decirte que admiro y denuncio tu voltereta dialéctica alrespecto: ahora, el impensable triunfo mexicano de mañana se justificaríaporque el muy Messi entregó su imagen a unos asesinos, peores aún que Bolso. Yque aún así, dices, a los mexicanos les daría pena dejarlo fuera. Porquemañana, lo sabemos, la Argentina se la juega a cara o cruz, a vida o muerte, atodo o nada. (Cómo nos gustan esas situaciones en que todo parece decidirsedefinitivamente. Es uno de los grandes atributos del fútbol. En la vida esosmomentos son muy raros: en general, los procesos dan efectos mezclados y unono termina de saber si lo que le pasó le conviene del todo: cuál es elresultado.Algo puede ser bueno para tal, malo para cual, indiferente para estoo lo otro.En el fútbol, ​​en cambio, el resultado es uno y está claro: operdiste o ganaste o empataste. Es uno de sus grandes atractivos: en un mundoconfuso ofrece un refugio de claridad bien definida. Simplifica.)

Pero no te preocupes: ese triunfo no sucederá. Si, lo sé, es la granoportunidad mexica para vengar la historia. Nunca la historia nos importa másque cuando conseguimos leerla como una acumulación de agravios que alguna vezcastigaremos. Tú y tus compatriotas ya tienen suficientes: ni recuerdo lacantidad de veces que los dejamos fuera. Como en muchos de los mejoresrelatos, la historia general se puede condensar en una historia individual: lade Rogelio Funes Mori, mendocino Treintañero que juega de nueve, a quien no lefue bien en la Argentina, emigró, le fue mejor en México y ahora juega en suselección y sueña con hacer un gol mañana –que va a festejar, dice, “con ungrito alocado” – para vengarse del país que lo despreció. Cualquier parecidocon nuestras relaciones futbolísticas nacionales no es mera coincidencia.

Viewers critical of parents Lost Children, but also compassion

Director Sahar Meradji captured Dutch problem families for the EO docuseries_Lost Children_. Last night was the last episode of the four-part series. Inaddition to some viewers reacting quite indignantly to the parents, there isalso support and compassion. And is there a message at the end of the episodethat still makes you think.

Parenting is quite a task. This is also evident from the number of readers whofrequently visit the parenting section of Subway clicks. In the docu-series_Lost Children_ of the EO, the maker followed three ‘problem families’ intheir daily struggles with parenthood. And that is quite impressive.

Problem families in documentary Lost Children

This is how the viewer sees Astrid and Peter, who both struggle with mentalchallenges and live with four children on seventy square meters in NorthAmsterdam. Astrid regularly has emotional outbursts and the couple, despitetheir struggles, try to run a family. Do they consider themselves a problemfamily? “Sometimes yes and sometimes no”, Astrid responds.

There is also the family Marjolein and Ronald, who fled to Belgium with theirthree children to avoid the Dutch youth care. Their three gifted childrensuffer from psychological problems and Marjolein also struggles with heremotional state. In tears, she tells, among other things, how her son’shaircut was accidentally cut too short and about de teddy bears lying in bed,including the ‘misery bear.’ For all the misery she goes through.

Condolences to parents and children

The documentary maker asks Marjolein if she psychologically abuses herchildren and is emotionally unstable. “No, I do not think so. If you arethreatened by authorities long enough, and that is the case in my case, itwill not make you more emotionally stable.” She is convinced that she is agood mother, but also understands that her emotional outbursts can sometimesbe intense for her children. When the filmmaker asks the children of Marjoleinand Ronald what they hope to achieve with the documentary, one of the sonsreplies: “Sexuality.”

Finally, the viewer also sees the family of Gerson and Merel from Rotterdam,who are looking for the right relationship with their autistic daughter. Thecouple has two children and is quite exhausted by the challenges that daughterNohemy’s autism entails. When the director asks if the couple likes beingparents, they laugh. “I find it very spicy. I sometimes think: ‘Why did I wanttwo children in the first place?’”, says Merel honestly. But in addition toflaring up despair, there is also a lot of love in the Rotterdam family.

