Messi y la maldición del Tata | Mundial Qatar 2022

“Ya sé que si usted llama al presidente me echa, pero no hace falta que me lodemuestre todos los días. Ya lo se”.

Tata Martino, una muy buena persona, se enfada cuando se discuten susconocimientos futbolísticos, cosa muy frecuente en sus tiempos de entrenadordel Barça. No olvidará en la vida que después de acudir al entierro de supadre en Rosario y regresar a tiempo para el partido de Liga en Vallecas se lereprochara que su equipo había tenido menos posesión que el Rayo. El marcadorparecia lo de menos: 0-4. La vida del técnico fue muy difícil en el campo deentrenamiento y en la sala de prensa del Camp Nou. La leyenda cuenta muchashistorias sobre su estancia y también sobre su salida del Barça, ninguna tancategórica como la que relató Andoni Zubizarreta, exsecretario técnicobarcelonista, en un diálogo con Vicente del Bosque organizado por EL PAÍS.

Los entrenadores saben que sus contratos dependen también de su relación conMessi y Tata Martino entendió también que tenía muy difícil su continuidad enel Barcelona. Y no solo por el 10. Las cosas no le van mucho mejor alpreparador argentino con México y el gol del rosarino aumentará suvulnerabilidad en Qatar. Messi resucitó y rescató a Argentina el día que sereencontró con el Tata.

La Albiceleste perdió en un abrir y cerrar de ojos un partido que había dadopor ganado contra Arabia Saudí y se había quedado en blanco ante México.Aquella derrota acabó con una racha de 36 partidos invicta y ahora norecordaba cómo jugaba para cantar victoria en escenarios tan exigentes comoMaracaná cuando hace un año ganó la Copa América. Messi no se bastaba solo yel contexto tampoco ayudaba, aturdida como estaba Argentina, convertida en unsaque de nervios en la Copa del Mundo de Qatar.

Alcanzaba con mirar a Messi para saber sobre la suerte de Argentina. Malaseñal cuando la cámara enfocaba su cara porque significaba que no funcionanlos pies del 10. Había muchos ratos en que estaba ausente y cuando tomaba lapelota difícilmente gambeteaba, sabedor de que ya no saldría limpio delregate, de manera que prefería acompañar la jugada , tirar la línea de pase ysolo muy de vez en cuando aceleraba para forzar una falta que tampoco sabíaconvertir después en gol ante el Memo Ochoa.

A sus 35 años y lesionado en el sóleo, no parecía estar en Qatar, cuando DiMaría le puso el balón muy cerca de la frontal del área, y Messi enganchó unremate cruzado con su zurda al poste izquierdo del arco de México. Messi habíafrotado la lámpara, Argentina se desbloqueó, marcó un segundo gol, recordócomo se ganan los partidos y aguarda ahora con ganas a la Polonia deLewndowski. La Albiceleste vuelve a confiar en sus aspiraciones después de queel rosarino festejara emocionado su gol y liberara la tensión de un grupoagarrotado por miedo al fracaso cuando se cumplen dos años de la muerte deMaradona.

Messi evitó la catástrofe de la Albiceleste. Quizá no fue casual que elentrenador del equipo contario fuera el bonachón del Tata Martino, el mismoque un día le recordó en el Camp Nou: “Ya sé que si usted llama al presidenteme echa, pero no hace falta que me lo demuestre todos loose dias. Ya lo se”.

Mbappé clasifica a Francia con dos galopadas | Mundial Qatar 2022

Todo el ímpetu de Dinamarca, la generosidad y la solidaridad en las ayudas yen los apoyos que la caracterizó en los últimos años, se disolvió antes dellegar a la portería de Lloris. Dos factores principales contribuyeron a ello.La buena sintonía de Rabiot con su entorno decentrales e interiores, y laindecisión de Christensen, el libero del trío decentrales daneses. Donde suselección exigía cortar las transiciones francesas con acciones directasrápidas y tajantes en el mediocampo, el defensa del Barça dio un paso atrás.Como and San Siro, solo que sin salir de la cancha. Permaneció sin aparecer, yen su languidez consintió que Francia se sintiera comoda. No solo cuando notenía la pelota, cosa ya sabida, sino cuando la manejaba en búsqueda de huecosen las bandas.

