IN PICTURE. ‘Zons Van Van As: De Cross’ premieres at Kinepolis: “A film brimming with emotions” (Antwerp)

The Zillionmadness has not yet subsided when another Flemish film premiered atKinepolis Antwerp on Monday evening. Sons Of Van As: The Cross is the finalpart of the television series that captivated many a VTM viewer for fiveseasons. The film will also be shown to the general public from December 7.

No purple red carpet, semi-erotic dancers or pumping beats like with Zillion,but a yellow cloth, crush barriers with X2O advertising and gigantic rubberducks. The club atmosphere made way for the folksy cyclocross atmosphere, andthe fans who were present really appreciated that.

Following cyclo-cross heroes such as Niels Albert, Erwin Vervecken and BartWellens, Jaak Van Assche, Carry Goossens, Peter Van den Eede and other membersof the cast climbed the stairs towards the cinema complex. Inside they weremet by hordes of fans trying to catch a glimpse of the actors on the gallerywall. Just before 8 pm, the enthusiastic cinemagoers flocked to the fivedifferent (full) halls in which the film was shown for the first time.

Typical Flemish atmosphere

Céline (22) and Kjenta (22) from Sint-Niklaas were on hot coals. “We bothwatched the program. The typical Flemish atmosphere is the programme’s secretweapon, which we hope will be reflected in the film. In any case, we expect afilm full of emotions, both in a positive and negative sense”, laughs Céline.“We just want to turn our minds off and forget all our worries. There itseemed Sons Of Van As ideal for us”, adds Kjenta.

“I have seen all seasons from the first to the last minute. It is one of thebest series of recent years, so the film promises to be just as good,” saysJelle (18). He brought along his comrade Dennis (17), who had never been toSons Of Van As watched. “And yet I am curious. He explained things to me andshowed me some pictures. Besides, we like the same movies. After The Championsit’s our second premiere. We are very curious”, says Jelle.

© Jan Van der Perre

“Everyone is great”

And while the duo rushes to the hall, Kyra (16) from Bree hopes to catch aglimpse of Maaike Cafmeyer. “She is one of the reasons we are here. But reallyeveryone is great. The television program was great. Hopefully the movie willnot disappoint. We are happy to be able to attend a premiere sometime. Youkeep staring at your eyes. It’s very special. On to a great movie now,”concludes her mother Kathleen.

“You get what you expect Sons Of Van As”, hear the guests in room eight. Itsounded like music to the ears of those present. The light went out. BenSegers, Peter Thyssen and Tania Kloek appeared on the silver screen. Thetrain, or rather the excavator, had left.

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre


Sons of Van As: De Cross can be seen by the general public from 7 December.