Harsh reactions from critical viewers, but also support

Viewers’ reactions vary. It seems that most have watched in bewilderment andshocked by the stories. Some viewers express outrage at the parents and theirparenting style. And those reactions are not always nice. But in addition to alot of criticism, there is also sympathy and support. Because some viewersalso find it very brave and vulnerable that these parents share their story.

Message about education

At the end of the episode, the filmmaker asks the three families to reflect ontheir own family situation. The family of Marjolein and Ronald is stillstruggling with authorities and youth care and is trying to get things back ontrack in Belgium. Merel says that with home support, she can accept thingsbetter. And that she realizes that she and her husband are dealing with acomplicated situation.

“There are problems in every family,” concludes Peter. According to him,arguing is human. “And if people say we don’t have that, they’re lying.” AndAstrid agrees. “When people say that everything is perfect in their familylife.. never fight, never this, thaw that, then I dare to put my hand in theshit. Then you are not happy.” After which she explains that if you don’t talkthings out with each other or don’t argue, people will continue to walk withstress. “Then you are seventy years old in your coffin and I am ninety when Iam in my coffin. Because I’m not stressed, I lose it when I say it. And afamily that thinks it’s happy and doesn’t care, that lives with stress.” Andwith her own family, with or without obstacles, she knows: “Everything will be

New on Netflix: these films and series appeared this week | Movies & Series

Every week, Netflix expands the range with many new series and films. Withthis week: the new Netflix series: Wednesday the documentary GhislaineMaxwell: Filthy Rich folk horror Midsommar and more.


Under The Queen ‘s Umbrella (season 1)

We know enough Western royal dramas these days. In this South Koreanperformance, we see how Queen Hwaryeong (Kim Hye Soo) tries to get her sons inline to prepare them for kingship. Meanwhile, her enemies prey on the highestpolitical position in the country.

The Addams Family is back! This series is about – you guessed it – Wednesday,the youngest daughter of the family. She attends Nevermore Academy, a schoolfor vampires, werewolves and other creatures struggling to find their place insociety. Wednesday feels out of place here and wants to leave as soon aspossible, but then she gets involved in a murder mystery.

Blood, Sex & Royalty (season 1)

In the 16th century it was not so easy for women at the English court. Theycould become wives, mistress, nuns, spinsters, but that was about it. AnneBoleyn (Amy James-Kelly) was a noble woman who was not satisfied with that.She didn’t mince words and got into an affair with King Henry VIII. In thisunique documentary series, dramatized scenes alternate with commentary fromhistorians.


The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this true-life drama as shady businessman JordanBelfort. Jordan started the stock trading company Stratton Oakmont in the late1980s and quickly became one of Wall Street’s icons. This involved lavishpartying and lots of sex, booze and drugs, until the FBI caught up with him.

Afspelen knop

Dani (Florence Pugh) is left traumatized when her family dies. At the sametime, she estranges from her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor). When Christianflies to Sweden to attend a midsummer party, she travels with him. Thefestival begins as an ode to love, but takes increasingly lurid forms.

The Swimmers tells the true story of two Syrian sisters who flee the war intheir country and pursue their dream of one day swimming in the Olympic Games.When the two manage to cross the sea via a rubber boat, they are approachedfor a refugee swimming team.

In this French thriller, Thomas (Txomin Vergez) wakes up after being in a comafor three years. Thomas’s parents have been murdered and his sister ismissing. With the help of the psychiatrist, he tries to remember the nightbefore the massacre to discover the truth.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich (2022)

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich caused much outrage. In this documentaryseries, we saw how the multimillionaire set up a network that allowed underagewomen to be abused by powerful men. Ghislaine Maxwell served as JeffreyEpstein’s right-hand man for years, helping him build his abuse empire. Thisdocumentary takes a closer look at her role and gives the floor to thoseinvolved.

The four friends Gerard (Stefan de Walle), Kees (Frank Lammers), Leo (Martinvan Waardenberg) and Nico (Marcel Hensema) run a car garage in Rotterdam. Allfour of them walk around with secrets that they dare not tell each other. Thenthey discover that Gerard has a tax debt of 40,000 euros and they decide toparticipate in the Rotterdam marathon to raise money. At the same time, Gerardis told that he is suffering from esophageal cancer and has only one year tolive.