Samantha Steenwijk guesses the voice from 46-year-old hit in Secret duets in seven seconds: ‘Yes duh!’ | show

UpdateSamantha Steenwijk proved why in front of 845,000 viewers last night_Secret duets_ would do well to turn on a voice changer with some secretsinging partners. Upon hearing the real voice, she guessed who it was withinseven seconds (!) while the rest of the panel had no idea. “Yeah, sure!”

In the RTL 4 singing show, well-known artists duet with someone they cannotsee. Using the voice and some hints, they have to guess who is on the otherside of a thick wall. That can be a professional vocalist, but also acelebrity who is not known to be able to sing.

In rare cases, the makers also use a distorter. That happens when they fearthat the voice is too recognizable, said presenter Jamai Loman when Hans deBooij recently participated. It happened for the second time last night, asrapper Donnie kicked off the show with his duet.

The guessing panel – tonight consisting of Eva Simons, Frans Bauer, Samanthaand Donnie – could do very little with the clues from the hints video. Therewas a can of black paint. Did that refer to the surname Schilder and was itthe Volendam singer Nick? Samantha thought in the same direction, but thenabout former BZN star Anny.

Neither the voice nor the hints rang a bell with Eva Simons and Frans Bauer inSecret duets. © RTL

Marbles also passed by in the video, which put Frans Bauer on the trail of themarble show marble mania. Was it host Winston Gerschtanowitz? Eva Simonscame with Robert ten Brink, as a heart-shaped pillow was also shown and he_All you need is love_ presents. It later became clear in the studio that itwas a woman, but that was it. The voice, in the first part of the duetsounding like the famous Crazy Frog, did not ring a bell.

In the second part of She knows the deformer went off. Steenwijk needed atotal of seven seconds. “Yeah, sure!” she exclaimed. Samantha couldn’t evenimagine that Eva and Frans didn’t hear it. They were stunned and got nowherewhen Jamai reported as the last hint that the secret singer had a ‘sickhit’. “I listened to this woman so much and sang myself,” said Samantha. “Avoice out of thousands.”

Rapper Donnie did not immediately recognize the voice in Secretduets.Rapper Donnie did not immediately recognize the voice in Secret duets. © RTL

The black paint turned out to refer to Swart, the real last name of the secretsinger. The heart pillow with arms had to do with Put your arm around me , ahit by the artist from 1983. You use marbles when playing outside, somethingthe singer was once invited to in a song. And whoever scores a ‘sick’ hit, ofcourse calls the doctor, in this case doctor Bernhard from the 1976 hit.Bonnie St. Claire (73) stood behind the wall.

,,No, no, no”, Eva just shouted, who had eventually bet her money on CorryKonings. Frans Bauer didn’t even dare say what he had filled in. The ‘sickhit’ reminded him of the song uncle Jan by Willeke Alberti, in which thesubject cannot be saved by a doctor. So he wrote down Alberti. “I amcompletely astounded, completely of mine by the way “, he said.

Behind the wall in Secret duets was Bonnie St.Claire.Behind the wall in Secret duets was Bonnie St. Claire. © RTL

Bonje Cornelia Swart, as Bonnie is really called, has been in the business for56 years and scored several hits in the 70s and 80s. In recent years shestruggled with alcohol addiction, but nowadays she is sober and has adifferent attitude to life. She feels like she’s only just started, she toldour magazine Mezza.

Watch Bonnie ‘s revelation below, with a piece of Doctor Bernhard:

‘I Want to Rectify It Immediately’

Bob Dylan issued a rare public statement Friday night to admit that he“regrets” having made “an error in judgment” in using machine technology toaffix duplicate signatures to artwork and books that were advertised and soldas hand-signed over the past three years .

He says the use of autopen signatures only occurred since 2019, when he wasafflicted with a case of vertigo, and on through the pandemic, when he was notable to have staff assist him with the hand-signing he had previously done.Dylan says was given “the assurance that this kind of thing is done ‘all thetime’ in the art and literary worlds.” Now that it has come to light andstirred controversy, the singer-songwriter says, “I want to rectify itimmediately. I’m working with Simon & Schuster and my gallery partners to dojust that.”

