New on Netflix: these films and series appeared this week | Movies & Series

Every week, Netflix expands the range with many new series and films. Withthis week: the new Netflix series: Wednesday the documentary GhislaineMaxwell: Filthy Rich folk horror Midsommar and more.


Under The Queen ‘s Umbrella (season 1)

We know enough Western royal dramas these days. In this South Koreanperformance, we see how Queen Hwaryeong (Kim Hye Soo) tries to get her sons inline to prepare them for kingship. Meanwhile, her enemies prey on the highestpolitical position in the country.

The Addams Family is back! This series is about – you guessed it – Wednesday,the youngest daughter of the family. She attends Nevermore Academy, a schoolfor vampires, werewolves and other creatures struggling to find their place insociety. Wednesday feels out of place here and wants to leave as soon aspossible, but then she gets involved in a murder mystery.

Blood, Sex & Royalty (season 1)

In the 16th century it was not so easy for women at the English court. Theycould become wives, mistress, nuns, spinsters, but that was about it. AnneBoleyn (Amy James-Kelly) was a noble woman who was not satisfied with that.She didn’t mince words and got into an affair with King Henry VIII. In thisunique documentary series, dramatized scenes alternate with commentary fromhistorians.


The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this true-life drama as shady businessman JordanBelfort. Jordan started the stock trading company Stratton Oakmont in the late1980s and quickly became one of Wall Street’s icons. This involved lavishpartying and lots of sex, booze and drugs, until the FBI caught up with him.

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Dani (Florence Pugh) is left traumatized when her family dies. At the sametime, she estranges from her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor). When Christianflies to Sweden to attend a midsummer party, she travels with him. Thefestival begins as an ode to love, but takes increasingly lurid forms.

The Swimmers tells the true story of two Syrian sisters who flee the war intheir country and pursue their dream of one day swimming in the Olympic Games.When the two manage to cross the sea via a rubber boat, they are approachedfor a refugee swimming team.

In this French thriller, Thomas (Txomin Vergez) wakes up after being in a comafor three years. Thomas’s parents have been murdered and his sister ismissing. With the help of the psychiatrist, he tries to remember the nightbefore the massacre to discover the truth.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich (2022)

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich caused much outrage. In this documentaryseries, we saw how the multimillionaire set up a network that allowed underagewomen to be abused by powerful men. Ghislaine Maxwell served as JeffreyEpstein’s right-hand man for years, helping him build his abuse empire. Thisdocumentary takes a closer look at her role and gives the floor to thoseinvolved.

The four friends Gerard (Stefan de Walle), Kees (Frank Lammers), Leo (Martinvan Waardenberg) and Nico (Marcel Hensema) run a car garage in Rotterdam. Allfour of them walk around with secrets that they dare not tell each other. Thenthey discover that Gerard has a tax debt of 40,000 euros and they decide toparticipate in the Rotterdam marathon to raise money. At the same time, Gerardis told that he is suffering from esophageal cancer and has only one year tolive.

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These films and series also arrived on Netflix this week:

A woman comes to the doctor (2009) The happy housewife (2010) Garden in my Heart (2017) Brasserie Valentine (2016) Sneek week (2016) Holland Nature in the Delta (2015) Dummie the Mummy (2014) Made for each other (2017) Dummie the Mummy and the Tomb of Achnetut (2017) The Hell of ’63 (2009) The Matchmaker (2017) Hartenstraat (2014) Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba (2015) False (2018) Single 39 (2019) 100 percent Coco New York (2019) Penoza: The Final Chapter (2019) Sorry! (2013) Men ‘s hearts (2013) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Penny ‘s Shadow (2011) Bully (2017) Sandcastle Tapes (2021) Secrets of Squirrels (2021) Paolo Cognetti. Sogni di Grande Nord (2020) So Much About Digital (2018) The Jonestown Haunting (2020)