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These films and series also arrived on Netflix this week:

A woman comes to the doctor (2009) The happy housewife (2010) Garden in my Heart (2017) Brasserie Valentine (2016) Sneek week (2016) Holland Nature in the Delta (2015) Dummie the Mummy (2014) Made for each other (2017) Dummie the Mummy and the Tomb of Achnetut (2017) The Hell of ’63 (2009) The Matchmaker (2017) Hartenstraat (2014) Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba (2015) False (2018) Single 39 (2019) 100 percent Coco New York (2019) Penoza: The Final Chapter (2019) Sorry! (2013) Men ‘s hearts (2013) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Penny ‘s Shadow (2011) Bully (2017) Sandcastle Tapes (2021) Secrets of Squirrels (2021) Paolo Cognetti. Sogni di Grande Nord (2020) So Much About Digital (2018) The Jonestown Haunting (2020)

Mundial de Qatar: Dos iluminados tyrant de Ecuador ante Países Bajos | Mundial Qatar 2022

No tuvo reacción el equipo de Van Gaal, al que le falta pegada. Nada le aportóMemphis, empecinado en reclamar la pelota de espaldas a la portería rival, yGakpo se remitió en exclusiva al gol. Defiende Van Dijk y armoniza De Jongpero, por el momento, solo Gakpo rastrea por el perímetro del gol, y no muy amenudo. Caído Valencia y fundido Estupiñán, Ecuador no dio para más. Bastantele suponen ya cuatro puntos, los mismos que Holanda. Pero si acaso un futuromás inquietante para la tri si se ve huérfana de Valencia, su exclusivogoleador. A Holanda le queda Gakpo, pero le faltan más ganchos.

Qatar 2022: Neymar, diana mundial | Mundial Qatar 2022

La persecución que sufrió Neymar contra Serbia no pareció casual. Cuatro añosantes, en el Mundial de Rusia, también se habían cruzado, con el mismoresultado, 2-0. Aquel día Neymar los acribilló con una sucesión de ocasiones ypases peligrosos, y con una asistencia a Thiago Silva en el segundo gol. Enaquella ocasión, los serbios hicieron 11 faltas, tres menos que esta vez, perosobre todo escogieron las víctimas de manera distinta. Solo tres fueron aNeymar, las mismas que a Willian, mucho menos incisivo. Antes del jueves, elseleccionador serbio, Dragan Stojkovic, ya había dejado asomar su preocupaciónpor cómo desactivar el ataque de Brasil: “Necesitamos estar concentrados eintentar pararlos del modo correcto y de manera inteligente. Es posiblepararlos”. Después del partido, no creyó que sus jugadores hubieran sidodemasiado duros: “Han sido faltas normales, tarjetas amarillas normales. Unpartido muy justo y correcto, the fair play. Un partido limpio, y una victoriamerecida de Brasil”.

Conductor Pieter Jan Leusink active again despite judgment about sexual harassment

Pieter Jan Leusink will again be conducting concerts with the Bach Choir &Orchestra of the Netherlands from December. Susanne Streefkerk-Stoker,director of the Classical Concerts Netherlands Foundation (KCN), whichoperates the ensemble, announced this on Friday. NRC confirmed. Leusinksuspended his activities indefinitely in June, after the Human Rights Councilruled that he sexually intimidated two musicians between 2012 and 2016.

In June, the KCN foundation wrote in a press release that “final talks wereheld with a potential replacement for Mr. Leusink”. The replacement has notarrived. Instead, concertmaster Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández has conductedsmall concerts. Leusink led the rehearsals of the choir and orchestra in thesummer.

Streefkerk-Stoker: “The return of Leusink is the express wish of allmusicians, employees and board members.” When asked whether the musicians, whodepend on the foundation for their income, dare to speak freely, she replies:“An anonymous employee survey will be conducted by an external researchagency.”

The marketing communications of all future concerts by the Bach Choir &Orchestra of the Netherlands – including full-page advertisements in nationalnewspapers – do not yet mention a conductor. According to Streefkerk-Stoker,Leusink only made the decision last week, after which the foundation firstinformed the ticket buyers. Streefkerk-Stoker: “There has been one negativepublic reaction to that. No musicians or employees have left after thisdecision.”

‘Stupid but not wrong’

In a broadcast of investigative TV program Brandpunt+ in 2018, four womenaccused Leusink of mentally and physically transgressing behaviour. Leusinkwould have asked female musicians, among other things, to stay at his houseand advised women “to masturbate to overcome inner blockages.”

The Institute for Human Rights, independently of the TV broadcast, focused onthe accusations of two anonymous female musicians and in June this year agreedwith them: in the opinion of the Institute, the conductor had sexuallyintimidated the women. The Board had considered the case against the KCNfoundation because of the right to a safe working environment.

Streefkerk-Stoker: “Leusink was not summoned by the Board at the time and nocharges were ever filed against him.” According to her, he “had an affair withtwo musicians. That was stupid, he shouldn’t have done that. But it wasn’twrong.” In a statement, the foundation further writes: “Pieter Jan Leusinkrealizes that times and social views have changed and that it was very unwiseto enter into a relationship.”

Leusink will conduct in public for the first time on 9 December. The concertsfor this, including in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, are conducted byFernández. The choir and orchestra will play a total of 29 Christmas concerts,of which Streefkerk-Stoker does not yet know how many concerts will be led byLeusink. Leusink will do all planned concerts next year, including Bachs_Matthew Passion_ , conducting. It was already certain that Leusink’s partner,soprano Olga Zinovieva, would sing along in the concerts.

Kris Wu Sentenced to 13-Year Jail Term by China Court for Rape and Group Sex

Kris Wu, the Chinese-Canadian music and acting star, was sentenced to a13-year jail term by a Chinese court on Friday. He was found guilty of rapeand group licensing. The court said that he will be deported after serving hissentence, according to state-controlled media.

Wu (full name Wu Yifan) was arrested and formally charged in August last year.His case was heard in June in a case without media access.

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Allegations against Wu were made in July 2021 by Du Meizhu, 18, a beautyindustry influencer. The woman used social media to accuse the musician andactor of date-raping her while she was 17 and at a time when she was drunk. Dulater also accused him of doing the same to other young women, including twominors. (China’s age of consent is 14.)

Wu denied the charges at the time and police initially appeared to side withthe star. But two weeks later the Chaoyang District People’s Procurator inBeijing issued an official statement saying that it had approved Wu’s judgment“after investigation in accordance with the law.”

A statement by the court following sentencing said that Wu forced three womento have sex with him in 2020, while they were under the influence of alcohol.And in 2018, he had arranged lewd activities at his home with two women, againwith alcohol involved. The same statement said that officials from theCanadian embassy had been present for the sentencing.

In China, the crime of rape normally incurs a sentence of between three andten years in prison, though in particularly egregious cases the sentence canrun to life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Group licentiousness,defined as sex involving three or more participants over the age of 16,carries a jail sentence of up to five years.

Story continues

Media reports at the time of the trial in June suggested that Wu risked a jailterm of three to ten years. The 13-year sentence is longer than that and maypoint to aggravating factors or a decision by the court to make an example ofa celebrity.

Separately, on Friday, Wu was fined RMB600 million (approx. $83 million) fortax evasion by the Beijing Municipal Tax Service of the State TaxationAdministration, state media reported.

The June rape hearing was held behind closed doors, apparently to protect thevictim’s identity. It also served to keep fans and press attention at bay forthe trial of one of the country’s biggest celebrities.

Wu was born in China, but has Canadian nationality. He rose to fame as part ofthe Chinese-language offshoot of Korean boyband EXO, before focusing on hiscareer in China. The rapper became a TV fixture as a judge and mentor on showsincluding “The Rap of China” and had a personal following of over 50 millionon social media platform Sina Weibo.

In 2018 he signed an exclusive distribution deal with Universal Music. At thetime, Universal Music Group Greater China chairman Sunny Chang praised Wu, oneof the first Chinese artists to reach No. 1 on the US iTunes Chart, as a“genuine musical talent.”

Previously represented by UTA and CAA, Wu has appeared in Hollywood filmsincluding “XXX: Return of Xander Cage” and “Valerian and the City of aThousand Planets,” as well as Chinese films such as Guan Hu’s “Mr. Six” and2016 fantasy “LORD Legend of Ravaging Dynasties” and its 2020 sequel.

While a number of fans have continued to protest Wu’s innocence, the 2021charging was enough to bring to an end the career of one of China’s mostrecognizable and ubiquitous celebrities. Having appeared on billboards andmagazine covers, Wu was quickly canceled by more than a dozen of the brands hehad endorsed.

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Naomi Biden Shares Images of Her Beautiful White House Rehearsal Dinner

Naomi Biden is offering a glimpse into her White House wedding preparations.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden’s granddaughter, 28, shared some images ofher Nov. 18 rehearsal dinner, which showed her wearing an elegant whitepantsuit teamed with a veil as she prepared to marry now-husband Peter Neal.

Naomi is also pictured swapping out her white blazer for a dramatic flowingveil cape and enjoying a romantic night-time walk with Neal through WashingtonDC.

Another Instagram post shared by her wedding planner, Bryan Rafanelli, offersa closer glimpse at the details from the Nov. 19 nuptials, which took place onthe White House’s South Lawn in the presence of 250 friends and familymembers.

“Naomi and Peter, thank you for entrusting me with your wedding,” Rafanelliwrote on Instagram Thursday. “Thank you for your openness to ideas, infectiousspirit, and allowing me to witness the love that you have for each other andyour families. It was a privilege.”

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Footage shared by Rafanelli shows Naomi’s long-sleeved Chantilly lace RalphLauren wedding gown, the guests’ table settings, and the couple’s seven-tieredwedding cake.

Elsewhere in the video montage, Naomi can be seen walking down the aisle, asNeal says, “Oh my God,” before the couple exchanges their first kiss as amarried couple with the Washington Monument visible in the distance.

RELATED: Naomi Biden, Granddaughter of Joe Biden, Marries Peter Neal inWhite House Wedding That ‘s a Historic First

Naomi is the first granddaughter of a president to wed at the White House,with her and Neal’s ceremony marking the 19th wedding held at 1600Pennsylvania Avenue since 1800.

The DC-based attorney recently spoke to Vogue about the ceremony.

“We’re so close to our families, so we always knew we’d get married insomeone’s backyard,” Naomi told the publication in a cover story documentingher big day. “I think if my pop weren’t president, it would probably be theirhouse in Wilmington or Peter’s family’s backyard in Jackson [Wyoming].”

Story continues

RELATED: Naomi Biden Opens Up About Her ‘Backyard’ White House Wedding:’Such Beauty and History’

Naomi’s parents Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle walked the bride down theaisle to a string quartet playing “Bitter Sweet Symphony” by British indieband The Verve.

The bride was then escorted by her husband, who also wore Ralph Lauren, to aluncheon in the State Dining Room.

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That was followed by an evening black-tie reception, with Naomi changing intoa strapless, cream-colored Reem Acra dress featuring her grandmother RobertaBuhle’s pearls sewn into the train.

RELATED: Naomi Biden and Husband Peter Neal Climbed a Ladder to Slice TheirEight-Tier Wedding Cake

As Naomi explained to Vogue , the couple lived at the White House for a fewmonths during their wedding planning with Rafanelli. While Naomi told themagazine her husband-to-be was “obsessed with all the details,” she was ableto go into the approach without much stress, thanks to some words of wisdomfrom her grandmother, first lady Dr. Jill Biden.

“She has really stressed to me that every time I get anxious about weddingstuff to take a breath and remember that it’s just a day about Peter and meand being around the people we love,” Naomi told Vogue or her grandmother.”She’s taught me so much about being independent and self-sufficient. But thatdoesn’t mean you can’t also be a selfless and fiercely loyal partner.”