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Other musicians have been suspected of using autopen for purportedly hand-signed items, and in rare instances have even owned up to it, but the othershave not been selling art prints that routinely sell for $3,000 to $15,000, asDylan’s art prints do. Dylan’s statement indicating that he has used forautopen to sign artwork follows Simon & Schuster’s admission one week ago thata batch of $600 autographed copies of Dylan’s new book, “Philosophy of ModernSong,” had been machine-signed, with refunds immediately offered.

A gallery that has specialized in selling Dylan art prints, the UK-basedCastle Galleries, issued a statement Saturday to say it was “reaching out toeach and every one of our collectors who purchased any print from the(pertinent) editions to offer a solution to fully rectify the matter.”

Story continues

Dylan’s statement, published on his Facebook account, says that he did hand-sign everything that was advertised as such up until 2019. It reads asfollows:

“To my fans and followers, I’ve been made aware that there’s some controversyabout signatures on some of my recent artwork prints and on a limited editionof ‘Philosophy Of Modern Song.’ I’ve hand-signed each and every art print overthe years, and there’s never been a problem,” the statement begins.

“However, in 2019 I had a bad case of vertigo and it continued into thepandemic years. It takes a crew of five working in close quarters with me tohelp enable these signing sessions, and we could not find a safe and workableway to complete what I needed to do while the virus was raging. So, during thepandemic, it was impossible to sign anything and the vertigo didn’t help. Withcontractual deadlines looming, the idea of ​​using an auto-pen was suggestedto me, along with the assurance that this kind of thing is done ‘all the time’in the art and literary worlds.”

Dylan’s statement concludes, “Using a machine was an error in judgment and Iwant to rectify it immediately. I’m working with Simon & Schuster and mygallery partners to do just that. With my deepest regrets, Bob Dylan.”

Bob Dylan's statement about signatures onFacebookBobDylan's statement about signatures onFacebook

Bob Dylan’s statement about signatures on Facebook

It’s unknown whether plans to address the artwork situation would involverefunds — which could conceivably run into at least hundreds of thousands ofdollars — or the less costly option of providing replacement prints that aretruly hand-signed, if Dylan is now up to it — or some other unknown option.The “Philosophy of Modern Song” snafu, meanwhile, has already been addressed,with customers who bought the $600 limited edition of 900 books having alreadybeen refunded this week by Simon & Schuster.

Dylan’s reps did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.

Castle Galleries’ statement, also posted on Facebook, reads: “We were informedlate yesterday that during the Covid 19 pandemic Bob Dylan used an autopen tosign several of his limited edition prints rather than his usual handsignature. These editions are: The Retrospectrum Collection prints and theSunset, Monument Valley print which were released by us this year. We canconfirm that all other editions were individually hand signed by Bob Dylanhimself.”

The gallery’s statement continues: “We were entirely unaware of the use ofautopen on these particular prints, and we sincerely apologize for thedisappointment this may cause. We will be reaching out to each and every oneof our collectors who purchased any print from the above editions to offer asolution to fully rectify the matter. Details on how we intend to resolve thismatter will follow shortly.”

Castle Galleries' statement on Bob Dylan's signedartCastleGalleries' statement on Bob Dylan's signedart

Castle Galleries’ statement on Bob Dylan’s signed art

As of Sunday morning in the US, prints of hundreds of different Dylanpaintings were still being advertised on Castle Galleries’ website, and as“hand-signed,” ranging in price from about 2700 pounds for the lowest-pricedindividual print to £14,500.00 (or about $17,500 U.S. dollars) for a boxed setof six. Many, if not most, of these items predate the period in which thesinger-artist says he began using the machine technology, but collectors willno doubt be scrambling to figure out which side of the divide their priorpurchases land on.

The unfolding controversy over Dylan’s use of autopen for items advertised as“personally hand-signed” was magnified by the extent to which his bookpublisher went to great pains to attest to the signatures’ authenticity, evensending the $600 limited-edition “Philosophy of Modern Songs” books out with aletter of authenticity signed by the publisher. Requests for refunds wereinitially refused, as Simon & Schuster continued to attest to the signatures’authenticity, before admitting that a “mistake” had been made Nov. 20 andrefunding hundreds of thousands of dollars in purchases this past week.

Not all fans are upset about the revelations about the signatures. On Dylan’sFacebook post expressing regrets about the autopen signatures, the thousand-plus responses that had been added by Sunday morning were overwhelmingly infavor of the singer, saying the duplications were no big deal to start withand/or that he did a stand- up thing in publicly apologizing. Many sympathizedwith Dylan about the vertigo he described himself as having experienced in2019. (The artist’s statement did not say whether he still suffers from thecondition.)

