Bambi is coming back as a gory horror movie (and Disney isn’t happy)

After Winnie the Pooh, Bambi is also going to be put in a gruesome horrorjacket, and Disney can’t help it.

Most Disney classics are based on stories that already existed. Fairy tales orbooks, given a new animation jacket. Still, the entertainment giant is doingeverything it can to keep its characters out of the public domain.

Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey

Partly due to Disney’s long track record, however, that is no longer always anoption. As a result, it is possible that a horror film about Winnie the Poohwill get a cinema release.

Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey , of which we recently shared the luridfirst trailer, will be released in American cinemas next year. It is obviousthat the makers are purely piggybacking on the popularity of Disney and theshock factor of a horror version of Pooh.

Bambi is also getting a horror movie

Without the well-known character, we wouldn’t even be talking about the movieright now. Yet that trick is lucrative, that’s clear. In fact, ITN Studios andJagged Edged Productions have realized that you can milk the formulaendlessly. At the beginning of next year they will give the story of Bambi anew look. A bloody horror jacket.

Why Disney Lets This Happen

The original Disney film dates from 1942, and is based on a 1923 book by theAustro-Hungarian author Felix Salten. By emphatically relying on that book,the makers of the upcoming film will probably be able to evade Disney’smerciless army of lawyers. Salten’s original work has been in the publicdomain since 2016. As long as the makers don’t use features that Disneyintroduced, such as the design of Bambi himself, they can go ahead.

“The film will be an incredibly dark retelling of the 1923 story we all knowand love,” said producer Scott Jeffrey. “Inspired by the design used in TheRitual from Netflix, Bambi becomes a vicious killing machine lurking in thewilderness. Prepare for Bambi with rabies!”

Weak trick or formula for success?

Uh, yes, intense. Rhys Frake-Waterfield will direct the horror film, whichwill begin filming sometime early next year. He was already at the helm of_Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey_ the project that started this absurdadventure.

For now, it’s all a matter of waiting. The team clearly understands that theyhave a formula for success, but the question is whether the films will haveany right to exist without the Disney link. Piggybacking on the recognitionfactor once will work, but will the public continue to buy tickets for thistrick?

Peter Pan

We’ll find out next year. In any case, the makers are ambitious: the thirdfilm is already on the schedule. Frake-Waterfield has also announced that heis working on a dark version of Peter Pan called Peter Pan: NeverlandNightmare. Meanwhile, Disney is doing everything it can to prevent thesekinds of projects. So far in vain.