Kanye ‘Ye’ West Reveals Trump ‘Screamed’ at Him in Bombshell 2024 Campaign Video

Kanye ‘Ye’ West continued on his path of complete self-destruction Thursdaynight, releasing a string of videos including a two-minute campaign promodissing Donald Trump.

The rapper, 45, announced last week that he plans to run for president againin 2024.

“The thing that Trump was most perturbed about [is] me asking him to be myvice president,” Kanye said in one of the videos published on his recently-unlocked Twitter account on Thanksgiving night. “I think that was, like, loweron the list of things that caught him off guard.”

“It was the fact that I walked in with intelligence,” he says.

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Even after the video was posted, Kanye s adviser took aim at Trump in nouncertain terms. Of the videos and Ye’s relationship with Trump at present,Milo Yiannopoulos told The Daily Beast: “As a connoisseur and an intimate ofseveral mercurial billionaires, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to findthem laughing about it in the near future. Assuming Mr. Trump isn’t toowounded, of course.”

Though, he continued: “Trumpworld is in crisis tonight.”

“In my personal view, the former president has only himself to blame. This isan overdue reckoning. President Trump has neglected and betrayed everyone wholoved him most, from the canceled personalities who helped him into office tohis abused supporters on January 6. He might like to reflect on whether hecould have done more to acknowledge and support his most loyal fans over theyears,” the far-right provocateur said. “Habitual, callous ingratitude has away of catching up with you.”

The campaign teaser is titled “Mar-a-Lago debrief” and comes just two daysafter West and noted white supremacist Nicholas Fuentes were spotted outsidethe former president’s Florida golf club on Tuesday.

As the video continues, the rapper, who was dropped by Adidas last month afteran unrelenting stream of anti-Semitic comments, goes on to praise Fuentes.

Story continues

“Nick Fuentes, unlike so many of the lawyers and some of the people [Trump]was left with on his 2020 campaign, he’s actually a loyalist,” West said inthe clip. “When all the lawyers said, ‘forget it, Trump’s done,’ there wereloyalists running up in the White House, right? And my question would be,’Why, when you had the chance, did you not free the January 6ers?’”

As he speaks about counseling Trump to “go and get these people that the mediatried to cancel,” the video flashes photos of former Trump campaign managerCorey Lewandowski, Trump ally Roger Stone, and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones,who has been ordered to pay over $1 billion to the families of the Sandy Hookvictims for lying about their children’s deaths.

The Dangerous Mainstreaming of Kanye West and Kyrie Irving’s Brand of Anti-Semitism

The disgraced shoe designer and musician said Trump dismissed his presidentialaspirations with a “would-be mob-esque” story in which he claimed that hegranted clemency to former federal prisoner Alice Johnson for West. West’s ex-wife Kim Kardashian had campaigned heavily for Trump to pardon Johnson.

In the same video, Kanye reveals that Trump insulted Kardashian, though theinsult itself has bleeped. Trump allegedly told Kanye, “you can tell her Isaid that.”

“I was thinking, like, that’s the mother of my children,” West said.

The mention of Kardashian comes as West faces an internal investigation fromAdidas – which carried his Yeezy shoe brand from 2013 until last month – intoallegations that he harassed his former employees. In an anonymous letterobtained by Rollingstone this week, several ex-employees claimed that Westbelittled them and harassed them by showing them pornography, includinggraphic images of Kardashian herself.

In the bizarre campaign announcement video, West said that Trump wasn’t toohappy with his plans for higher office.

“When Trump started basically screaming at the table telling me I was gonnalose, I mean, has that ever worked for anyone in history? I’m like, ‘wait,hold on Trump, you’re talking to Ye,’” the Grammy winner said.

The video ends with the intro to his 2016 song “Father Stretch My Hands, Pt.1,” and a title card reading “YE24.”

Of the two other videos posted Thursday night, one is made up of news clipsabout Adidas dropping West, while another one mostly features a monologue byFox News host Tucker Carlson in support of West.

A Trump spokesperson didn’t immediately return The Daily Beast’s request forcomment on West’s claims Thursday night.

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Watch trailers: the cinema releases of week 47 / News

A very timed film about a bunch of journalists, the second (and much betterthan the first) film adaptation of a classic Italian children’s book, a biopicabout Emiliy Brontë, two Dutch titles and another lost Disney adventure. Takeyour pick!