The website Autograph Live has been integral in tracking what turned out to beeasily detectable duplicate signatures on the books, although there were 17different variants of the signature ultimately detected as users of the sitecompared notes and screenshots.

Soon after the book duplicates came to light, users began comparing signatureson their far more expensive art prints and seemingly finding some identicalsignatures, as well… albeit in what might be called auto-pencil. The generalconsensus on forums so far seems to be a belief that what Dylan said in hisFacebook statement is true — that prints signed prior to 2019 or 2020 doappear to have individually signed.

Dylan’s statement that he has suffered from vertigo is the first time this hasbeen revealed to the public. The singer continues to be active, having resumedhis vigorous touring routine with a highly acclaimed tour.

The post that has become a resource for those looking to compare notes on themachine-generated signatures was created by Jason Hicks, who tells variety ,“Celebrities need to be taught a lesson to stop this autopen practice forgood, for the sake of our hobby. I despise autopen with a passion, which iswhy I spent countless hours creating that post, comparing photos andorganizing as much info as possible. … It’s been a sore thumb in this hobbysince before I was born. If autopen technology advances, there’s a chance itmay become undetectable, which is why we need to end its use asap.”

Van Morrison was recently accused in the forums of using autopen to sign CDs,although his management issued a statement denying it. Sinead O’Connor,however, owned up to doing it with her signed memoir, with no apologies. Inboth these instances, the disputed items were selling for less than $50,limiting the potential for uproar.

“The books which are signed,” said O’Connor, “I signed using a signature stampas I was not in a position to hand write my name ten thousand times, which ishow many I was asked to sign. My son was unwell as was I. So I stamped themmyself. And it is my signature,” she contended. Nevertheless, many retailerswith Drew O’Connor’s “autographed” books, which were selling for about $30,from sale.

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Enner Valencia, el goleador del Mundial que esquivó a la policía y vivió en un estadio | Mundial Qatar 2022

El goleador ecuatoriano Enner Valencia (San Lorenzo, 33 años), héroeimprevisto de la primera semana de Qatar, acabó este viernes el partido contraPaíses Bajos (1-1) en una camilla y, esta vez, parece que no hay dudas sobresus problems as fisicos. En la previa le habían diagnosticado un esguince leveen la rodilla derecha. Pero no siempre que ha acabado asistido por los médicosen un terreno de juego ha estado todo tan claro. La azarosa biografía delautor de los seis últimos tantos mundialistas de su selección —una gesta quelo iguala con mitos como el portugués Eusebio (1966) y el italiano Paolo Rossi(1982)— presenta un capítulo bastante más escabroso.

Los hechos sucedieron en 2016, en las eliminatorias para Rusia 2018. La Trirecibía a Chile en Quito y, a la llegada de los jugadores al estadio deAtahualpa, la policía trató de detener a Valencia, denunciado por la madre desu hija de retrasos en el pago de la pensión alimenticia por valor de unos17,000 dólares (unos 16,300 euros al cambio actual). Pero, sorprendemente, eldelantero logró salir en el once titular. Sus compañeros le habían ayudado aburlar a los agents. El día anterior, durante la concentración, sus abogadosya habían esquivado el primer intento de arresto.

Todavía le quedaba salir del campo en libertad, algo que consiguió en unaescena que tuvo mucho de opereta y que traspasó fronteras [el vídeo está traseste párrafo]. En el minuto 82 y con 3-0 a favor de Ecuador, de repenteValencia se desplomó. A su auxilio acudieron los servicios médicos, que se lollevaron en camilla, conectado a una botella de oxygeno… y perseguido en unasecuencia inédita por una decena de policías, que no se despegaron de él hastael hospital al que fue trasladado. “Sufrió una deshidratación por toda lapresión que venía soportando”, apuntan hoy desde su entorno. En ese momento,no trascendió ningún problema de salud serio, y al final de esa noche suagente informó que la jueza había revocado la orden de detención.

