Martijn Krabbé has difficulty with Anouk’s ‘corrupt gang’ statement

Even before the ANGRY episode left The Voice of Holland appeared, singerAnouk resigned as a coach and spoke of a “corrupt gang”. A statement that wentdown the wrong way with presenter Martijn Krabbé. “How do you think we allfelt?” he responded to the statement last night Island of Beau.

It is clear that Martijn Krabbé is touched by the words of his formercolleague.

Anouk lifted The Voice of Holland to ‘unprecedented level’

“After the first few years, Anouk has raised that program to an unprecedentedlevel, because of who she is, because of her reputation,” says Krabbé. “Shewas a godsend to the program.”

Although the program benefited from Anouk as a new jury member, she did notalways make it easy for the makers. “She didn’t like the way the program wasput together at all. She thought it was a shitty format. She said, “I’m happyto coach one, but next round you want me to have eight. Do I then have tochoose seven more bruises who can lose weight later?’ Yes, you have to,because that is the format.” Krabbé could laugh about it himself. “But it tookus a lot of effort as a production to keep her a little cheerful.”

Anouk’s statement touches Krabbé

However, Krabbé could not laugh at the statement made by the singer from TheHague in January. Anouk stepped, even before the ANGRY episode left TheVoice of Holland appeared as a coach and called the program a “corrupt gang”in a video message. “How do you think we all felt there?” Krabbé responds.“We’ve laid out the damn red carpet for you for the past six years. What willwe get now? Corrupt gang? Sorry?”

It is the first time that Krabbé reacts to Anouk’s statement. However, henever discussed it one-on-one with Anouk. “That is of no use. And what good isit? She nuanced it a month later, then I think: well, fine.”

Krabbé is ashamed of the abuses in The Voice

It is clear to see that it is difficult for Krabbé to talk about The Voice.“I don’t know what to say. Because everything can go wrong and because I amvery ashamed of it,” he says. In retrospect, Krabbé thinks he should have seenthe abuses. “I could have asked if everyone was ‘safe’. But I had noindication that it wasn’t.” Still, the presenter feels responsible for whathappened. “Apparently it happened on my watch. And if only 1 percent of whatis being said is true, then it is already really disastrous, and very bad andwrong and terrible.”

Krabbé had hoped to say goodbye to TV with a few last words The Voice But hedoesn’t see that happening any time soon. “It is difficult, because there aremany sides to the issue,” he says. “About 200 people worked there. And as faras I can estimate, at least 197 of them are free of any blame. It was theircareer too, their profession, their pride. All of us spent thirteen years inthe trenches, because that’s what it feels like when you have to work reallyhard on something.”

Island of Beau viewers responded well to Krabbé’s interview. “Martijn isvery frank; seems to have reflected heavily on his life and career,” oneviewer tweeted. Another viewer thinks that Krabbe should not be ashamed atall. “It employs 200 people The Voice Think of a large company, you don’tknow everything that is going on there. And you don’t have to.”

Martijn is very frank; seems to have reflected heavily on his life and> career> #isoladibeau>> — Tweetma’s (@tweetma’s) November 27,> 2022

#isoladibeau> Martin has nothing to be ashamed of in my opinion. 200 people work at The> Voice, think of a large company, you don’t know everything that’s going on> there either. And you don’t have to.>> — Floor Janssen (@janssensnuf) November 27,> 2022

Oh @krabbetv, you really> have nothing to be ashamed of. 💗 The possible perpetrators, they should be> ashamed of themselves> #isoladibeau>> — Lianne van Veen (@Liedje87) November 27,> 2022

Monica and Martin…. Beautiful episode again and two beautiful, nice people> ❤️> #IsolaDiBeau>> — Romy⚽️🤘🏼 (@missxromy2) November 27,> 2022

Isola di Beau can be seen every Sunday at 8 p.m. on RTL 4.