She Said

Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan play Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor, the two NewYork Times journalists who co-published one of the most important stories of ageneration. A story that broke a decades-long silence about sexual abuse inHollywood and changed American culture forever. She Said is a testimony tothe impact of investigative journalism. The film follows journalists andeditors who want to get the truth out at all costs, but also highlights thecourage of victims and witnesses who tell their story to stop a perpetrator ofstructural abuse. The dedication and determination of these people has sparkedconversation across the country, helped fuel the rise of the #MeToomovementand has ensured that the system that perpetuated this abuse was dealt with.

See also: She Said is a fascinating reconstruction of a shockingreconstruction


Emily Brontë (Emma Mackey) doesn’t fit into the straitjacket imposed on her byher family and the Yorkshire bourgeoisie. She is a rebel and an outcast, ayoung woman trying to be herself. When she unexpectedly discovers love, thisnot only strengthens her passion, but also her urge for freedom. Encouraged byher brother Branwell (Fionn Whitehead), Emily chooses her own path and findsthe inspiration for a timeless masterpiece: Wuthering Heights.

Guillermo del Toro ‘s Pinocchio

Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro gives his take on CarloCollodi’s classic tale of the wooden marionette magically brought to life tocomfort grieving woodcarver Gepetto. This quirky, stop-motion musical followsthe adventures of a mischievous and sometimes disobedient Pinocchio as hesearches for his place in the world.

The Menu

A couple (Anya Taylor-Joy and Nicholas Hoult) leave for an island to eat at avery exclusive restaurant, where the chef (Ralph Fiennes) has put together aphenomenal menu that contains some shocking surprises.

Jane by Charlotte

The French Charlotte Gainsbourg makes her debut in Jane by Charlotte_(Antichrist, Melancholia)_ as a director with a loving portrait of hermother, the iconic singer and actress Jane Birkin. The documentary offersinsights into the mother-daughter relationship between the two well-knownmovie stars through intimate conversations about aging, dying, insomnia,celebrity, and their various memories of their shared past, includingCharlotte’s father and Jane’s husband, Serge Gainsbourg.


In the saliva-soaked Sputum world, a grim class struggle is underway. Theruling ancients depend on the saliva of the subjugated Bakelite to survive ona buzzing fungus. With lurid milking machines and an addictive powder, theirFamly enforces a status quo. Only when the Bakelite rebellion led by JiminBlyth receives help from the aristocratic Ancient scientist Kalta Crux doesthe story take a new turn.

The Estate

When they hear that their wealthy aunt has not long to live, two sistersdecide to strengthen family ties. However, they are not the only familymembers preying on the huge inheritance. In a hilarious battle, they try tobecome aunt’s favorite niece or nephew before it takes its last breath.

Strange World

Strange World introduces a legendary family of explorers: the Clade family.They try to find their way in an unknown, mysterious world where danger lurks.They are joined in this by a wayward blob, a three-legged dog and a whole hostof ravenous creatures.

Suni and Indian Silence

In this program we see a selection of courageous films by up-and-comingtalents, which make themes that are normally kept silent for discussion.

Look What You Made Me Do

When I told my mother that a boy had beaten me in the schoolyard, she said:’That’s because he likes you’.” With that text, in black letters on a brightred screen, this exposé on femicide opens. While Laura tells about her deed,the 112 call sounds and we hear the murder of her boyfriend in the freezingnight. Rosalba roasts meatballs, tells how she burned her husband in a barn inthe Italian field. Rachel is silent in the night. A woman, hidden in redshadow for safety, talks about her abusive husband. Laura, Rachel and Rosalbagive her advice. Never believe in a man’s remorse, warns Rosalba. Will the redwoman become the perpetrator? Is there another way out? Between stories, acleaner mops up the blood of a murdered woman. Every week he has a job or two.Laura, Rachel and Rosalba saw murder as the only solution, their act is hardon them.

Dreaming Walls

A documentary about New York City’s legendary Chelsea Hotel, a countercultureicon and artist’s haven for more than a century.