Samantha Steenwijk guesses the voice from 46-year-old hit in Secret duets in seven seconds: ‘Yes duh!’ | show

UpdateSamantha Steenwijk proved why in front of 845,000 viewers last night_Secret duets_ would do well to turn on a voice changer with some secretsinging partners. Upon hearing the real voice, she guessed who it was withinseven seconds (!) while the rest of the panel had no idea. “Yeah, sure!”

In the RTL 4 singing show, well-known artists duet with someone they cannotsee. Using the voice and some hints, they have to guess who is on the otherside of a thick wall. That can be a professional vocalist, but also acelebrity who is not known to be able to sing.

In rare cases, the makers also use a distorter. That happens when they fearthat the voice is too recognizable, said presenter Jamai Loman when Hans deBooij recently participated. It happened for the second time last night, asrapper Donnie kicked off the show with his duet.

The guessing panel – tonight consisting of Eva Simons, Frans Bauer, Samanthaand Donnie – could do very little with the clues from the hints video. Therewas a can of black paint. Did that refer to the surname Schilder and was itthe Volendam singer Nick? Samantha thought in the same direction, but thenabout former BZN star Anny.

Neither the voice nor the hints rang a bell with Eva Simons and Frans Bauer inSecret duets. © RTL

Marbles also passed by in the video, which put Frans Bauer on the trail of themarble show marble mania. Was it host Winston Gerschtanowitz? Eva Simonscame with Robert ten Brink, as a heart-shaped pillow was also shown and he_All you need is love_ presents. It later became clear in the studio that itwas a woman, but that was it. The voice, in the first part of the duetsounding like the famous Crazy Frog, did not ring a bell.

In the second part of She knows the deformer went off. Steenwijk needed atotal of seven seconds. “Yeah, sure!” she exclaimed. Samantha couldn’t evenimagine that Eva and Frans didn’t hear it. They were stunned and got nowherewhen Jamai reported as the last hint that the secret singer had a ‘sickhit’. “I listened to this woman so much and sang myself,” said Samantha. “Avoice out of thousands.”

Rapper Donnie did not immediately recognize the voice in Secretduets.Rapper Donnie did not immediately recognize the voice in Secret duets. © RTL

The black paint turned out to refer to Swart, the real last name of the secretsinger. The heart pillow with arms had to do with Put your arm around me , ahit by the artist from 1983. You use marbles when playing outside, somethingthe singer was once invited to in a song. And whoever scores a ‘sick’ hit, ofcourse calls the doctor, in this case doctor Bernhard from the 1976 hit.Bonnie St. Claire (73) stood behind the wall.

,,No, no, no”, Eva just shouted, who had eventually bet her money on CorryKonings. Frans Bauer didn’t even dare say what he had filled in. The ‘sickhit’ reminded him of the song uncle Jan by Willeke Alberti, in which thesubject cannot be saved by a doctor. So he wrote down Alberti. “I amcompletely astounded, completely of mine by the way “, he said.

Behind the wall in Secret duets was Bonnie St.Claire.Behind the wall in Secret duets was Bonnie St. Claire. © RTL

Bonje Cornelia Swart, as Bonnie is really called, has been in the business for56 years and scored several hits in the 70s and 80s. In recent years shestruggled with alcohol addiction, but nowadays she is sober and has adifferent attitude to life. She feels like she’s only just started, she toldour magazine Mezza.

Watch Bonnie ‘s revelation below, with a piece of Doctor Bernhard: