10 new top movies you can stream on Netflix and HBO right now

Netflix and HBO Max have added a total of ten new top films to their offer. Welist them for you, including IMDb scores and trailers.

Competition between streaming services is intense in 2022. Netflix suddenlyhas to tolerate a lot of competitors, who also fish from the same pond withcinema films.

New top movies on HBO Max and Netflix

This week is another big hit: both HBO Max and Netflix have added aninteresting load of top films to their offer. We list them for you.

New movies on HBO Max

Groundhog Day (1993)

Groundhog Day is a 1993 comedy starring Bill Murray. He plays Phil, anarcissistic weatherman who has to travel to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania forwork to cover the Groundhog Day tradition. But then he turns out to be stuckin a time loop, a time loop, and the same day starts over and over again.Classic!

IMDb Score: 8.1

The Dresser (2015)

Director Richard Eyre has The Dresser based on the play of the same name.The film is a gripping drama about an elderly actor, played by a top formAnthony Hopkins, and his personal assistant, played by Ian McKellen.Recommended for fans of the better drama film. Hopkins and McKellen asprotagonists, what more could you want?

IMDb Score: 6.7

Carnage (2011)

The general public got to know the Austrian actor Christoph Waltz thanks to_Inglourious Basterds_. That tasted like more, and you get a good portion ofthat Carnage , a comedy about two couples who get together after a fightbetween their sons. At first it seems that the parents get along well, butthings gradually go off the rails. The set-up is small-scale, but that offersactors such as Waltz and Jodie Foster all the space to impress with theiracting. Without pauses, completely in real time.

IMDb Score: 7.1

Drive (2011)

Drive is a unique film set in the seedy underworld of Hollywood. The leadrole is played by Ryan Gosling, who plays an anonymous stuntman who works as adriver at night, especially for criminals. When a job goes wrong, he gets themost dangerous mobster in Los Angeles after him. He can only do one thing:drive, drive endlessly. Top film with a soundtrack that will stay with you fora long time.

IMDb Score: 7.8

Mary Full of Grace (2004)

The story of Mary Full of Grace revolves around a pregnant Colombianteenager who becomes a drug smuggler to raise some money for her family. So noairy material. It is a hard film with a serious message, but don’t ignore thisgem from 2004 for that reason: Mary Full of Grace impresses.

IMDb Score: 7.4

New movies on Netflix

Penoza: The Final Chapter (2019)

If you are a fan of suspense thrillers within the crime genre, then Penoza:The Final Chapter definitely one to consider. In this Dutch film, the maincharacter Carmen van Walraven (played by Monic Hendrickx) returns to Amsterdamto deal with unfinished business, with all its consequences. Mandatory numberfor fans of the series! IMDb Score: 6.2

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Netflix has with Moonrise Kingdom get a new pearl. It’s a unique film by WesAnderson, which you should say enough already. The story revolves around twoyoung lovers who choose to run away together. Datt arranges for a grand questto find the two. Throw in a beautiful visual Wes Anderson sauce and a top castand you have a unique gem of a film.

IMDb Score: 7.8

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Well, who hasn’t seen it yet? Netflix stays The Wolf of Wall Street pick itup again and again. The film is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort.With an IMDb score of 8.2 and a top cast including Leonardo DiCaprio andMargot Robbie, you don’t have to doubt: this top film is worth (re)watching.

IMDb Score: 8.2

Get Out (2017)

Get Out is a fairly recent top film that contains both horror and comedyelements. The story revolves around a young African-American man named Chrisstaying with his girlfriend’s family for the first time. He initiallyconcludes that their somewhat strange behavior has to do with theirinterracial relationship, but several disturbing events make it clear thatthere is more to it. IMDb Score: 7.7

The Hell of ’63 (2009)

Finally, we have a Dutch film for you, Hell of ’63. The film is based ontrue events and tells the story of the infamous Elfstedentocht in 1963, thetoughest Elfstedentocht ever. We follow a soldier, a worker, a nurse and afarmer’s son, all four of whom have decided to participate. It results in aheroic adventure, with a traditional Dutch touch.