El revuelo fue tal que Valencia emitió un durísimo comunicado en el queaseguró que se le había concedido la custodia y que eso anulaba la pensión;que “la niña era víctima de violencia física y psicológica de la madre”; y quela menor era abandonaba por su progenitora “para ofrecer servicios paraadultos”. Añadió,además, que “para detener la persecución”, había entregadouna propiedad con la que cubría “las supuestas obligaciones impagadas y uncheque de 10,000 dólares [unos 9.600 euros]”. En 2019, se supo que Valencia,que acababa de ser padre por cuarta vez, viajó de urgencia a EE UU para sacara su hija (entonces de siete años) de un hogar temporal de menores, dondehabía ingresado tras haber sido encontrada por la policía en un coche mientrassu madre y su pareja estaban en un casino de Florida. “Los agents tuvieron queromper el cristal del automóvil”, advierte una persona cercana al jugador.

Lo que se conoce de él no apunta a una vida sencilla. De niño ordeñaba vacascon su padre por necesidades económicas —“para poder comprarse sus primeroszapatos y no jugar descalzo”, puntualizan desde su entorno—; y ya en elfútbol, ​​cuando al fin entró en la cantera de un club importante, el Emelec,le debieron cedar varios meses un cuarto del estadio porque no tenía otrositio donde dormir. “Una tienda cercana le solía fiar algo de comida y bebida.Pero, los días que no, iba a entrenar sin desayunar. Luego, cuando Sampaoli losubió al primer equipo, ahí sí le dieron una habitación y un régimen decomidas”, recuerdan. Fue el técnico sevillista el que lo hizo debutar con 20años en la Libertadores y el que le puso un apodo sorprendente viendo susegundo gol ante Qatar (0-2), un testarazo muy poderoso: “Cabeza de dado”(cabeza cuadrada), tras fallar un tanto muy claro por el aire.

Los mismos goles que Neymar con seis partidos menos

Después de todos los duelos y quebrantos, no le fue mal en el Emelec, saltó alPachuca mexicano y en 2014, tras su buen Mundial (tres dianas, las únicas deEcuador), ascendió a Europa. En la Premier, sin embargo, no dejó gran huella.Ni en el West Ham, que pagó 15 millones y donde tenía al portero españolAdrián San Miguel de traductor improvisado, ni en la cesión en el Everton.Regresó al Tigres mexicano, hasta que encontró otra oportunidad en elFenerbahçe. Esta campaña suma 15 dianas and 22 choques.

You can visit this inspiring flex workplace for free (!) in Den Bosch

Recently you can go to a very inspiring flexible workplace in Den Bosch. Inone of the art spaces of Willem Twee music and visual arts, workplaces havebeen set up that you can use for free. You just walk in and get to work. Isyour working day over? Then you can finish off nicely with a visit to theWillem Twee pop stage. Nice!

Janna (20), Maik (36) and Ronella (47) certainly like to come here. Notsurprising, because you have good WiFi, space, tranquility, an inspiring placeand heating panels that make it pleasant to work. The people of Brabantexplain why they enjoy working here so much.

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Janna likes to sit with Willem Twee

Perfect place for Janna to study

Janna lives in Eindhoven and studies at the Fontys University of AppliedSciences in Tilburg, but likes to travel to Den Bosch to work here. “When Ifirst came here, I immediately thought it was a beautiful building. It’sindustrial, but not in a cold and chilly way,” she says. The workplaces arealso more pleasant than those at her school.

“Here you have more space on the table for your things and you are notconstantly distracted by people walking by,” says Janna. She continues: “Thereare also infrared panels that you can operate yourself. So you won’t sufferfrom cold feet and you can warm your hands on it. And that without having tokeep the entire room warm!” Ronella is also a fan of this: “I’m a real coldperson and I’m nice and warm here.”

The location makes it the ideal workplace, explains Janna: “When I lose myfocus, I just walk around. Then my head is empty again and I can continue.”There is a new exhibition every two months. Janna says: “I really like thecurrent exhibition, of everyday sounds that have been incorporated into music.At the previous exhibition there was a slide in the room, which you couldslide down between working.” Fortunately, the noises do not bother you at allwhen you are working here.

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WillemTwee offers an ideal flexible workplace for gym owner Maik

A stone’s throw from Maik’s gym

Maik has his own gym in Den Bosch, a stone’s throw from Willem Twee:TrainStation073. Practically an ideal location for his office. When he walkedin for the first time, he was immediately sold: “I immediately had a pleasantfeeling. The atmosphere is just nice, that’s something you can’t describe.”

Still, it was not self-evident that Maik would come here: “I always drove pastit, but I thought it was just an exhibition space. When I went in, I found outthat it was very different.” He also finds peace to work at Willem Twee.“Everyone is working for themselves. That is why I can work well here withoutbeing disturbed, I like that.”

Not only the workplaces are a reason for Maik to keep coming back. “You canconfer undisturbed in the Willem Twee café. You also eat tasty and healthyhere.” Even if you are vegetarian or vegan you are in the right place here.For Maik Willem Twee is of course very close to his gym, but the location isconvenient for many more people, he says: “You are five minutes from the citycenter and three minutes from the station and you can also easily park infront of the door.”

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Ronellais completely at home with Willem Twee

As an office for freelancer Ronella

Ronella is a native of Bossche and works as a freelance marketer/writer forclients throughout the country. Sometimes she works at clients’ offices, buton other working days she likes to come to Willem Twee. “It feels a bit likegoing to the office, I like that. I can also work at home in Den Bosch, butthen you will do laundry faster,” says Ronella.

But it’s more than practical. “You are in an art space with a differentexhibition every time. In fact, my office is constantly being redecorated. Imainly work in the cultural sector and you are in the middle of that here.Sometimes that also results in a new assignment for me,” explains Ronella.

So enough people around you, but without being distracted, says Ronella: “It’svery busy, but not too busy. It is also clear that you come there to work.”Like Janna, Ronella is impressed by the property. “It is a monument, butwithout being old-fashioned. The lighting is also beautiful. I like that.”

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Also your flexible workplace in Den Bosch

Do you also see yourself sitting at such a flexible workplace in Den Bosch atWillem Twee? Which can! Take your things with you and enjoy the good WiFiwhile you work or study. Everyone is welcome and it costs absolutely nothing.There are even more options in addition to the flexible workplaces.

For example, rent a meeting room for your presentation or meeting in one ofthe adjacent rooms. These are suitable for groups of 2 to 50 people. WillemTwee is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on weekends from 11

Mundial Qatar 2022: Una de periodistas | Mundial Qatar 2022


Todos sabemos que no se pueden publicar goles, jugadas y mucho menos el juego;que las entrevistas preferenciales, antes de la zona mixta, son para latelevisión; que también reciben exclusivas antes, durante y al término delevento; que pueden grabar segmentos promocionales con el entrenador yseleccionados en turno. Incluso que los reportes no pueden ser grabados con elcampo de juego al fondo. Pero, en esta oportunidad -se nos informó, en Méxicopor medio de la periodista de TUDN, Paulina Grajeda- tampoco es posiblepublicar reports en video, en los que de fondo aparezcan los colores, imagen ylogos de la Copa del Mundo, dentro o fuera de los complejos mundialistas.Incluso and las calles.

Si estás en conferencia de prensa, fuera de los estadios, no hay problema quesubas el texto y fotos, pero es imposible añadir a la publicación un clip envideo con la respuesta de uno de los protagonistas. Es decir, para la FIFA laúnica posibilidad periodística es imprimirla en papel, como hace 20 años.

Un mundo en el que todos ganen

Más de 700 periodistas sin derechos fueron acreditados por la FIFA para cubrirel Mundial y se calcula que guests cerca de 10 millones de dólares en tierrascataríes.

Comparado con los 95 millones de dólares que le cuesta cada Mundial a lastelevisoras, es una cifra menor. Pero, por qué no pensar que tantos medios sinderechos bien podrían aportar cifras menores que, juntas todas, terminaríanpor ser un ingreso extra y muy interesante para el máximo organismo futbolero.

Esos mini derechos podrían servir para grabar conferencias de prensa,transmitirlas en vivo e incluso, dependiendo el tamaño del paquete, podercontar con resúmenes de los juegos de la copa. Aportando, de paso, contenidopara la promoción del juego en vivo, que la gente tendrá que ver, sí o sí, porla cadena en cuestión.

Hablando de restricciones

Antes del inicio de la justa, Reporteros Sin Fronteras (RSF) denunció lavoluntad del Gobierno qatarí de disuadir a los enviados de filmar en las“zonas restringidas”, en las que el rodaje requiere una autorización previa,así como en “cualquier lugar en el que haya señales o dispositivos deseguridad que indiquen que está prohibida la toma de fotografías o imágenes”.

