Woman hypnotizes everyone with ‘forbidden’ classic

There is magic in music that is hard to describe.

Within seconds you feel goosebumps all over your body when a voice reallytouches you deeply.

When Sami Brookes competed on Britain ‘s Got Talent, she knew she had to dowell to get ahead.

In music competitions it is important to quickly stand out from the crowdand immediately show what kind of star you are.

And no one could have prepared for the enormous talent that Sami actuallyhas.

Seeing your biggest idol live is an experience that is difficult to describe.

Maybe you’ve spent thousands of hours listening to your favorite artist orgroup while your mind has been wandering.

With the help of their music, we can get the support we need in difficulttimes.

They are there as our friends and express the words we so desperately needwhen life is equally difficult.

But the music is also there when you need that extra push for motivation andinspiration.

Giant stars like Elvis Presley and Whitney Houston had a talent for that.

They could convey emotions in an absolutely incredible way.

Whether it was celebrations and happy times, or loss and sadness, they wereable to express that feeling incredibly well.

Unfortunately, they both left our world and few people have reached theirlevel since then.

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Lives up to classic

But there are people who try and actually succeed in that mission.

Sami Brookes competed in the UK’s Got Talent, showcasing her exuberantpersonality.

Prior to her audition, she admitted that she was nervous before facing thejudges and audience.

But the dream comes into view.

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Sami tells us that she wants to become a successful artist and give peoplegoosebumps when they listen to her voice.

The jury and the public immediately become curious and look forward to whatshe has to offer.

And it’s not a little song that Brookes gets into.

Of all the songs in the world, she chooses the classic “One moment in time” byWhitney Houston.

This is how the original sounds:

And risking it all with such a big number is probably something that wouldmake most people choose something else.

Many would probably even say that it is forbidden to start big songs that canonly be done one way – by the original artists.

But Sami is not intimidated.

She takes the song and makes it her own.

When she sets the tone for the great classic, she is confident.

It seems she was just as made for this song as Whitney was.

Before long, the audience and jury are in ecstasy and everyone in the audiencestands up.

Sami has something special and unique.

As she had wished, everyone who hears her voice gets goosebumps all over herbody.

This is really a clip that no one should miss! A truly magical moment when astar is born.

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