You can visit this inspiring flex workplace for free (!) in Den Bosch

Recently you can go to a very inspiring flexible workplace in Den Bosch. Inone of the art spaces of Willem Twee music and visual arts, workplaces havebeen set up that you can use for free. You just walk in and get to work. Isyour working day over? Then you can finish off nicely with a visit to theWillem Twee pop stage. Nice!

Janna (20), Maik (36) and Ronella (47) certainly like to come here. Notsurprising, because you have good WiFi, space, tranquility, an inspiring placeand heating panels that make it pleasant to work. The people of Brabantexplain why they enjoy working here so much.

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Janna likes to sit with Willem Twee

Perfect place for Janna to study

Janna lives in Eindhoven and studies at the Fontys University of AppliedSciences in Tilburg, but likes to travel to Den Bosch to work here. “When Ifirst came here, I immediately thought it was a beautiful building. It’sindustrial, but not in a cold and chilly way,” she says. The workplaces arealso more pleasant than those at her school.

“Here you have more space on the table for your things and you are notconstantly distracted by people walking by,” says Janna. She continues: “Thereare also infrared panels that you can operate yourself. So you won’t sufferfrom cold feet and you can warm your hands on it. And that without having tokeep the entire room warm!” Ronella is also a fan of this: “I’m a real coldperson and I’m nice and warm here.”

The location makes it the ideal workplace, explains Janna: “When I lose myfocus, I just walk around. Then my head is empty again and I can continue.”There is a new exhibition every two months. Janna says: “I really like thecurrent exhibition, of everyday sounds that have been incorporated into music.At the previous exhibition there was a slide in the room, which you couldslide down between working.” Fortunately, the noises do not bother you at allwhen you are working here.

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WillemTwee offers an ideal flexible workplace for gym owner Maik

A stone’s throw from Maik’s gym

Maik has his own gym in Den Bosch, a stone’s throw from Willem Twee:TrainStation073. Practically an ideal location for his office. When he walkedin for the first time, he was immediately sold: “I immediately had a pleasantfeeling. The atmosphere is just nice, that’s something you can’t describe.”

Still, it was not self-evident that Maik would come here: “I always drove pastit, but I thought it was just an exhibition space. When I went in, I found outthat it was very different.” He also finds peace to work at Willem Twee.“Everyone is working for themselves. That is why I can work well here withoutbeing disturbed, I like that.”

Not only the workplaces are a reason for Maik to keep coming back. “You canconfer undisturbed in the Willem Twee café. You also eat tasty and healthyhere.” Even if you are vegetarian or vegan you are in the right place here.For Maik Willem Twee is of course very close to his gym, but the location isconvenient for many more people, he says: “You are five minutes from the citycenter and three minutes from the station and you can also easily park infront of the door.”

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Ronellais completely at home with Willem Twee

As an office for freelancer Ronella

Ronella is a native of Bossche and works as a freelance marketer/writer forclients throughout the country. Sometimes she works at clients’ offices, buton other working days she likes to come to Willem Twee. “It feels a bit likegoing to the office, I like that. I can also work at home in Den Bosch, butthen you will do laundry faster,” says Ronella.

But it’s more than practical. “You are in an art space with a differentexhibition every time. In fact, my office is constantly being redecorated. Imainly work in the cultural sector and you are in the middle of that here.Sometimes that also results in a new assignment for me,” explains Ronella.

So enough people around you, but without being distracted, says Ronella: “It’svery busy, but not too busy. It is also clear that you come there to work.”Like Janna, Ronella is impressed by the property. “It is a monument, butwithout being old-fashioned. The lighting is also beautiful. I like that.”

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Also your flexible workplace in Den Bosch

Do you also see yourself sitting at such a flexible workplace in Den Bosch atWillem Twee? Which can! Take your things with you and enjoy the good WiFiwhile you work or study. Everyone is welcome and it costs absolutely nothing.There are even more options in addition to the flexible workplaces.

For example, rent a meeting room for your presentation or meeting in one ofthe adjacent rooms. These are suitable for groups of 2 to 50 people. WillemTwee is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on weekends from 11