Para el secretario general de RSF, Christophe Deloire, esto sucede porque “laúltima cosa que desea el Gobierno es ver a miles de periodistas pasearse consus cámaras por los barrios donde residen los trabajadores”.

¿Les digo algo? O la mayoría nos enfocamos en el futbol o la tensión entreGobierno y periodistas ha bajado muchísimo. En lo personal no he tenido unsolo problema para grabar en calles, centros comerciales y plazas públicas…pero con el celular, para el gobierno, esas imágenes no cuentan, solo las queson realizadas como camara profesional de video.

La previa del Argentina – México también se juega (con xenofobia) en Twitter | Mundial Qatar 2022

La xenophobia, disfrazada de humor, dejaba ver momentos como aquellaconversación entre Leo DiCaprio y Brad Pitt en _Once Upon a Time in Hollywood_donde el primero empieza allorar y el segundo le responde: “No llores frente alos mexicanos”. Sacado de contexto, nutre la ansiedad de los aficionadosargentinos que necesitan ganar sí o sí para seguir en el Mundial. Algunosmexicanos respondieron con más ataques hacia la comunidad argentina enterritorio mexicano. Ante eso, el académico de la UNAM, Héctor AlejandroQuintanar, lanzó un decálogo para seguir el Argentina-México para estar en pazy evitar el supuesto humor negro para atacar al rival en turno. “El futbol esante todo espectáculo pasional, no un juego de naipes entre nerdscalculadores. Es esperable que haya gritos, insultos, rezongos y alegría. Perorecuperated: todo se circunscribe a la cancha y ahí se queda. Sacarlo de ahies no saber perder. O peor, no saber ganar”, zanjó.

Woman hypnotizes everyone with ‘forbidden’ classic

There is magic in music that is hard to describe.

Within seconds you feel goosebumps all over your body when a voice reallytouches you deeply.

When Sami Brookes competed on Britain ‘s Got Talent, she knew she had to dowell to get ahead.

In music competitions it is important to quickly stand out from the crowdand immediately show what kind of star you are.

And no one could have prepared for the enormous talent that Sami actuallyhas.

Seeing your biggest idol live is an experience that is difficult to describe.

Maybe you’ve spent thousands of hours listening to your favorite artist orgroup while your mind has been wandering.

With the help of their music, we can get the support we need in difficulttimes.

They are there as our friends and express the words we so desperately needwhen life is equally difficult.

But the music is also there when you need that extra push for motivation andinspiration.

Giant stars like Elvis Presley and Whitney Houston had a talent for that.

They could convey emotions in an absolutely incredible way.

Whether it was celebrations and happy times, or loss and sadness, they wereable to express that feeling incredibly well.

Unfortunately, they both left our world and few people have reached theirlevel since then.

The article continues below the photo.

Photo: YouTube

Lives up to classic

But there are people who try and actually succeed in that mission.

Sami Brookes competed in the UK’s Got Talent, showcasing her exuberantpersonality.

Prior to her audition, she admitted that she was nervous before facing thejudges and audience.

But the dream comes into view.

READ MORE: Simon thinks 18-year-old’s song was a bad choice – then sheopens her mouth and silences him

Sami tells us that she wants to become a successful artist and give peoplegoosebumps when they listen to her voice.

The jury and the public immediately become curious and look forward to whatshe has to offer.

And it’s not a little song that Brookes gets into.

Of all the songs in the world, she chooses the classic “One moment in time” byWhitney Houston.

This is how the original sounds:

And risking it all with such a big number is probably something that wouldmake most people choose something else.

Many would probably even say that it is forbidden to start big songs that canonly be done one way – by the original artists.

But Sami is not intimidated.

She takes the song and makes it her own.

When she sets the tone for the great classic, she is confident.

It seems she was just as made for this song as Whitney was.

Before long, the audience and jury are in ecstasy and everyone in the audiencestands up.

Sami has something special and unique.

As she had wished, everyone who hears her voice gets goosebumps all over herbody.

This is really a clip that no one should miss! A truly magical moment when astar is born.

