Jessie Jazz Vuijk withdraws: after miscarriage, father also dies | show

updateJessie Jazz Vuijk (27) withdraws for the time being. After announcing amiscarriage earlier today, she now shares the news that her father has passedaway. The former Miss Netherlands, who has a relationship with presenter KajGorgels (32), thanks everyone on Instagram for the sweet messages.

Marlies van Leeuwen, Mark den Blanken 11/28/22, 8:00 AM

Latest update: 28-11-22, 22:16

This morning Vuijk wrote about her lost child. This afternoon she shares aphoto with her father. ‘Dad you made me who I am now, you are no longer herebut closer than ever’. Ben Vuijk, who was a councilor in Vlaardingen, turned65 and had been ill for some time.

Vuijk described the miscarriage earlier today as ‘violent and sad’. Her bodythrew everything out in no time. She was surrounded by people with whom sheworks closely. “I have never felt so behaved and connected. (…) I had tovomit, defecate and bleed at the same time, but after an intense hour therewas peace, confidence, love.’

She wrote that she still feels ‘the soul’ close by. ‘Pregnancy is a completesurrender from moment one. It has already changed me. With tears in my eyesand a heart full of love and trust, I feel you close.’ The former MissNetherlands, who is now an influencer with more than 300,000 followers onInstagram, does not experience the miscarriage as ‘a failure’. ‘As if this hadto be done to make room in advance. And I can’t say anything else, it set alot in motion.’


Vuijk experiences a lot of support from her friend Kaj Gorgels, who was thepresenter of until this season Expedition Robinson. “There isn’t a man onearth man I’d rather go into this with. Not a man I’d rather see as the fatherof my child. I fell even more in love with you than I already was. Our babywill come, I’m 100 percent sure.’

The couple, who have been together since 2018, have been living in Ibiza sincelast year. It is not known how long Vuijk had been pregnant. She had alreadyshared the news with a number of people around her.