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Joep van Velvet Ede: ‘Many people think I’m quitting because the store is not doing well, but that’s not the case’

Since 1982, Joep Siepman of Velvet Ede has been serving the Edese music lover.In his elongated shop there is something for everyone’s taste in music. Yetafter more than 40 years it comes to an end, Joep has sold his shop. In thisinterview he looks back on the past few years.

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“My love for music started at a young age and as I grew older, I traveled allover the country for certain LPs,” says Joep. “I still remember the DeepPurple and Pink Floyd singles. I like pop music, jazz rock, crowd rock, butalso psychedelic music and soul music from the 60s. The only things I don’treally like are Dutch and German Schlagers.”

Session 38

“When I came out of military service at the age of twenty-three, my brotherand I thought that we wanted to start a record store together. We then made aplan and focused on various buildings in Wageningen. You don’t think itpossible now, but at that time there was not a single retail propertyavailable. We heard through the grapevine that the owner of a record store inEde was looking for a new owner, and we took over that store. We called thecase Session 38.”

“My father had to guarantee the loan for the shop, my brother and I both hadbenefits. Fortunately, after six months that was no longer necessary and wegot our income from the shop. I remember my first week in the store thinking:what am I getting into?! Of course I had some knowledge of music, but I knewvery little about many genres. You didn’t have Google back then, so I readthrough music magazines and I learned a lot from customers. They often knoweverything about their favorite music.”

50 guilders

Joep opened his business in Ede in 1982, in the first few years he only soldLPs, until the CD was introduced in 1984. “I remember well when the first CDscame on the market, we immediately ordered everything that came out, aboutfour hundred pieces. The retail price of a CD was then about fifty guildersand a CD player cost around a thousand guilders. We also had one in the storeso customers could listen to the CDs before buying. In the first few weeks weonly sold two CDs, but over time it grew to 100 to 200 a week. The mid-1990swere boom times, and it continued until the year 2000, when it started todecline. In 2004 there were six music outlets in Ede, which have alldisappeared. The arrival of the MediaMarkt in 2005 also did us no good, weimmediately noticed a drop in turnover.”

During the heyday of the CD, vinyl almost disappeared from the store. Joeponly had one box of LPs left. Nowadays there are bins full of records inVelvet Ede again. “This revival of the long-playing record is mainly due toRecord Store Day, a holiday dedicated to the LP and on which bands perform inrecord stores,” explains Joep. “In 2009 the first edition was in theNetherlands and since then the LP has taken off. The vinyl was put back on themarket by the physical stores and suddenly they held up an LP instead of a CDat De Wereld Draait Door. And not only the elderly love LPs, the youngergeneration also has a record player and collects records. Corona has alsogiven vinyl a boost, people were at home a lot and spent more money on goodmusic. Unlike a CD, an LP is really an experience.”

Joep talking to one of his regular customers, some customers come by threetimes a week. Photo: Eline van Noppen

Ofcourse you can also listen to the latest CDs in the store. Photo: Eline vanNoppen


Joeptalking to one of his regular customers, some customers come by three times aweek. Photo: Eline van Noppen

Ofcourse you can also listen to the latest CDs in the store. Photo: Eline vanNoppen

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Last May 7, on the day of the store’s fortieth anniversary, Joep announcedthat he has sold the building and will stop his business. “Many people thinkI’m quitting because the store is going bad, but that’s not the case. I’mquitting because it’s been nice after more than forty years. The store willremain open until December 31, after which we will close for good and startpacking on January 1, 2023. It must be completely empty here on February 1.The complete inventory is taken over by music store Discords in Nijmegen. I amgoing to make myself a bit useful there after the closure, by transferring myknowledge about music and retail.”

“I will miss the store, especially the contact with the customers. Some peoplecome in three or four times a week. Then we drink coffee and talk about music,but also about other things. I had to get used to that when I opened thestore, people came with their problems after a few weeks. At first I thought:I am not a psychologist. But if you talk to people more often over the years,you automatically start empathizing with them. Regular customers havechildren, you experience that from the sidelines and I have also been to thefunerals of loyal customers.”

Cool atmosphere

“My best memory of the store is probably the Record Store Days and especiallythe performances in the store. The fact that there are a hundred peoplewatching a tape in your store was a really cool atmosphere.” Joep finds itdifficult to say where his loyal customers should go for their LPs or CDs.“There is actually nothing comparable in Ede or the surrounding area, then youreally have to go to Arnhem, Amersfoort or Nijmegen.”